Svetuka kuchirochemo


Kubva Wikipedia
(runangakatsva kubva kuGuunwa)
Vincent van Gogh, Auvers, 1890

Munda (field of crops) zvinoreva ndima yevhu yakatambanuka inoshandiswa senvimbo yekudyara zvirimwa zvinosanganisira chibage, nzungu, gorosi,sunflower, mapfunde, rukweza zvichingodaro.

Chikamu chemunda chinonzi ndima, chisasa kana kuti bande - mazwi aya anoshandiswa kutaura chikamu chemunda chapwiwa kuti munhu asakure. Ndima rinotaurawo chikamu chemunda chakadyarwa zvakasiyana, kana chero chipi chikamu chiri kutaurwa nezvacho.

  • Izwi rokuti demegwa (part of a field where the trees are still being cleared) rinotaurwa kuKalanga richireva ndima yemunda ichiri kuundiwa kana kutemwa miti.
  • Gwidi rinorimwa nomunhu asingachuchi doro, nokuti ndimo munogara tsoko namakudo: a field in the hills has to have a man who does not crave beer to cultivate it, since monkeys and baboons live there.
  • Kuparura kana kutsivira (make ridges) apa kureva kuwumba mihomba seye mambaira.
  • Kusevura (clear grass).
  • Kuwunda (clear bush to make field or garden).
  • Kudunhura (cut down small tree). Mangwana tinotanga kudunhura gombo: tomorrow we start to clear the undergrowth off the land we wish to cultivate.
  • Kuita Mutare kana mutari (feast for friends who help in fields) madyo ehama neshamwari dzakabatsira mumunda.
  • Munhu mukuru kurehwa, munda. For an adult, to be spoken of is (just as natural as) working the field.
  • Chomumunda wezunde tenda wachibata. Count yourself lucky if you get something from a chief's field.
  • Gombo rine chitsva ndiro rino kudya. It is virgin land that provides more food.
  • Chiverevere ndechokubaya mombe chamakombo maitiudzawo. Secret is the killing of an ox (but) as for the allocation of lands you should have notified us, too.
  • Chiverevere ndechokubaya mombe chamakombo tichanzwa nemhururu. Secret is the killing of an ox, but the allocation of land is an announced with ululation.

Mitauro yeAfrika

[chinjirudza | chinjirudza mabviro]
  • VaTonga vanoti munda (garden) kureva bindu kana munda. Nsenga vanoti munda (field, plantation, garden). Digo inoti chibato (Small piece of land).
  • Tumbuka inoti chalo (field) vachireva munda. Zigula inoti ukwere (1. corn field; 2. field of crops) kureva munda wezvirimwa.
  • Luganda inoti challu kana chalu (garden, field, plantation, grove especially one around a village or hut) kureva munda.
  • Chewa inoti ndime (a portion of ground for hoeing) kureva ndima. Swahili inoti kazi ya kipande (work by the day) kureva basa remugwazo.
  • Bambara inoti fòro (n. farm field) kureva munda. Bunoge vanoti bila (n. field) kureva munda. Mbugwe inoti yonda kureva munda.