De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek

De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek

Law Practice

Experts in the legal complexities of business

About us

Our clients, people and drive for quality are the energisers of our firm. They are the basis from which we deliver a powerful corporate practice, a centre of excellence in litigation and arbitration, and an unparalleled team of compliance experts. We are at our best when matters are multidisciplinary in scope, with cross-border ramifications and when reputations are at risk. This is why we encourage our lawyers to combine in-depth legal expertise with the ability to collaborate with other experts across all relevant legal and non-legal disciplines. We see our clients’ challenges with clarity and in their full legal and commercial context, wherever they operate. We advise them from our offices in Amsterdam, Brussels, London, Shanghai and Singapore on all matters important to them. Based on our expertise and experience we do this ourselves or together with local counsel if local specialist advice is required.

Law Practice
Company size
501-1,000 employees
Privately Held
Corporate, M&A, Compliance, and Litigation & Arbitration


Employees at De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek


  • After a tenure of 37 years, Martin van Olffen retired from active practice at De Brauw on 31 May 2024, concluding a long and successful career in both private practice and academia. Martin began his career with our firm in 1987 and became a civil-law notary in 1994. He is acclaimed in the Netherlands for his expertise in corporate law, mergers and acquisitions, and corporate governance, serving as a trusted advisor to many listed companies. In addition to his practice at De Brauw, Martin has been a professor of law at the University of Nijmegen since 1999, a role he will continue. As the author and co-author of numerous books and publications on corporate law, Martin is considered a leading scholar in his field. Martin has been instrumental in the development of the corporate practice at De Brauw and has played a major role in shaping our integrated corporate (notarial) practice. He has also been pivotal in mentoring and educating the next generation of (candidate) civil-law notaries and lawyers, both within and outside our firm. We thank Martin for his wisdom, dedication, and friendship.

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    Senior Associate in International Arbitration | Lawyer (Advocaat) at De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek

    A new milestone: Boyan Slat of The Ocean Cleanup and minister Mark Harbers on behalf of the Dutch State have signed a tailor-made agreement - building on the original 2018 Covenant - relating to The Ocean Cleanup’s activities on the high seas. It was a pleasure and a privilege to contribute and to once again work with the The Ocean Cleanup’s impressive team, and in particular Dillian van Vliet, on this major development.

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    We are pleased to announce that on 29 May 2024, Boyan Slat and Minister Mark Harbers signed an amendment to update The Ocean Cleanup's unique covenant with the State of the Netherlands relating to our cleanup activities in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. The original tailor-made covenant (signed in 2018) demonstrates our determination to deploy the system in line with international rules and regulations with respect for the environment and maritime safety. Now our ocean system has been validated and we are preparing to scale up, we are pleased to have signed the updated covenant as it marks an important milestone in our mission to rid the oceans of plastic. We are grateful for the generous support of the Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat during this process. Read more about the support we receive from the Dutch State and our commitment to cleaning the oceans in line with legal regulations here:

    Updated Covenant: Dutch State To Provide Continuous Support To The Ocean Cleanup's High Seas Activities | Updates | The Ocean Cleanup

    Updated Covenant: Dutch State To Provide Continuous Support To The Ocean Cleanup's High Seas Activities | Updates | The Ocean Cleanup

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    Partner | De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek

    Studeer je rechten, heb je de ambitie om ver te komen maar beschik je (nog) niet over een juridisch netwerk dat jou daarbij helpt? Het studiefondsprogramma van De Brauw biedt enkele rechtenstudenten een mentor, een studiebeurs en een netwerkingang binnen de juridische sector voor een vliegende start van je carrière. Het programma biedt een beurs ter ondersteuning van academische en professionele ontwikkeling en een mentor van De Brauw staat klaar om vragen te beantwoorden, je te helpen om je professionele netwerk uit te breiden en te sparren over carrièreperspectieven.   Als jij deze ondersteuning goed kan gebruiken, nodigen we je van harte uit om je aan te melden en jouw verhaal te vertellen. Aanmelden kan eenvoudig via onze website Aarzel niet om contact te zoeken als je vragen hebt. We horen graag van je!

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  • We have appointed two new counsel. Else Rowel in our Financial Markets and Regulation practice, and Zeynep Ortac in our Competition practice. They will take up their new positions per 1 June 2024. Dennis Horeman: "The appointments of Else and Zeynep further strengthen our practice in financial markets regulation and competition law. Both lawyers have built an excellent track record over the years, advising clients on matters that greatly impact their businesses. We look forward to continue working together with Else and Zeynep in their new roles."  

