#1 Lead Generation platform for companies
Predict future revenue from various industries, countries, and regions. combines your sales performance data with our massive market dataset to create predictive model that shows your revenue potential from various industries, countries, and regions. Create micro-targeted account lists in minutes. creates hyper-targeted lists of companies that are very similar to your best customers - not just in terms of firmographics, but also in terms of what those companies actually do. Refine your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) based on your actual sales performance data. Get an analysis-ready breakdown of your new business pipeline, and align your team and resources around a common ICP determined by data. Build a smart prediction model that can identify customer and market segments with the highest and lowest churn rates. You can grow your revenue by keeping more customers on board and finding areas for upsell.
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Sales Intelligence Reviews
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"Very Insightful Product" Posted 2019-10-25
Pros: Great UI.
Fast Implementation of new features.
Insightful data.
Great Customer Service
Experience Sales Rep.Cons: As a relatively new software in the market, they are still implementing new filters per technology. But they already have 200 filters, so I should not say this is a weakness, as it is just a matter of time. And they are implementing new ones very fast.
Overall: It's been a great experience in using the product and dealing with the after-sales team when needed. Very insightful data.
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