Medicon Village

Medicon Village


Lund, Skåne 12 384 följare

The largest value-driven life science park in Scandinavia.

Om oss

Medicon Village är den största värderingsdrivna forskarparken i Norden med fokus på life science och därmed en livlig mötesplats för forskare, entreprenörer och andra med intresse av life science. Ägd av den ideella stiftelsen "Mats Paulssons stiftelse för forskning, innovation och samhällsutveckling", som bidrar till nya projekt som betonar forskning och innovation som gynnar människors möjligheter till ett bättre liv. Den hållbara ägarmodellen innebär att avkastningen på kapitalet, tillsammans med överskott från driften av Medicon Village, återinvesteras i forskning i form av donationer. Med 2 800 anställda i 180 företagoch organisationer fungerar Medicon Village som en mötesplats för individer dedikerade till olika discipliner inom life science. Dessa inkluderar bioinformatik, biomedicinsk teknik, tillverkning av bioläkemedel, bioteknik, klinisk forskning och företag inom kontraktsforskning (CRO), diagnostik och patologi, miljöbioteknik, genomik och genetisk forskning, hälsovårdstjänster, medicinteknik, näringsläkemedel, läkemedel, regenerativ medicin och mer.

1 001–5 000 anställda
Lund, Skåne
life science, innovation, research, community, laboratories, space to let, space to rent, bioinformatics, biomedical engineering, biopharmaceutical manufacturing, biotechnology, CRO, environmental biotechnology, healthcare services, medical devices, nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals, regenerative medicine, ATMP, genomic and genetic research, diagnostics and pathology och clinical research and contract research organizations


Anställda på Medicon Village


  • Visa organisationssidan för Medicon Village, grafik

    12 384 följare

    We asked some of our dedicated staff at Medicon Village how they spend their summer holidays and about their professional focus for the second half of 2024. This is how Lottie Olsson Norrsén answered:   "Exploring Europe from horseback: year 3! This year, my equestrian adventures have taken me to the beautiful and volcanic island of São Miguel in the Azores, Portugal. Not only did I get to explore this tropical paradise on horseback, but I also ventured into the sea, creating unforgettable memories!    One of the highlights of my trip was meeting Christina and Claude de Laval at Quinta da Terça. This wonderful Swedish couple rescues horses, giving them a loving home and allowing horse lovers like me to discover the island from their backs. During my stay, I had the pleasure of learning about local traditions, such as making tea at a nearby factory and growing the sweetest pineapples, a process that takes 2.5 years!   The adventure didn’t stop there. I went out on a speedboat and was thrilled to have dolphins follow and play around the boat. I even had the chance to see magnificent sperm whales up close!   São Miguel may be a small island, but it offers an abundance of experiences and natural beauty. I’m so grateful for this incredible journey and can’t wait for the next adventure!    Looking ahead to this autumn, I'm excited about the packed schedule of events designed to educate and inspire you. There are too many events to list here, so be sure to check out our webpage for all the details (link in comments below)!"   #HorsebackRiding #SãoMiguel #Azores #lifescience #sciencepark

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Medicon Village, grafik

    12 384 följare

    Current 6 job vacancies posted on our website: - Senior Regulatory Expert with FDA experience at Key2Compliance (application deadline 27 July) - Testingenjör/Laborant at Emmace Consulting (application deadline 31 July) - Student employee opportunity at Suturion (application deadline 4 August) - Research Scientists in protein chemistry and structural biology at SARomics Biostructures (application deadline 4 August) - Regulatory Affairs Manager at AGB-Pharma (application deadline 9 August) - QCM Specialist at Rechon (application deadline 15 August) As part of our Talent Attraction Programme, we've made it possible for both members of Medicon Village and other companies and organisations within the Skåne life science ecosystem to post open life science positions in Skåne for free on our intranet and public website. Additionally, information on these open positions is published in our weekly newsletter ( 5,700 subscribers), on our LinkedIn page every Friday, and in other channels we use to distribute information. Link for details on open positions, and how to submit new ones, in the comment section below. #hiring #talentattraction #matchmaking #lifescience #sciencepark Key2Compliance | Emmace Consulting AB | Suturion | SARomics Biostructures AB | AGB-Pharma AB | Rechon Life Science AB | Agardh Recruitment & Consulting

