Together Alone is a puzzle-platformer for the original GB where two friends get separated after hearing rumors about a cave. With your help they try to get back together and return home.

It's made in a couple of days by Miyu and Me (Nico) for the participation of the Game-Boy Showdown 2023 Game-Jam using GB Studio, with custom made assets, tracks and levels. We're very proud to show our submission!

Here's what you can do:

  • Main story: A fun single-player adventure with saving included!
  • Mystery-quest: Solve puzzles with a partner after linking two systems.

(There's something special for those who finish mystery quest!)

It should work on the original gb, gbc, sgb and gba.

The controls:

Arrow keys (D-pad) - Move

Z (A) - Jump

X (B) - Interact

Enter (Start) - Pause

Shift (Select) - Swap

A quick thanks:

We wanna give a big thanks to Chris Maltby, as GB Studio made this possible. For two people who have no idea how to use assembly, this allowed us to make something we're really proud of.

Followed by a big thanks to Tronimal for hosting the jam, as we otherwise probably would've never made something for this system, it was a stressful but fun experience.

And finally a thank you to the people who tested our levels and gave feedback, it helped us find bugs a lot quicker.

Nico: sprites, music, some code, level design, to me it was important to make the levels feel easy to understand and gradually build up the mechanics

Miyu: music, code, level design and optimization. It was important to me to make each level feel unique through their look and flow, and by introducing new mechanics in them.


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(1 edit) ( 1)

Level 5 and finale is hard tbh :/ . Good game.