Your Beet

Your Beet

Tillverkning av klimatteknikproduker

Stockholm, Stockholm County 3 241 följare

Why eat unhealthy, unsustainable & random meals when it's 2024? Upgrade your food with Your Beet!

Om oss

Social Commerce platforms for food - converting influencer recipes to shopped grocery baskets, and leading the global shift towards more modern, healthy and sustainable food system.

Tillverkning av klimatteknikproduker
2–10 anställda
Stockholm, Stockholm County
Privatägt företag


Anställda på Your Beet


  • Visa organisationssidan för Your Beet, grafik

    3 241 följare

    🎉 Your Beet selected for Norrsken Accelerator 🎉 BEETing the odds (0.8% accelerator acceptance rate) - we are incredibly grateful and excited to continue to work on our mission to create a better, sustainable and modern food system where eating healthy & sustainable food is as easy as browsing Instagram and as fast as ordering a Foodora. Looking forward to sharing our progress and ambitions on stage at the Norrsken Impact Week in September 🎉 #femalefounders #climatechange #climateaction

    Visa organisationssidan för Norrsken, grafik

    51 199 följare

    No better way to get back from summer vacation than to welcome some of the world’s most promising impact entrepreneurs to Stockholm. The Norrsken Accelerator 2023 has kicked off and our brilliant cohort is now full speed ahead into an intense 8-week sprint designed to grow their business. Some highlights from the first two weeks include: - Kicking off pitch training in preparation for Investor Day during Stockholm Impact Week. - Jumping into the first few learning sessions on impact KPI’s and metrics. - Good ol’ Swedish Kubb playing in the park. - Retreating to a cabin to connect and get deep into the ‘why’ of being a founder. - Riding around on the coolest electric motorbikes curtesy of CAKE – We’re already blown away and can’t wait to see what else this cohort brings. Fleri, Greenworkx, Vesiro, Kavaken, Your Beet, Holo, BOLDR, Charly Equity, VERTRU, Furbnow, Salad Africa (Techstars ‘22), LanguifyAI, Sendstack, Ocean Ecostructures, Vidde Snow Mobility, Revwit, AirForestry, Billboxx, Octamile

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Your Beet, grafik

    3 241 följare

    US , here we come ! 🇺🇸🥳

    Visa profilen för Anastasia Trofimova, grafik

    Founder CEO (ex-BCG)📍Silicon Valley

    Spending the next 3 weeks in Sillicon Valley. From the conversations I’ve had so far with US based VCs - there is a striking appetite for social commerce solutions, especially in the grocery retail space! Beyond thrilled to soon launch our presence in the US market: Instagram ➡️ Instacart! 🇺🇸 Your Beet helps retailers monetize 100s of millions of recipes on social media - generating more profitable baskets; which also creates a more seamless fully digital grocery shopping experience for the new generation of shoppers. 🤳 #vc #impact

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Your Beet, grafik

    3 241 följare

    Our CEO sharing thoughts and findings on the role of AI in the future of food and food resilience during Startup Extreme. If you are curious about the role of AI in the food sector - follow our journey! 🤖🚀

    Visa profilen för Anastasia Trofimova, grafik

    Founder CEO (ex-BCG)📍Silicon Valley

    Thanks, Startup Extreme Norway, for having me as a speaker on the topic of Harnessing Endless Intellegence, and how AI will disrupt the current food system 👏🤖 My key point was that the startup that is able to unlock the siloed and fragmented data and leverage AI on it, will be the next unicorn in the food space. And you bet we at Your Beet are working hard on making sure this unicorn comes form the Nordics ;) Kakul Gupta Jackie Masete

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Your Beet, grafik

    3 241 följare

    Did you know that Decarbonizing food has the highest impact per $ invested? (BCG report) Reach out to us on the TechArena matchmaking tool to learn how we plan to revolutionize the $10TLN grocery retail space with our fully digital platform!

    Visa profilen för Anastasia Trofimova, grafik

    Founder CEO (ex-BCG)📍Silicon Valley

    Curious how Social Commerce will disrupt grocery retail as we know it? Reach out - Your Beet will be at Techarenan! Ever wondered why we personalize so many aspects of our lives - but not the food we shop? Why not outsource your dinner menu and food shopping to a smart AI enabled tool? Imagine tailored health and wellness in food form conveniently delivered to your door at regular grocery prices - that’s exactly what we do at Your Beet! Can’t be better than that? Well, it can! The business model is pretty unBeetable, excuse the pun! - serves as a profitable value add service for retailers - optimizes ROI for food brands marketing spend - all while making it convenient for mass consumers to make healthy sustainable food choices🌱 Join us to discuss how we can collaborate to drive significant change and impact in grocery retailer space, food sustainability and climate. And if you are tired of wasting your precious time shopping food that does not serve your health goals - check out our tailored Budget weekly menus in Your Beet app 🙌 #YourBeet #Techarenan #Innovation #Sustainability #FoodTech #HealthTech

