Transseksualnost ili transpolnost[1] je doživljaj polnog identiteta koji nije u skladu sa polom s kojim je osoba rođena te snažna želja za trajni prelazak na pol ili rod s kojim se osoba identifikuje, obično putem medicinske pomoći (uključujući terapije promene pola, poput hormonske terapije i operacije promene pola) kako bi uskladili svoje telo sa svojim identificiranim polom ili rodom.
Glavna značajka transseksualnosti je trajni, koreniti osećaj psihičke pripadnosti suprotnom polu, pri čemu je osoba potpuno svesna svog genitalnog pola. Ovaj nesklad bića izaziva veoma ozbiljnu patnju, pa je u slučaju njegovog neuklanjanja prognoza veoma loša- prema istraživanjima sprovedenim u Francuskoj, 34% transseksualne omladine, zbog velike patnje pokušalo je da izvrši samoubistvo, pre nego što su uspeli da dobiju informacije i stručnu pomoć u vidu promene pola[1].
S obzirom da transseksualne osobe imaju fiziološki mozak suprotnog pola, svi mukotrpni pokušaji odvraćanja bolesnika od osećaja psihičke pripadnosti suprotnom polu psihijatrijskim putem, ostajali su potpuno bezuspešni.
Jedini uspešan način lečenja je "promena pola"- kompleksan proces koji podrazumeva socijalno prihvatanje osobe u suprotnom polu, hormonsku terapiju i hirušku promenu genitalija i ostalih sekundarnih polnih karakteristika. Nakon promene polnog identiteta, ove osobe mogu da budu srećne i da doprinose društvu kao i sve druge osobe[2].
Transseksualnost, dakle, nije mentalna bolest, perverzija ili životni izbor, što se do skora i u stručnim krugovima spekulisalo, zaključak je na osnovu materijalnih dokaza, dobijenih iz preciznih naučnih studija, izvršenih tokom poslednjih dvadeset godina.
uredi- ↑ „Transrodnost i transpolnost” (video). Labris. Pristupljeno 15. januara 2023.
Vanjski linkovi
uredi- [3]
- [4] Arhivirano 2013-05-12 na Wayback Machine-u Arhivirano 2013-05-12 na Wayback Machine-u
- [5] Arhivirano 2016-03-04 na Wayback Machine-u Arhivirano 2016-03-04 na Wayback Machine-u
- Anaesthetic Dream - The Art of Sex Change (due for international print release in 2007)
- Saving Throw Arhivirano 2006-10-07 na Wayback Machine-u - Brenda Make's Saving Throw / Genderrain Project is a full-length autobiography, which also touches on bisexuality, abuse, recovery, drug abuse, gender ethics, and politics.
- Basic TG/TS/IS Information - including Successful Transwomen and Successful Transmen
- Dr. Becky's website Arhivirano 2009-01-04 na Wayback Machine-u - Lists of therapists and physicians, medical info, etc.
- FTM International Arhivirano 2003-02-18 na Wayback Machine-u - Female To Male International: practical and medical information
- Hudson's FTM Resource Guide - Comprehensive information for female to male trans men and allies
- Arhivirano 2006-09-26 na Wayback Machine-u - The home of Gender Education & Advocacy, a nonprofit corporation using the web to provide education and advocacy for transsexual and transgender issues.
- Definition and Synopsis of the Etiology of Adult Gender Identity Disorder and Transsexualism Arhivirano 2006-10-23 na Wayback Machine-u - prepared by 24 internationally recognized experts, published by the Gender Identity Research and Education Society (GIRES)(See:
- Harry Benjamin Syndrome Arhivirano 2006-10-25 na Wayback Machine-u - An information site that supports the concept backed by indicative research that Harry Benjamin Syndrome,(HBS),(aka transsexualism),should be classified as an intersex medical condition.
- How to Respect a Transsexual Person[mrtav link]
- The International Journal of Transgenderism - The Official Journal of the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association (HBIGDA)
- Transsexuality - Jennifer Diane Reitz's Help & Support Site. Home of the COGIATI gender test, a controversial assessment of gender identity and transsexuality.
- Lynn Conway - her goal is to "illuminate and normalize the issues of gender identity and the processes of gender transition."
- Trans Family - A support group for transgendered and transsexual people, their parents, partners, children, other family members, friends, and supportive others. Based in Cleveland Ohio, but providing resources for transgender people and their families around the world.
- Transgender Law Center - The Transgender Law Center (TLC) is a civil rights organization advocating for transgender, transsexual and gender-variant communities in California.
- TransParentcy - Organization to support transgender parents and their advocates (lawyers, mental health professionals, friends, family) by providing information and resources to diffuse and/or disspell the myths about any adverse impact being transgendered/transsexual might have on one's children.
- Transsexual Road Map - practical and medical information
- From Within - Online book based on real events aimed at younger transitioners. Follows the story of Vicky and her young transition in England.
- What transsexuality Is Arhivirano 2012-08-21 na Wayback Machine-u
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