Closar AI

Closar AI


Stockholm, Stockholm County 994 följare

Precision healthcare through wearable data.

Om oss

Closar AI (Vizu Health) is an early-stage start-up revolutionizing precision healthcare through patient-generated wearable data. With €150k in funding, we are developing a platform that leverages AI to visualize and analyze health data, helping providers deliver personalized care. Precision healthcare could save $5,000 billion and 7 billion years of life, and wearable devices, generating up to 10,000 data points per day, are key to unlocking this potential. Wearables continuously monitor vital signs such as heart rate, respiration, sleep, stress, and glucose, offering a holistic view of patients' health. This data allows for individualized anomaly detection, evidence-based symptom monitoring, and early medical issue detection based on long-term trends and correlations between biomarkers. Supported by studies from Stanford, Oxford, and other leading institutions, wearable data is proven to improve health outcomes. Yet, healthcare professionals struggle to effectively utilize this data. Closar AI bridges this gap with mobile and web apps and AI-powered anomaly detection, offering a user-friendly interface that helps professionals access, understand, and act on wearable data. Unlike other solutions, our platform requires no integration with EHR systems, enabling faster adoption and scalability. We offer unified compatibility across all devices, allowing clinics to attract and retain patients with cost-effective, cutting-edge solutions. Incorporated in January 2024, we’re already gaining interest from major clinic groups. By being the first to connect both patients and professionals with wearable data, we aim to dominate this emerging "blue ocean" market. With a first-mover advantage, Closar AI is poised to set the standard for wearable data-driven healthcare, creating a "patients-to-professionals" spreading effect that accelerates adoption and builds a hard-to-dislodge market presence. Now is the time to unlock the era of precision healthcare.

2–10 anställda
Stockholm, Stockholm County
Privatägt företag
Healthcare, Proactive health, Wearables, Preventive Health, precision healthcare, Data, AI och e-health


Anställda på Closar AI


  • Closar AI omdelade detta

    Visa organisationssidan för DigitalWell Arena, grafik

    2 261 följare

    Idag bjöd DigitalWell Innovationsbevakning återigen på ett spännande forum, där offentlig sektor och innovativa bolag kan mötas! På agendan stod som vanligt en omvärldsanalys av innovativa lösningar med potential att bidra inom offentlig sektor. Tre spännande startups deltog och fick värdefulla frågor och tips kring hur deras tjänster kan utvecklas för att nå sin fulla potential. Vi fick närmare bekanta oss med: ✔ Birds – ett digitalt relationsverktyg för par. Metodiken bygger på vetenskapliga metoder från parterapi och appen har redan använts av över 7 000 par. Birds pilottestas nu dessutom av socialtjänsten i flera kommuner. ✔ Closar AI och deras tjänst Vizu Health. Mjukvaran möjliggör för vårdgivare att oberoende av hårdvara samla in data från så kallade wearables (mobiler, smart watches, mm.) för att få ytterligare information om patientens hälsotillstånd. ✔ Meligo – en plattform som möjliggör digital samplanering mellan alla samhällsaktörer för individens bästa. Exempelvis aktörer som kommun, region, polis, arbetsförmedling och försäkringskassa. 🌟 Utöver dessa spännande startups hade vi också äran att höra från Ann-Sophie Gustafsson, utvecklingsledare på Karlstads kommuns vård- och omsorgsförvaltning, som presenterade Demand Acceleration-ramverket. Ramverket har utvecklats inom Digitalwell Arena, där Karlstad både är en viktig samarbetspartner och pionjär. Bland annat genom att som första kommun utnyttja upphandlingsmetoden i praktiken för att driva fram helt nya, digitala innovationer som löser utmaningar i verksamheten. Stort tack till samtliga medverkande, både bolag och representanter från offentlig sektor! ❤️   Vill du hänga med och varje månad ta del av innovativa lösningar som främjar offentlig sektor? Anmäl dig kostnadsfritt till DigitalWells månatliga digitala innovationsbevakning här: Vi ses nästa gång den 25 oktober, där du får möta nya spännande bolag! #digitalwellarena

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  • Closar AI omdelade detta

    Visa profilen för Sophie Alme, grafik

    BBA Student @ Hult International Business School | Majoring in Finance

    Had the pleausre to speak to a Stockholm-based startup for my most recent article! In my opinion helathtech is for sure one of the most exciting things out there and what Jean-Pierre Nordmann and his team are building at Closar AI truly is no exception! ⚡

