are we touching blogs rn
Yeah yeah yeah it's generic and amateurish and frankly trite, but is it earnest? Is it sincere? Is there a heart underneath it all
im quitting tumblr
ok see u tomorrow
this post is now 10 fucking years old
People are starting to call the tumblr dash a "feed". Stop 🛑 you're polluting the ecosystem
"if you are over 30 on Tumblr the mental illness won" "the aging fanbase of Tumblr" motherfucker if you are over 30 and have been here the entire time it means the mental illness didn't win we are still alive WE MADE IT
the problem with dating apps is there’s no yearning… i feel like true romance involves a little crush and some longing for at least a month or so instead of going straight for a date with someone who doesn’t even know or care about u at all
I Want To Be A Tumblr Influencer
I sincerely apologise to everyone on my blog who doesn't know what the fuck is going on but I'm having the time of my life rn
Will return to normalcy in 2-4 business days (probably)
tumblr actually dying as a platform really just makes me wanna use it more….like yeah no ones gonna read this that is so fuckin sexy
when the blind man shows frankenstein’s creature the pleasures of life he shows him cigarette and music. notice how he doesn’t show him linkedin and email
your soulmate is on tumblr KEEP BLOGGING!!!!
“Eventually soulmates meet, for they have the same hiding place.”
— Robert Brault