Syntax Slovakia

Syntax Slovakia

IT Services and IT Consulting

SAP | Microsoft | Public Cloud | Security

About us

Syntax Systems Slovakia je súčasťou medzinárodnej rodiny pod hlavičkou kanadskej spoločnosti Syntax. Tá so svojou viac ako 50-ročnou históriou v oblasti informačných technológií patrí medzi lídrov na americkom kontinente v oblasti implementácie a mamažmentu multi-ERP riešení (na báze Oracle a SAP-u). V súčasnosti sa zameriava na poskytovanie služieb pre kriticky dôležité aplikácie pre viac ako 1000-ku klientov z celého sveta na báze cloudu. Slovenská pobočka v Košiciach s takmer stovkou zamestnancov nie je klasickým nearshore centrom, ale je partnerom primárne nemeckej “sestry” a sekundárne materskej spoločnosti v Kanade. Znamená to, že zamestnanci pracujú okrem servisu aj na vývoji a implementácii hotových riešení. Sme hrdí na našu rodinnú atmosféru stredne veľkej firmy, množstvo benefitov a skvelý tím ľudí. Pracuj pre nás v Košiciach, z tvojho HO alebo remote. - Syntax Systems Slovakia is part of an international family under the umbrella of the Canadian company Syntax. With its more than 50 years of history in the field of information technology, it is one of the leaders on the American continent in the implementation and management of multi-ERP solutions (based on Oracle and SAP). Currently, it focuses on providing cloud-based services for mission-critical applications to more than 1,000 clients around the world. The Slovak office in Košice with almost a hundred employees is not a classic nearshore center, but is a partner primarily of the German "sister" and secondarily of the parent company in Canada. This means that the employees work on the development and implementation of finished solutions in addition to service. We pride ourselves on our family atmosphere of a medium-sized company, our many benefits and our great team of people. Work for us in Košice, from your HO or remote. Become part of our Syntax family.

IT Services and IT Consulting
Company size
51-200 employees
Privately Held
IT, ERP, Softwaredevelopment, Cybersecurity, Cloudcomputing, Enterprisesolutions, ICT, ManagedERP, ConsultingERP, SAP, Informationtechnology, Programing, Oracle, Cloud, AWS, Azure, and AWS on SAP


Employees at Syntax Slovakia


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