    From Consultancy to Healthcare Innovation: Jean-Pierre Nordmann’s Journey with Closar AI (Vizu Health)

    From Consultancy to Healthcare Innovation: Jean-Pierre Nordmann’s Journey with Closar AI (Vizu Health)

    Sophie Alme på LinkedIn

  • Closar AI omdelade detta

    Visa profilen för Jean-Pierre Nordmann, grafik

    Leader in healthcare and AI

    Intense workshop today for Closar AI with Capio Sverige Volvat Ramsay Santé organized by Prevent2Care (INCO) backed by Fondation d’entreprise Ramsay Santé on how to innovate and spread innovation in healthcare. Thank you for hosting us Brigitte CACHON Ali Rezai Carl-Johan Robertz Daniel Olsson Lillan Ellingsen Johan Wahlström Flore Alias Thibaud Le Moing Niklas Sundler Isabell Westman and all who made this day happen. Great also to share visions with other startups! Thank you Qinematic StepupHealth SALUTO Paindrainer AB.

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  • Closar AI omdelade detta

    Visa profilen för Jean-Pierre Nordmann, grafik

    Leader in healthcare and AI

    Closar AI was invited by Ambassade de Suède en France on a High-level Seminar on: "Achieving a resilient healthcare system through prevention". Everyone agreed that we must shift from 'sick care' to a more preventive healthcare system. This ambition is widely shared in both Sweden and France, by public and private stakeholders. I was surprised by the near-absence of discussions on the integration of health data produced by everyday connected devices. The value of this data has already been demonstrated by numerous scientific studies across various health pathways: obesity, mental health, cardiac risks, respiratory issues, sleep disorders, rehabilitation, prevention, etc. Yet nothing is in place for this data to be truly utilized by professionals: neither the funding system, nor the care protocols, nor even the ambition of the stakeholders – still too conservative for my taste. Are we going to continue not using this data, produced by the millions, which could save thousands of years of life and billions of euros for our healthcare systems? At Vizu Health, we contribute to precision healthcare through wearable data. We want to build this contribution hand-in-hand with private entities like Ramsay Santé Capio Sverige and Kry Livi France, as well as public entities like Agence de l'innovation en santé. Business Sweden Ambassade de France en Suède SSE MBA Antler INCO Ventures Fondation d’entreprise Ramsay Santé Vivian RAJAU Lorna Colclough Maria Bäcklund-Hassel Angélica Cavalcante Galvão Fredrik Edstrom Auriane Cano-Chancel Henrik Brehmer Nicolas LEBLANC Jamel OUANDA Pascal Roché Britta Wallgren Lise ALTER David Sainati Gunilla Nordlöf Catherine Vautrin Camilla Waltersson Grönvall Crown Princess Victoria Bertrand FENOLL Florence Baguet Marie Bascoul Emma Hemmingson

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Closar AI, grafik

    994 följare

    💥 Vizu Health is born!!! 💥 We are building the go-to solution for utilizing wearable data in healthcare. It’s time to enter the era of precision healthcare through wearable data. ▶ Do you know what precision healthcare means? Saving $5 trillion each year in developed countries. Saving a total of 7 billion years of life. Wearable health data enables a step change for precision healthcare. The potential has already been proven in numerous scientific studies (Stanford, Oxford, Mayo Clinic, etc.). ⚕ Our Vizu Health solution will become the standard for precision healthcare through connected devices. Today, we are capturing interest from major groups of clinics in France and Sweden. Many heads of clinics indeed need cost-effective innovations to attract new patients and retain them. Vizu Health is an innovative solution in the market, allowing access to data, understanding it, and making informed decisions. 90% of connected object owners want to be able to share their health data with a healthcare professional if needed. By using Vizu Health, clinics gain an immediate competitive advantage. 😍 Vizu Health is unmatched for many reasons: no integration required for extremely simple use, a caregiver- and doctor-centered experience, brand- and object-type agnostic, holistic view of biomarkers, individualized statistical anomalies impossible to detect by a professional alone, etc. Are you a clinic director or healthcare professional? We allow you to test the solution right now. Contact Jean-Pierre Nordmann, and we’ll make it happen. 🚀 Do you own a connected object? Download our mobile app and use it with any professional. Your doctor or nurse types, you scan the quick share QR code (completely free for both), and they access all your data on their computer. ❤️ Do you want to promote preventive healthcare or precision healthcare? Spread the word about us, share this post, download our mobile app, visit our web app for professionals (! Thank you for your support! 🙏

