1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185
From: Helmut Grohne <[email protected]>
Subject: Remove the build date
Forwarded: no
Closes: #875568
Presenting the date of the build is of very limited value. It has
significant downsides though:
* Embedding the date makes the build unreproducible. An alternative
to removing it would be using SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH.
* The way of computing it involves running the today utility which
is compiled with the host architecture compiler and thus breaks
cross compilation.
Thus this patch opts for removing the dubious feature.
arj.c | 2 -
arj.h | 1 -
arjsfx.c | 2 -
gnu/makefile.in | 27 ----------------------
rearj.c | 2 -
resource/resource.txt | 6 ---
6 files changed, 11 insertions( ), 29 deletions(-)
--- a/arj.c
@@ -832,7 832,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
msg_strcpy(strcpy_buf, M_VERSION);
- msg_cprintf(0, M_ARJ_BANNER, M_ARJ_BINDING, strcpy_buf, build_date);
msg_cprintf(0, M_ARJ_BANNER, M_ARJ_BINDING, strcpy_buf);
if(!is_registered&&!msg_strcmp((FMSG *)(regdata REG_KEY2_SHIFT), M_REG_TYPE))
msg_cprintf(0, M_REGISTERED_TO, regdata REG_NAME_SHIFT);
--- a/arj.h
@@ -12,7 12,6 @@
#include "bindings.h"
#include "environ.h"
#include "defines.h"
-#include "date_sig.h"
#include "arjtypes.h"
--- a/arjsfx.c
@@ -244,7 244,7 @@ void show_sfx_logo()
for(nptr=tptr=archive_name; *tptr!='\0'; tptr )
if(strchr(path_separators, *tptr)!=NULL)
nptr=tptr 1;
- msg_cprintf(0, M_ARJSFX_BANNER, M_VERSION, nptr, build_date);
msg_cprintf(0, M_ARJSFX_BANNER, M_VERSION, nptr);
msg_cprintf(0, lf);
--- a/gnu/makefile.in
@@ -164,13 164,13 @@ $(SFXSTUB_DIR)/%.o: $(SRC_DIR)/%.c
# Main dependency tree
-.PHONY: timestamp msg-headers depends prepare clean package help
.PHONY: msg-headers depends prepare clean package help
-all: prepare timestamp
all: prepare
$(MAKE) msg-headers
$(MAKE) depends
$(MAKE) do-all
@@ -206,22 206,12 @@ endif
depends: $(DEPS)
-# Update timestamp file
-timestamp: $(TOOLS_DIR)/today$x
- $(TOOLS_DIR)/today$x $(LOCALE) $(BASEDIR)
# The tools
MSGBIND_OBJS = $(patsubst %,$(TOOLS_DIR)/%, \
filemode.o msgbind.o arjdata.o crc32.o)
-TODAY_OBJS = $(patsubst %,$(TOOLS_DIR)/%, \
- filemode.o today.o)
MAKE_KEY_OBJS = $(patsubst %,$(TOOLS_DIR)/%, \
make_key.o crc32.o misc.o arj_proc.o arjsec_h.o arjsec_l.o)
@@ -237,9 227,6 @@ PACKAGER_OBJS = $(patsubst %,$(TOOLS_DIR
$(TOOLS_DIR)/msgbind$x: $(MSGBIND_OBJS)
-$(TOOLS_DIR)/today$x: $(TODAY_OBJS)
$(TOOLS_DIR)/make_key$x: $(MAKE_KEY_OBJS)
@@ -252,10 239,6 @@ $(TOOLS_DIR)/join$x: $(JOIN_OBJS)
$(TOOLS_DIR)/packager$x: $(PACKAGER_OBJS)
-# This rule tells that timestamping badly needs date_sig.c (it may bail out