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    “Je hebt in M&A zoveel knoppen om aan te draaien, dat met goed luisteren en voldoende ervaring er bijna altijd wel een oplossing te vinden is om partijen bij elkaar te brengen.” In een openhartig interview met M&A Magazine, deelt overname-advocaat Lennard Keijzer van De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek zijn lessen over waarom M&A zo'n mooi vakgebied is, en hoe hij omgaat met het ontwikkelen van zijn team.  #Leiderschap “Ik vertel jong talent graag hoe leuk dat kan zijn; om aan de start van je loopbaan al zoveel verantwoordelijkheid, zoveel kansen te krijgen.” Lees dit unieke portret van een top dealmaker exclusief op

    'Alleen maar copy cats van mezelf? Dat zou het slechtst denkbare team zijn!' - M&A

    'Alleen maar copy cats van mezelf? Dat zou het slechtst denkbare team zijn!' - M&A

  • Our firm won Chambers' Europe award for "Pro Bono: Outstanding Firm" during last night's ceremony in Paris. This European recognition is an accolade of the assistance our colleagues offer clients whose access to the legal system would otherwise be limited. Lawyers throughout our firm work on pro bono matters, yet Machteld de Monchy, Marjolein Portman, Simone Kooij and Rachel Pouwer developed our pro bono practice into what it is today: an integral part of our offering. Our lawyers work pro bono on legal issues that address fundamental questions of law and often are highly complex. Last year, 211 of our lawyers spent approximately 8500 hours on 75 pro bono matters. Moreover, our thanks go out to our pro bono partners: NGOs, various firms, network organisations and interest groups that equally help support our clients and make sure the rule of law is available to them. Working together with this wide array of experts, driven professionals and lawyers of different backgrounds has been invaluable.  

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    Today, our firm filed an appeal with the Dutch Supreme Court on behalf of former senior University of Groningen (RUG) lecturer Dr Susanne Täuber. The case revolves around the question of how closely courts should see to it that scientists' academic freedom and freedom of expression are safeguarded in employment termination proceedings. This case at the Supreme Court level is being handled by a team of De Brauw lawyers, led by employment law and Supreme Court litigation partner Stefan Sagel, who comments: "The case touches on important fundamental rights: freedom of speech and academic freedom. Academic freedom is certainly under pressure in the Netherlands, unfortunately. Research at the European level shows that the Netherlands does rather poorly in protecting this right; we linger at the bottom of the rankings. By assisting Dr Täuber in this case, we hope to not only help her on an individual level, but also to contribute to strengthening academic freedom in general. It would be a good thing if the Supreme Court were to send a signal that strengthens this right. Our firm has traditionally had close ties with the academic community and we are supportive of its interests. For that reason too, we think it is crucial to handle this case."

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    Partner | Lawyer (Advocaat) at De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek | Professor of labour law at University of Leiden

