Gambas Linguistics Software

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  • Create state-of-the-art conversational agents with Google AI Icon
    Create state-of-the-art conversational agents with Google AI

    Using Dialogflow, you can provide new and engaging ways for users to interact with your product.

    Dialogflow can analyze multiple types of input from your customers, including text or audio inputs (like from a phone or voice recording). It can also respond to your customers in a couple of ways, either through text or with synthetic speech. Dialogflow CX and ES provide virtual agent services for chatbots and contact centers. If you have a contact center that employs human agents, you can use Agent Assist to help your human agents. Agent Assist provides real-time suggestions for human agents while they are in conversations with end-user customers.
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  • Translate docs, audio, and videos in real time with Google AI Icon
    Translate docs, audio, and videos in real time with Google AI

    Make your content and apps multilingual with fast, dynamic machine translation available in thousands of language pairs.

    Google Cloud’s AI-powered APIs help you translate documents, websites, apps, audio files, videos, and more at scale with best-in-class quality and enterprise-grade control and security.
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    LangDoc is a multi-lingual translator software

    LangDoc translate the documents using online translation engines. The translated lines are saved in a ". txt" file, and/or a basic Po file from the translated lines. LangDoc is a partial translate-shell GUI using its main settings, the software need the LibreOffice writer to load formatted documents.
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    ¿Qué día de la semana era?

    Programa que averigua el día de la semana que era en una determinada fecha. Los años aceptados son desde el 1801 hasta el 2100. El programa es muy sencillo de usar, basta indicar la fecha concreta en los desplegables y darle al botón Aceptar para que nos devuelva el día de la semana.
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