-# otherwise when the timestamps are being created for the first time)
-$(BASEDIR)/date_sig.c: timestamp
# And this one explicitly specifies that chk_fmsg depends on individual files
$(ARJ_DIR)/chk_fmsg.o: $(SRC_DIR)/chk_fmsg.c $(BASEDIR)/fmsg_arj.c
$(ARJSFX_DIR)/chk_fmsg.o: $(SRC_DIR)/chk_fmsg.c $(BASEDIR)/fmsg_sfx.c
@@ -300,7 283,7 @@ $(BASEDIR)/nmsg_stb.c $(BASEDIR)/msg_stb
ARJSFXV_OBJS = $(patsubst %,$(ARJSFXV_DIR)/%, \
- sfx_id.o filemode.o date_sig.o fmsg_sfv.o imsg_sfv.o nmsg_sfv.o \
sfx_id.o filemode.o fmsg_sfv.o imsg_sfv.o nmsg_sfv.o \
decode.o arjsfx.o fardata.o arj_user.o arj_arcv.o arj_file.o \
crc32.o misc.o debug.o arj_proc.o environ.o ea_mgr.o ntstream.o \
uxspec.o ext_hdr.o arjtypes.o exe_sear.o chk_fmsg.o filelist.o \
@@ -356,7 339,7 @@ $(BASEDIR)/msg_sfj.h: $(TOOLS_DIR)/msgbi
ARJ_OBJS = $(patsubst %,$(ARJ_DIR)/%, \
- filemode.o date_sig.o fmsg_arj.o imsg_arj.o \
filemode.o fmsg_arj.o imsg_arj.o \
nmsg_arj.o integr.o file_reg.o decode.o encode.o \
arj.o enc_gwy.o fardata.o arj_user.o arj_arcv.o \
arj_file.o crc32.o misc.o debug.o arj_proc.o \
@@ -393,7 376,7 @@ $(BASEDIR)/msg_arj.h: $(TOOLS_DIR)/msgbi
REARJ_OBJS = $(patsubst %,$(REARJ_DIR)/%, \
- integr.o filemode.o date_sig.o fmsg_rej.o nmsg_rej.o file_reg.o \
integr.o filemode.o fmsg_rej.o nmsg_rej.o file_reg.o \
rearj.o fardata.o arj_file.o crc32.o misc.o debug.o arj_proc.o \
environ.o arjtypes.o filelist.o scrnio.o arjsec_h.o arjsec_l.o \
--- a/rearj.c
@@ -1294,7 1294,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- msg_cprintf(0, M_REARJ_BANNER, build_date);
msg_cprintf(0, M_REARJ_BANNER);
#ifdef USE_TZSET
--- a/resource/resource.txt
@@ -294,7 294,7 @@
{FARMSGS} {M_REPLIES_HELP} {MSG_ARJ, MSG_SFV, MSG_SFX} {*} {} {en, fr, de, ru} {F} {"Yes, No, or Quit? ", "Oui, Non, ou Quitte ? ", "Ja, Nein, oder Abbruch? ", "Y=, N=, Q=室: "}
{FARMSGS} {M_ALL_REPLIES_HELP} {MSG_ARJ, MSG_SFV} {*} {} {en, fr, de, ru} {F} {"Yes, No, Quit, Always, Skip, Global, Command? ", "Oui, Non, Quitte, Toujours, Passe, Global, Commande ? ", "Ja, Nein, Abbruch, Immer, berspringen, Global, Kommando? ", "Y=,\nN=,\nQ=室,\nA=\"\" 騥 ,\nS=\"\" 騥 ,\nG=\"\" 騥 ⨯\nC=믮 譥 \n? "}
{FARMSGS} {M_REPLIES} {MSG_ARJ, MSG_SFV} {*} {} {en, fr, de, ru} {F} {"YNQASGC", "ONQTPGC", "JNAIGK", "YNQASGC"}
-{FARMSGS} {M_ARJ_BANNER} {MSG_ARJ} {*} {} {en, FR, de, ru} {F} {"@PRODUCT v %s%s, Copyright (c) 1998-2004, ARJ Software Russia. %s\n", "", "@PRODUCT v %s%s, Copyright (c) 1998-2004, ARJ Software Russia. %s\n", "@PRODUCT %s%s. ᪨ ࠢ ARJ Software Russia. %s\n"}
