August 3, 2022

Narrowing types for static analysis

I have spent the last year moving a few big old codebases, including Composer, to PHPStan's level 8. Here are a few lessons I think I have learned in the process. I was for a while skeptical about using the baseline feature as it seemed to me like...


July 26, 2022

A nomenclature of hate

(What feels like) a lifetime of maintaining open source projects has left me with some things to say about the haters. I'm not sure why. Trying to do a light take of it instead of getting mad, here is a post categorizing them. Your average online...


April 2, 2022

New Jigsaw-based Site

My blog was always based on some home-grown CMS I built during my studies in.. checks CV 2007-2008. This was mostly fine but it had no markdown support and it was one more server to manage. I would like to try and write some more content here again so...


May 16, 2018

Web Development on Windows in 2018

I have been developing web apps on Windows for the last 10 years. I ran PHP, Apache then Nginx, MySQL and Postgres, Redis and others. I dabbed in VMs at some point but was always dissatisfied with...


May 15, 2018

PHP Versions Stats - 2018.1 Edition

It's stats o'clock! See 2014, 2015, 2016.1, 2016.2, 2017.1 and 2017.2 for previous similar posts. A quick note on methodology, because all these stats are imperfect as they just sample some subset...


November 13, 2017

PHP Versions Stats - 2017.2 Edition

It's stats o'clock! See 2014, 2015, 2016.1, 2016.2 and 2017.1 for previous similar posts. A quick note on methodology, because all these stats are imperfect as they just sample some subset of the...


May 7, 2017

PHP Versions Stats - 2017.1 Edition

It's stats o'clock! See 2014, 2015, 2016.1 and 2016.2 for previous similar posts. A quick note on methodology, because all these stats are imperfect as they just sample some subset of the PHP user...


November 18, 2016

PHP Versions Stats - 2016.2 Edition

It's stats o'clock! See 2014, 2015 and 2016.1 for previous similar posts. A quick note on methodology, because all these stats are imperfect as they just sample some subset of the PHP user base. I...


June 29, 2016

Typo Squatting and Packagist

Earlier this month an article was published summarizing Nikolai Philipp Tschacher's thesis about typosquatting. In short typosquatting is a way to attack users of a package manager by registering a...