    Visa profilen för Jean-Pierre Nordmann, grafik

    Leader in healthcare and AI

    💥 Vizu Health by Closar AI est né !!! 💥 Nous construisons la solution de référence pour l'utilisation des données des objets du quotidien dans le domaine de la santé. Il est temps d'engager l'ère des soins de santé de précision à partir des données des objets connectés. ▶ Savez-vous ce que signifient les soins de santé de précision ? Économiser 5 000 milliards de dollars chaque année dans les pays développés. Sauver un total de 7 milliards d'années de vie. Les données de santé des objets connectés permettent une avancée décisive pour les soins de santé de précision. Le potentiel a déjà été prouvé dans le cadre de nombreuses études scientifiques (Stanford, Oxford, Mayo Clinic, etc). ⚕ Notre solution Vizu Health by Closar AI deviendra la norme pour les soins de santé de précision grâce aux données des objets connectés. Nous suscitons aujourd'hui l'intérêt des principaux groupes de cliniques en France et en Suède. De nombreux directeurs de cliniques ont en effet besoin d'innovations rentables pour attirer de nouveaux patients et les fidéliser. Vizu Health est une solution innovante sur le marché, en permettant d'accéder aux données, les comprendre, et pouvoir prendre des décisions. 90% des propriétaires d'objets connectés souhaitent pouvoir partager leurs données de santé avec un professionnel de santé si nécessaire. En utilisant Vizu Health, les cliniques disposent d'un atout concurrentiel immédiat. 😍 Vizu Health est incomparable pour de nombreuses raisons: pas d'intégration pour rendre l'utilisation extrêmement simple, une expérience centrée sur les besoins des soignants et médecins, agnostic quant aux marques et types d'objet, vue holistique des biomarqueurs, anomalies statistiques individualisées impossibles à détecter par un professionnel seul, etc. Vous êtes un directeur de clinique ou un professionel de santé? Nous vous permettons de tester la solution dès maintenant. Contactez-moi et nous ferons le nécessaire. 🚀 Vous possédez un objet connecté? Téléchargez notre application mobile et utilisez-la avec n'importe quel professionnel. Votre docteur ou infirmier tape, vous scannez le QR-Code partage rapide (entièrement gratuit pour lui comme pour vous) et il accède à toutes vos données sur son ordinateur. ❤️ Vous souhaitez promouvoir la prévention en santé ou des soins de santé de précision? Parlez de nous autour de vous, faites suivre ce post, télécharger notre application mobile, rendez-vous sur notre web-app pour professionnels (! Merci pour vos soutiens! 🙏

    Vizu Health - Utilise wearables in healthcare

    Vizu Health - Utilise wearables in healthcare

  • Closar AI omdelade detta

    Visa profilen för Jean-Pierre Nordmann, grafik

    Leader in healthcare and AI

    FANTASTIQUE nouvelle: Closar AI rejoint le programme Prevent2Care de la Fondation d’entreprise Ramsay Santé!! Durant les 9 prochains mois, nous aurons accès au réseau de partenaires Ramsay Santé, Capio Sverige et Volvat pour faire tester notre vision du futur de la santé. A Closar AI, nous rendons possible des soins de précision à partir des données de santé des objets connectés. Nous envisageons un avenir où tous les professionnels des soins primaires utilisent les données de la vie quotidienne de leurs patients. Cet été, nous intégrons la détection d'anomalies dans notre solution. Cela signifie que Closar AI détectera pour chaque patient des tendances surprenantes qu'un professionnel seul ne serait pas capable d'identifier. Merci à la Fondation d’entreprise Ramsay Santé et INCO Ventures pour votre soutien.

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  • Closar AI omdelade detta

    Visa organisationssidan för SSE Business Lab, grafik

    6 837 följare

    WE’RE ADMITTING OUR 300TH STARTUP 🤩🚀 Today, eleven new startups are taking their place in our programs. This means that, since 2001, we’ve admitted 307 companies. More than one third of these have been admitted just since 2020 🤯 “It’s striking how good the startups from SSE are at leveraging tech to their advantage. When it comes to AI, they understand both the technology and how to build a business case around it,” says Sebastian Knutsson, former King co-founder and chairperson of our Board of Admissions 🙌 Welcome to the new startups – here’s to 300 more❣️ 🔗 Read more in Breakit:

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    Elva nya bolag klara för Handelshögskolans inkubator – som når milstolpe

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Closar AI 1 runda totalt

Senaste finansieringsrunda


163 887,00 US$


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