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Medicon Village, grafik

    12 384 följare

    We asked our friends at Supporting Partner Potter Clarkson to come up with some summer holiday food for thought on IP for founders and executives who are too busy to reflect on these topics during hectic workdays. Our intention is to publish one thought each week in July. Here's the third one: "WHO ACTUALLY OWNS YOUR IP?   At their earliest stages, some businesses are unaware that they do not have the freedom to do as they please with their research because the intellectual property associated with that work may not belong solely to them, or even to them at all.   The landscape of IP ownership in a university or other collaborative setting is a complex beast, presenting a challenging puzzle to unravel. At the basic level, and note that this can change from territory to territory, the first owner of an invention is the inventor. Makes sense. But – if that inventor is employed, and the invention was made in the “normal course of their duties”, the employer may well then automatically own that invention.   Since IP ownership all starts with the inventor – what is an inventor? And how is that different to an author of a journal publication? This is a question you need to answer (and it’s also a question we’d be happy to help you answer and, if necessary, find a suitable solution if the answer isn’t the one you want or need)." If this raises any questions, or if you have any other IP-related queries, feel free to book a free one-on-one chat with the most qualified attorney for your technology at a time that suits you best. The link to book this, along with a text on "IP Primer for scientist-founders" can be found in the comment section below. #innovation #foodforthought #preparingforautumn

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Medicon Village, grafik

    12 384 följare

    We asked some of our brilliant minds at Medicon Village how they spend their summer holidays and about their professional focus for the second half of 2024. This is how Nelly Fransén at Arex Advisor answered:   "This year we decided to go to Greece to get some sun and time to relax with the family. Knowing good advice is important, I asked my kids what they think I should do, so I will spend more time at the beach, rest 45 min every day and buy things for them, because then I’ll get a hug each time!   My focus after summer will be with our ongoing projects, but, although exciting, I’ll leave it to our clients to tell you more. If I could wish for new things to focus on it would be a tricky formulation development query, discussing a challenging regulatory strategy or performing a nice QA self-inspection. The beauty of being a consultant is that everything can happen!"   #brilliantminds #lifescience #sciencepark Arex Advisor

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Medicon Village, grafik

    12 384 följare

    We asked some of our brilliant minds at Medicon Village how they spend their summer holidays and about their professional focus for the second half of 2024. This is how Ingegerd Dalfelt at iCoat Medical answered:   "For the summer of 2024 I promised myself to try and make the most of all the lovely Swedish summer days and light evenings. As an independent consultant I am extremely privileged, so with no fixed vacation I can be very flexible to pick and choose days off depending on the weather. On a sunny day I explore local attractions together with family and friends, enjoying excellent food and drinks. On a rainy day I recharge my batteries through listening to opera and classical music and reading good books. Later this fall (outside of the tourist season), my husband and I plan for a weekend trip to the wonderful island of Rügen, and perhaps an even further southbound trip to capture some additional necessary (sun)light preparing for the upcoming dark winter period.   During the autumn of 2024 closing activities continue for iCoat Medical’s recently completed phase 1/2a clinical trial, ATMIRe. The trial outcome was a success, so our planning of iCoat Medical’s phase 2b trial, EMPIRe, continues, with full speed ahead. Together with my clinical team I will aim for submission of our clinical trial application in CTIS in quarter 3, and after securing full funding for the trial, we will hopefully initiate the trial in quarter 4 of this year."   #brilliantminds #lifescience #sciencepark iCoat Medical AB

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Medicon Village, grafik

    12 384 följare

    We asked some of our brilliant minds at Medicon Village how they spend their summer holidays and about their professional focus for the second half of 2024. This is how Laura Chirica at Cellevate answered:   "Summer = sun family hiking in the mountains, this is summer for me! The power of the mountain translates every time into an overwhelming sense of freedom and stillness as we find ourselves surrounded by absolute silence and natural beauty, further than our eyes can see. I love hiking in the mountains with my family because it is the symbol of managing the challenges in life, to conquer what may seem unconquerable we need consistency, patience, perseverance, pushing our boundaries and finding inner strength with each step while relying on each other.   For Cellevate, 2024 marks the most important cornerstone in the company. With validations performed, Cellevate is now strategically positioned to advance to the next phase of its growth and commercialization. Our primary objective is to launch the first product based on the sustainable, green and scalable core nanotechnology: Cellevat3d™ nanofiber microcarriers in Q4 2024. Cellevate´s products are unique as they provide unparalleled surface area for cell culturing, they mimic accurately the human body´s extracellular environment and they are scalable from R&D to commercial manufacturing. Ultimately, Cellevat3d™ microcarriers are designed to improve yield and productivity of viral vectors production in gene therapy applications."   #brilliantminds #lifescience #sciencepark Cellevate AB

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Medicon Village, grafik

    12 384 följare

    We asked some of our brilliant minds at Medicon Village how they spend their summer holidays and about their professional focus for the second half of 2024. This is how Henrik Johansson at SenzaGen answered:   "I always spend the summer holidays in Sweden, both at home in Malmö but also in Blekinge and Öland in summer houses shared with our extended families. My daughters dictate most of the agenda, so there is a lot of baths, ice cream and playing.