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  • Your Beet omdelade detta

    Visa profilen för Anastasia Trofimova, grafik

    Founder CEO (ex-BCG)📍Silicon Valley

    I have been part of a few accelerators, and I just want to give the biggest KUDOS to Mikaela Larsell Ayesa who single handedly put together and ran the Time to Raise program this year!! I was blown away by the quality of the chosen founders, by the partners you were able to bring onboard and investors that attended the Dmeo Day last night! Bravo Mikaela Larsell Ayesa 👏👏👏 Please follow Mikaela Larsell Ayesa and Time to Raise who are not just highlighting the problem of too little funding going to female founders, but are creating real results in tipping the scales 👏🙌🎉 Proud to be running Your Beet as female founded startup with some of most talented women out there Jackie Masete Kakul Gupta - and challenging the status quo of grocery retail market 👏👏

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Your Beet, grafik

    3 241 följare

    Working for Spotify? You will love working for Your Beet even more - join our mission to build a Spotify for Food, with potential to improve billions of lives!

    Visa profilen för Anastasia Trofimova, grafik

    Founder CEO (ex-BCG)📍Silicon Valley

    Breakit just shared that Spotify is laying off every 6th engineer! Engineers, we have a better offer for you! Join our impact startup Your Beet to create the next Spotify - this time in the food space. Looking for strong Engineers, AI/ML, UX talents! Please SHARE this post if you know someone who's been affected by Spotify layoffs, they can reach out to me. No need to go far, we sit just around the corner 👋 Breakit Dagens Industri Mimi Billing

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Your Beet, grafik

    3 241 följare

    Thank you for having us over and supporting women founders Nordea !

    Visa organisationssidan för Nordea, grafik

    267 950 följare

    "Dagens ökade fokus på kostnader borde gynna bolag grundade av kvinnor”. Time to Raise och 10 kvinnoledda bolag besökte idag oss på Nordea. Bolag med endast kvinnliga grundare får mindre än 1% av riskkapitalet. Det är en alldeles för låg siffra. Därför stöttar vi Time to Raise, ett accelerationsprogram för kvinnliga entreprenörer som stöttar i kapitalresningsresan. Stort tack för att ni ville komma till oss idag och för engagerande diskussioner: Dreamplan Subscriby Your Beet MyStamp Jodapro Chaos Pharmista Technologies Moi Panda Numa Mimbly Mikaela Larsell Ayesa. Det var en inspirerande dag med intressanta föredrag och energifyllda diskussioner som täckte in allt från vad som krävs för att få ett banklån, rådande ekonomiska läge och hur man bygger en stark företagskultur. En slutsats från diskussionerna är att vi befinner oss i ett läge där det är svårare att få kapital. Det här gör att man som grundare måste man vara mer kreativ och se över alla möjligheter. Ett intressant perspektiv var att ett större kostnadsfokus troligen gynnar kvinnliga entreprenörer. Tack till dagens talare: Björn Norman, Business Banking Nordea, öppnade med att belysa vårt starka arv som bank: ”Som bank har Nordea funnits i 200 år och för att sätta saker i perspektiv, vår balansräkning är i samma storlek som Sveriges BNP. Vi har ett starkt arv att förvalta och utveckla och namnet Nordea är en i hopslagning av orden Nordic och Ideas”. Maria Smith, chef för Nordea Startup & Growth, lyfte hur hennes specialenhet stöttar skalbara techbolag: ”Bolag som växer snabbt behöver få rådgivning och tillgång till kapital. Det är här vi kommer in. Vi har möjlighet att vara framåtorienterade, men vi tittar alltid på att det finns en underliggande lönsamhet. Förra året kunde vi se ett minskat fokus på tillväxt bland våra portföljbolag, och lönsamhet stod alltmer i fokus. Bolagen idag har ett större kostnadsfokus, men samtidigt ser vi en ökad kreativitet”. Henrik Unell, Chefsanalytiker Nordea, pratade om vårt rådande ränte- och valutaläge. Charlotte Laike, Marknads- och kommunikationschef på Nordea, berättade om resan att integrera 4 nordiska banker till en och hur man genom att skapa en stark kultur kan stärka varumärket inifrån och ut: ”Hur bygger man då en stark kultur?. 1. Allt startar med ledaren eller grundaren, andra kommer efter. 2. Gör värden explicita. 3. Alla bär kulturen – fira ambassadörer. 4. Gör din kultur synlig - även utåt. 5. En kultur är också en process. 6. En kultur är inte statisk, den växer med ledarskapet och affären”. #entrepreneurship

