Developers interested in a tool for writing code and building applications
About FuelPHP
The Fuel PHP framework is a fast, simple, and flexible PHP 5.4 framework, born from the best ideas of other frameworks, with a fresh start. It was born out of the frustrations people have with the currently available frameworks and developed with support from a community of developers. FuelPHP is extremely portable, works on almost any server, and prides itself on clean syntax. FuelPHP is an MVC (Model View Controller) framework that was designed from the ground up to have full support for HMVC as part of its architecture. But we didn't stop there, we also added ViewModels (also known as presentation models) into the mix which gives you the option to add a powerful layer between the controller and the view. FuelPHP also supports a more router-based approach where you might route directly to a closure which deals with the input URI, making the closure the controller and giving it control of further execution.