Cocos2D-ObjC is a framework for building 2D games, demos, and other graphical/interactive applications for iOS, Mac and tvOS. It is based on the Cocos2D design, but instead of using Python it uses Swift and / or Objective-C. Integrated with Chipmunk physics engine (Served as an extension). Tile Map support. Orthogonal, Isometric and Hexagonal. Parallax scrolling (Served as an extension). Motion Streak (Served as an extension). Render To Texture (Served as an extension). Touch/Accelerometer on iOS. Touch/Mouse/Keyboard on Mac. Sound Engine support based on OpenAL (Served as an extension). Integrated Slow motion/Fast forward. Fast textures, PVR compressed and uncompressed textures. Point-based, RetinaDisplay mode compatible. Open Source Commercial Friendly, compatible with open and closed source projects. Image assets support, TVOS support, App thinning support, 3D touch support.
- Scene management (workflow)
- Transitions between scenes
- Sprites and Sprite Sheets
- Lens, Ripple, Waves, Liquid, etc.
- Move, Rotate, Scale, Fade, Tint, etc.
- Sequence, Spawn, Repeat, Reverse