Svetuka kuchirochemo


Kubva Wikipedia

Mwena (burrow; hole going underground) inzvimbo yakamanikana yakacherwa pasi pevhu inogarwa nemhuka dzakadai semakonzo, mbeva, nhuta, nyoka zvichingodaro.

  • Hugaro mwena hunoguma.
  • Papfumba pava nomwena. Where the ground is trodden on there must be a hole (going underground).
  • Papfumba mwenza pava nomwina. Upon (seeing) the grass trampled there is the namer of the trampling.
  • Kana mwezha wapfumba mumwena mune mbeva. If the passage through grass is trampled, there is a rat in the hole.
  • Nyoka yapinda mumwena hainyombwi. A snake that has entered a hole should not be provoked.

Mitauro yeAfrika

[chinjirudza | chinjirudza mabviro]
  • Herero vanoti omuina (n. hole) kureva mwena. Bor vanoti bur (n. hole) kureva buri.
  • Bushong vanoti muena (n. hollow in tree - in which birds make nests) kureva mhango.
  • VaVenda vanoti muina (n. small round hole in the ground as of micet) kureva mwena.
  • VaLozi vanoti musima (n. hole, den, ditch, burrow, pit) kureva musimha