Securiti Tops DSPM ratings by GigaOm


Securiti for Oracle Cloud Autonomous Data IntelligenceTM

For all cloud native and non-native data systems and applications on OCI

Sensitive Data Intelligence Icon

Sensitive Data Intelligence

Sensitive Data understanding for dark and native data systems in OCI.

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Security Icon


Create a distributed mesh of visibility & security around data in OCI.

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Privacy Icon


PrivacyOps with Robotic automation makes privacy simple.

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Compliance Icon

Governance & Compliance

Achieve broad compliance with global data regulations.

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OCI bg
SDI Heading Icon

Sensitive Data Intelligence

Quick Nav

Break Silos of Sensitive Data & Risk Understanding across OCI


Globally Hyper Scaling Data Analysis

Number 100

Types of Data Systems Covered

Discovery Icon

Much more than traditional discovery or DLP

Sdi Slide Bg

Automatically discover all your dark and native data assets across OCI footprint across accounts, regions and geographics.

OCI Shadow asset data discovery

Discover security misconfigurations & risks associated with OCI data systems & auto remediate misconfigurations.

OCI Security postures

Automatically discover, classify, and label hundreds of sensitive data elements in structured and unstructured OCI data systems at petabyte scale.

OCI data discovery

Build sensitive data catalogs for structured and unstructured data & easily search for specific sensitive data elements your OCI footprint.

OCI Sensitive data catalog

Automatically build a graph between an individual and their personal data. It’s the foundation for automatically fulfilling the data subject right obligations.

OCI people data graph

Identify and prioritize external and internal risks to data, using a risk scoring and risk attribution system.

OCI data risk graph

Sensitive Data Intelligence️ Enables️

Data Security
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Icon Security


Identify high risk data and enable protections

Middle Curve
Icon Privacy


One automated PrivacyOps platform for global data privacy compliance

Data Compliance
Right Curve
Icon Compliance

Governance & Compliance

Fulfill data
governance requirements

Forrester Badge Forrester Wave Leader in Privacy Management
Icon Data Security Heading

Data Security

Quick Nav

Identify data risk & enable protection and control

Icon Check

Common console to analyze data security issues across multicloud & SaaS

Icon Monitor Data Risk

Monitor security risks & enable policy-based remediation

Icon Attain

Attain broad security compliance with continuous reporting

Ds Monitor Data Risk

Uncover hidden
data risks

Monitor OCI data systems and sensitive data for external and internal risks. Provide a risk score with and risk attribution and visualization.

Ds Enforce Data Protection

Enforce Policies

Remediate security misconfigurations as well as enable data protection controls to protect sensitive data from external and internal threats.

DS Sensitive Data Access

Control Access

Policy based access governance to identify and remediate over privileged access to sensitive data in OCI data systems.

Ds Investigate Issues

Investigate Issues

Investigate data security issues and take remediation action.

Icon Data Privacy Heading


PrivacyOps enables automation for Data Privacy obligations

Icon Privacy Auti

AI & bots can automate fulfillment of individual rights

Icon Privacy Research

Automtcally build records of processing for data inside snowflake

Icon Workflow

Workflow orchestration automates privacy workflows

Always up to date data maps and records of processing

Automate privacy-by-design, DPIA, Article 30 reports, based on sensitive data intelligence.

OCI data mapping automation

Automate fulfillment of individual rights

Fulfill data subject rights automatically and maintain proof of compliance

Oci Privacy Dsr Robotic Automation

Automate DPIAs and Privacy-by-Design

Collaborate and track all assessments in one place.

Oci Privacy Assessment Automation

Capture and honor user consent automatically

Use data aligned with cookie consent and universal consent.

OCI Privacy Consent Automation

Guidance for Data Incident Response and Reporting

Automate the incident response process by gathering incident details, identifying the scope and optimizing notifications to comply with global privacy regulations.

OCI Privacy Data Incident Management
RSAC Logo 'Most Innovative Award' by RSA

Data Compliance heading icon

Continuous Compliance

Achieve Broad Compliance
with Global Data Regulations.

Explore Data Compliance
Data Security
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Security Icon

Data Security

Data Security Regulations
Data Privacy
Right Curve
Privacy Icon

Data Privacy

Data Privacy Regulations

In addition, we also support
Multicloud | SaaS | Self managed environments

Bedrock of Privacy