    ONTSLAG EN ACADEMISCHE VRIJHEID Hoe streng moet de rechter er in ontslagzaken op toezien, dat de academische vrijheid en de vrijheid van meningsuiting van wetenschappers worden geborgd? Die vraag staat centraal in een cassatieberoep dat ons kantoor vandaag instelde bij de Hoge Raad.   De zaak betreft het ontslag van Susanne Täuber, voormalig UHD bij de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG). Zij publiceerde in 2019 een essay in het gerenommeerde Journal for Management Studies. Daarin beschreef Täuber hoe zij bij haar deelname aan het Rosalind Franklin Fellowship programma – een programma van de RUG dat is gericht op het ontwikkelen van vrouwelijk wetenschappelijk talent – had ondervonden dat zulke regelingen juist nadelig kunnen zijn voor vrouwen. Zij werken structurele discriminatie veeleer in de hand, onder meer omdat zij als bedreigend voor meritocratische principes worden gezien. Täuber is specialist inclusie en diversiteit en maakt deel uit van de Advisory Committee Diverse and Inclusive Higher Education and Research , die de Minister van Onderwijs adviseert.   Hoogleraren van de vakgroep waar Täuber werkte, voelden zich in hun reputatie aangetast door het essay. De decaan schreef aan de redactie dat het artikel mogelijk nadelig zou zijn voor haar verdere carrière en hij verzocht zelfs om het publicatiebeleid te herzien. Een andere hoogleraar schreef aan alle collega's van Täuber bij de vakgroep dat het essay "inappropriate and damaging" was. In 2022 werd ontslag aangevraagd voor Täuber, wegens verstoorde verhoudingen. De kantonrechter vond dat de RUG verwijtbaar had gehandeld, maar ontbond de arbeidsovereenkomst wel. Het hof besliste op 8 januari jl. dat de ontbinding terecht was. Van een inbreuk op de vrijheid van meningsuiting is volgens het hof geen sprake, omdat het essay wel "een schakel", maar geen "essentiële schakel" vormt die heeft geleid tot de ontbinding. Niet is gebleken dat de arbeidsovereenkomst, als het essay niet geschreven was, niet ook ontbonden zou zijn. Over de academische vrijheid zegt het hof niets.   Bij de Hoge Raad wordt – onder meer – bepleit dat het hof de vrijheid van meningsuiting en de academische vrijheid onvoldoende heeft geborgd. Van een inmenging in de vrije meningsuiting is al sprake als een uiting bijdraagt aan de beëindiging van het dienstverband, niet pas als de uiting een "essentiële schakel" in dat proces is. Dat geldt eens te meer als de uiting ook valt onder de academische vrijheid. Dan moet de rechter extra streng toetsen of een inbreuk wordt gemaakt, en zo ja, of deze te rechtvaardigen valt. Verder wordt de beslissing van het hof bestreden dat de reacties van Täuber's leidinggevenden geen inbreuk op haar vrijheid van meningsuiting opleverden. Ook wordt aan de orde gesteld of op de RUG geen verzwaarde herplaatsingsverplichting kon rusten, mede om recht te doen aan de academische vrijheid. De uitspraak is in 2025 te verwachten. #cassatie #debrauw #vrijheidvanmeningsuiting #academischevrijheid

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  • The Dutch government’s policy of disconnecting children from drinking water in the event of non-payment is unlawful. In a collective action brought by Defence for Children Nederland and the Dutch Section of the International Commission for Jurists (NJCM), the Hague Court of Appeal ruled today that the Dutch state and drinking water companies have acted unlawfully towards children and must reconnect children that were cut off. Defence for Children and Nederlands Juristen Comité voor de Mensenrechten (NJCM) were represented by De Brauw in collaboration with lawyers from Stichting PILP. The Dutch State and drinking water companies PWN and Dunea deliberately left open the possibility that children, through no fault of their own, find themselves in a situation with completely inadequate access to drinking water. The Court of Appeal ordered the State to take measures to ensure children cannot be cut off from adequate drinking water due to non-payment by their parents. The drinking water companies must reconnect the water supply for children or must supply adequate water in another manner. Johan Valk, who was part of De Brauw's team, says: "In this case, we got to work together closely with human rights lawyers from PILP and experts on children's rights from Defence for Children. It was a truly inspiring experience to engage with one another and bring the case forward together. Working together also allowed us to contribute our specific litigation expertise to this important matter and achieve a great result for all the children in the Netherlands." The De Brauw team consisted of: Dennis Horeman, Johan Valk, Annabel van Schaik and Lisa van Dord.

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    Chambers announced its 2024 Europe rankings. Many thanks to our clients for their input and ongoing trust in our firm that led to these results.   Congratulations to all our lawyers recognized in this year's rankings and who maintained their placements, with special mention to our experts that are making their way up the rankings: Arjan Kleinhout - Energy & Natural Resources – Regulatory - moved from Band 3 to Band 2 Axel Arnbak - TMT: Data Protection - moved from Associate to Watch to Band 3 Bas Boutellier - Banking & Finance - progressed from Potential to Up and Coming Gaby Smeenk - Capital Markets – Equity - moved from Up and Coming to Band 2 Helen Gornall - Competition/European Law - advanced from Band 3 to Band 2 Machteld de Monchy - Dispute Resolution - moved from Potential to Up and Coming Martje Verhoeven-de Vries Lentsch - Dispute Resolution: Arbitration Counsel - moved from Potential to Up and Coming Michael Schouten - Corporate/M&A: High-end Capability - moved from Band 5 to Band 4 Roan Lamp - Corporate Investigations - rose from Potential to Band 3 Stephanie The - Competition/European Law - moved from Up and Coming to Band 4

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