   SenzaGen will invest a lot in R&D during the coming years, starting after the summer! We will both validate and further improve methods that we have been working on for some time, as well as hopefully venture into some new areas within predictive toxicology. All while making sure that the core business remains profitable. Exciting times!"   #brilliantminds #lifescience #sciencepark SenzaGen

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Medicon Village, grafik

    12 384 följare

    We asked some of our brilliant minds at Medicon Village how they spend their summer holidays and about their professional focus for the second half of 2024. This is how Stefan Jovinge, President of Research and Education at Scania University Hospitals, answered:   "I recharge my batteries at our farm in Österlen. I spend time with my family, devour books, swim in the pool, play board games, and solve crime mysteries in the evenings. Early breakfast with my e-reader and reading assistance from Saffran are among the highlights. This summer's theme: The Cold War. I highly recommend all the books I have read/am reading:   - Brigitte Reimann: Siblings (East German author about three siblings, two of whom move to the West). - Graham Greene: Our Man in Havana (a man in need of money fabricates spy stories which he sells to the intelligence service, only for the events he 'makes up' to actually happen). - Helena Merriman: Tunnel 29 – The True Story of an Extraordinary Escape Beneath the Berlin Wall (East Germans and Stasi agents working to escape under the Berlin Wall to the West).   This autumn, we will inaugurate the Precision Medicine Center South, prepare for the launching of our ATMP model early next year (The Lund model) and finally get our AI Health center going."   #brilliantminds #lifescience #sciencepark Skånes universitetssjukhus (Skåne University Hospital) | Lund University | Region Skåne Region Skåne – utveckling & innovation

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Medicon Village, grafik

    12 384 följare

    We asked some of our dedicated staff at Medicon Village how they spend their summer holidays and about their professional focus for the second half of 2024. This is how Mikael Lagerwall answered:   "For more than 30 years, I’ve spent most of July in our summer house at Ulvön, up north in Höga Kusten, relaxing to reset my mind, foster creativity, and stay sane in a world of turmoil. Just being there.🙏🏼   During the second half of 2024, I look forward to contributing to further strengthening our life science park’s position as a vibrant hub for research and business in Northern Europe. Major initiatives to achieve this will include:   - our investment in a meeting point (alas stand) of our own at NLSDays. - partnering efforts at The Future of Swedish and Danish Life Science, NLSDays and BIO-Europe. - a new ambassador programme. - a new concept for member benefits. - the launch of an Investor’s Club. - events to inaugurate our brand new laboratory building.   All in all, lots of hard, fun, and rewarding work together with the rest of the dedicated Medicon Village team and the Swedish and Medicon Valley life science ecosystem."   #lifescience #sciencepark Nordic Life Science Days | Life Science Sweden | SmiLe Venture Hub | SwedenBIO | Swelife | The Swedish Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry, LIF | Medicon Valley Alliance

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Medicon Village, grafik

    12 384 följare

    We asked some of our brilliant minds at Medicon Village how they spend their summer holidays and about their professional focus for the second half of 2024. This is how Arash Fayyazi at Saveggy answered:   "One highlight of this summer was taking the train with my son to watch a Euro 2024 game in Frankfurt. In the stadium, we joined 70,000 other fans, and the atmosphere was electric!! We also took the opportunity to visit a few shops in central Frankfurt to check the vegetables section ;) The cucumbers were severely dehydrated and in very bad shape. This confirmed that Germany with its advanced and efficient supply chain still faces problems with food waste.   This fall is going to be an intense period with the commercialization of our first product, SaveCucumber®, and more launch activities. So I’m taking this beautiful time of the year to recharge with long days, plenty of light, fruit harvesting, jam making, dog walks and precious moments with my family."   #brilliantminds #lifescience #sciencepark Saveggy

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