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Your Beet, grafik

    3 241 följare

    Nutritious food should be affordable to all. Here is what we have been busy with ->

    Visa profilen för Anastasia Trofimova, grafik

    Founder CEO (ex-BCG)📍Silicon Valley

    When you launch a new feature and it 2x cohort retention !!! YESS!! Well done team Your Beet !! 🥳 🥳 Most of us want to take care of our health, and yet the stress of busy everyday often wins, leaving us with the everyday headache of what's to cook for dinner.... and for most families this year increased grocery prices added additional stress on top of things 🤯 Luckily, we are here to solve just that problem! With the amazing support from our superusers, we listened, iterated and launched a new Budget Weekly Menu generator that plans whole week menu based on this week's promotion prices 💰 and in seconds pre-fills your entire grocery basket. Eating healthy should not be synonymous with spending more money! And Your Beet is here to prove just that! In this cold, dark times - remember to take care of yourself and your loved ones! And if you feel stressed with dinner planning in this busy pre-holiday times, or feel budget stress or simply feel like giving yourself an everyday affordable treat (without breaking the 👛) -> try Your Beet. Link in comments. #LenaAndersson #matföralla #plantbased

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Your Beet, grafik

    3 241 följare

    Thank you for starting this fantastic initiative 🎙👩🔬 Jasmine Moradi - to share incredible women in tech voices and stories to continue to inspire more women to venture this path, and showcase to the investor community what a talented pool of women founders there is out there 👏 It was my favourite interview format so far - so thoughtful and engaging to structure the interview as 70 rapid-fire questions. I have truly enjoyed all the episodes so far! #femalefounders #techentrepreneurs

    Visa profilen för 👑🎙 Jasmine M., grafik

    Service Designer, UX Researcher & Queens of Tech Podcast Host - firsthand stories, insights, and advice from trailblazing women in tech

    🎙 👑 Tech queen Anastasia Trofimova's mission is to transition to more #healthy, #sustainable, and #personalized eating habits and increase the statistics of that 1 % of funding goes to #femalefounders. Nominated by me. Anastasia Trofimova is the Co-founder and CEO of Your Beet, a Social Commerce platform for food, an app that makes it super easy to transition to more healthy, sustainable, and personalized eating habits. Your Beet is like Spotify - curates recommendations of creator recipes based on individual preferences and health goals, made shoppable at online grocery retailers with a click. Prior to starting Your Beet, Anastasia worked as a management consultant at #BCG while her co-founder Anna worked as a digital product lead at H&M. What brought them together was their common experience of how difficult and time-consuming it was to switch to more sustainable and healthy food habits and the realization that there aren’t enough services out there today that would make this transition easy, personalized, and safe. That’s how Your Beet was born. Now they are a team of five women using tech to redefine how millions of people worldwide do food. Listen to the podcast on: Queensof(dot)tech | #Acast | #Spotify | #Itunes | #Google Podcast | #Youtube #leadership #tech #podcast #women #femaleleaders #womenintech #womenintechexcellence #diversity #dei #queensoftech

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Your Beet, grafik

    3 241 följare

    Thank you Nordea for such a great opportunity to spread the impact startups missions to the Nordea community. 👏👏

    Visa organisationssidan för Nordea, grafik

    267 950 följare

    "Affärsänglar spelar en avgörande roll för entreprenörer i tidiga skeden”, Kim Larsson Nyheim, chef för Startup & Growth Nordea💥. Under Impact Weeks andra dag anordnade Nordea och Norrsken ett gemensamt matchmaking-event där affärsänglar och kunder från Nordea fick möjlighet att möta och lyssna till spännande start-ups som alla hade som affärsidé att göra världen bättre. Impactbolagen Charly Tech , Smart Power Farm, Organofuel Sweden AB, Plussa, Holo och Your Beet pitchade framför en panel bestående av Lisen Oliw, CEO Nordic Norrsken, Finn Persson, Spintop Ventures och Kim Larsson Nyheim, chef för Startup & Growth Nordea. Stockholm Impact Week är ett årligt event, drivet av vår partner Norrsken och Invest Stockholm, som har som ambition att definiera de största utmaningarna i vår tid och hitta lösningar. #StockholmImpactWeek #Hållbarhet #FramtidensLösningar #Stockholm

    Matchmaking Impact Week: Affärsänglar möter sex vassa bolag som gör världen bättre

    Matchmaking Impact Week: Affärsänglar möter sex vassa bolag som gör världen bättre

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54 576,00 US$


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