Investors seeking a solution to structure, prioritise and govern their portfolio
About JourneyLab
Make your effort and investment dollars count. JourneyLab makes it easy to structure, prioritize and govern your portfolio based on strategic contribution. Give executives meaningful insight into how their initiatives are contributing to business results. End-to-end transparency and traceability from strategy to execution, across time periods, so you know what needs improvement. Continuous, 2-way feedback loop to keep information flowing between key stakeholders and decision-makers. So you know what’s changing and how to respond to it. Actionable insights to help optimize your portfolio, whether it’s stopping or doubling down. Discuss challenges as they emerge, and make real-time adjustments as needed. Connect your portfolio of projects, BAU initiatives, product proposals and asset investments to strategy, to ensure effort is aligned with results. Track how well the initiatives are delivering the desired business outcomes with automatically generated lead indicators.