nilsinside AB

nilsinside AB

Återvinning och miljö

Developing a new powerful sustainable motor – the Green Revolution Energy Converter (GREC) - for a clean energy future!

Om oss

nilsinside AB is an innovative technology company developing a powerful sustainable motor- the Green Revolution Energy Converter (GREC). It can transform low temperature differences into power and has a wide range of applications. This heat engine is an extremely efficient energy converter that we believe will change the way communities and businesses internationally generate emission-free and clean energy. This is a highly scalable, low cost, zero carbon engine that makes the GREC an outstanding competitive solution. We are in an early stage of our journey and about to finish our prototype which will provide the data we need as proof of concept. The GREC has a wide range of applications across multitude of sectors where there is a temperature difference. Are you an industry with waste heat? Are you looking for new renewable energy solutions? Then we would like to partners up and explore specific application! Key applications include: - cheap clean high power energy generators which can deliver continuous off-grid electric and/or mechanical work, - industrial waste heat to energy, - geothermal motors, - direct solar to motion, - innovative technology within the energy storage sector, - emission-free technology within the transport sector... The technology behind this heat engine has a simple concept yet so innovative and powerful. It builds on established knowledge in heat transfer and thermodynamics. The GREC is a Carnot engine using an electric motor to move its "Work Generating Volume" between a hot and a cold reservoir. This generates pressure pulses that in turn generate work (connecting to a piston, a turbine, a pump, an electricity generator…). - The larger the volume of air, the more energy. - The greater the temperature difference, the more energy. Today's external heat engines are very limited in power due to limited cylinder volumes. However the GREC can benefit from lower temperature differences and be built for much higher power output.

Återvinning och miljö
2–10 anställda
Privatägt företag
renewable energy, clean energy, affordable energy, climate action, innovation, clean tech, zero carbon, heat engine, solarenergy, wasteheat och heat recovery


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