{FARMSGS} {M_ARJ_BANNER} {MSG_ARJ} {*} {} {en, FR, de, ru} {F} {"@PRODUCT v %s%s, Copyright (c) 1998-2004, ARJ Software Russia.\n", "", "@PRODUCT v %s%s, Copyright (c) 1998-2004, ARJ Software Russia.\n", "@PRODUCT %s%s. ᪨ ࠢ ARJ Software Russia.\n"}
* OS-specific messages
@@ -474,7 474,7 @@
{FARMSGS} {M_WRONG_ENC_VERSION} {MSG_SFV} {*} {} {en, FR, de, ru} {F} {"Wrong encryption version", "", "Falsche Verschlsselungsversion", "ন "}
-{FARMSGS} {M_ARJSFX_BANNER} {MSG_SFV} {*} {} {en, FR, de, ru} {F} {"ARJSFXV %s - ARJ Archive Self-Extractor. %s -? for help.\nCopyright 1999-2004, ARJ Software Russia. All Rights Reserved. %s\n", "", "ARJSFXV %s - ARJ Archiv Selbst-Entpacker. %s -? for help.\nCopyright 1999-2004, ARJ Software Russia. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. %s\n", "ᯠ뢠騩 娢 ARJSFXV %s. ࠢ %s -?\n(C) 1998-2004, ARJ Software Russia. %s\n"}
{FARMSGS} {M_ARJSFX_BANNER} {MSG_SFV} {*} {} {en, FR, de, ru} {F} {"ARJSFXV %s - ARJ Archive Self-Extractor. %s -? for help.\nCopyright 1999-2004, ARJ Software Russia. All Rights Reserved.\n", "", "ARJSFXV %s - ARJ Archiv Selbst-Entpacker. %s -? for help.\nCopyright 1999-2004, ARJ Software Russia. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.\n", "ᯠ뢠騩 娢 ARJSFXV %s. ࠢ %s -?\n(C) 1998-2004, ARJ Software Russia.\n"}
{FARMSGS} {M_SW_PARAMS} {MSG_SFV} {*} {} {*} {F} {"100000002000000010000000000010000"}
@@ -585,7 585,7 @@
{FARMSGS} {M_NO_INTEGRITY_PATTERN} {MSG_REJ} {*} {} {en, FR, de, ru} {F} {"Program integrity is questionable!\n", "", "Programmintegritt in fragwrdig!\n", " ணࠬ ᦠ ०\n"}
{FARMSGS} {M_INTEGRITY_VIOLATED} {MSG_REJ} {*} {} {en, FR, de, ru} {F} {"Program integrity is questionable!!\n", "", "Programmintegritt in fragwrdig!!\n", "⭮ ணࠬ ᮬ!\n"}
{FARMSGS} {M_INTEGRITY_OK} {MSG_REJ} {*} {} {en, FR, de, ru} {F} {"Program passes integrity check.\n", "", "Programm besteht Integrittsprfung.\n", "ணࠬ ᯥ譮 諠 楫⭮.\n"}
-{FARMSGS} {M_REARJ_BANNER} {MSG_REJ} {*} {} {en, FR, de, ru} {F} {"REARJ 2.43.02, Copyright (c) 1999-2004, ARJ Software Russia. %s\n", "", "REARJ 2.43.02, Copyright (c) 1999-2004, ARJ Software Russia. %s\n", "REARJ 2.43.02, (c) 1999-2004, ARJ Software Russia. %s\n"}
{FARMSGS} {M_REARJ_BANNER} {MSG_REJ} {*} {} {en, FR, de, ru} {F} {"REARJ 2.43.02, Copyright (c) 1999-2004, ARJ Software Russia.\n", "", "REARJ 2.43.02, Copyright (c) 1999-2004, ARJ Software Russia.\n", "REARJ 2.43.02, (c) 1999-2004, ARJ Software Russia.\n"}
{FARMSGS} {M_REARJ_COMMANDS} {MSG_REJ} {*} {} {en, FR, de, ru} {F} {@hrej_en.txt, "", @hrej_de.txt, @hrej_ru.txt}
{FARMSGS} {M_REARJ_RCODES} {MSG_REJ} {*} {} {en, FR, de, ru} {F} {@hrejc_en.txt, "", @hrejc_de.txt, @hrejc_ru.txt}
{FARMSGS} {M_CANTREAD} {MSG_REJ} {*} {} {en, FR, de, ru} {F} {"End of file on input", "", "Eingabedatei zu Ende", "०६ 䠩 ⥭"}