Teknik, information och internet

Stockholm, Stockholm 836 följare

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Teknik, information och internet
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Stockholm, Stockholm
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  • Visa organisationssidan för, grafik

    836 följare

    Visa profilen för Claes Mårtén, grafik

    Disrupting the social industry

    🚀 The Power of Our Platform🚀 : Redefining Community Engagement At our core, we've developed a revolutionary, modular platform designed for scalability and adaptability. Introducing Hummy 😎 Imagine a platform that evolves with your needs, built for communities to create personalized environments where they can pursue their passions, forge relationships, and monetize on their terms. Empowering Future Thought Leaders 💃 🕺 Our platform empowers community leaders to become future thought leaders, fostering collective value rather than amplifying a single voice. Tailored Experiences 🛠 We provide tools for community leaders to create tailored experiences. Our strategy targets communities that need our technology the most, moving from one to another to address their specific needs. This approach creates a product-market fit from scratch, ensuring each community thrives. Your Hub for All Communities 👩👩👦👦 Hummy is the platform for all your communities to live and grow. Whether it's your BRF, friends, gardening group, or football club, our platform adapts to bring all your interests and groups into one cohesive environment. A Real-World Example 🤳 Just over 48 hours ago, we tasked two developers with creating a "recent updates" section consolidating all activities into the main community view. In less than 48 hours, we designed, built, tested, and deployed it. This rapid turnaround showcases the flexibility of our stellar block technology. Building the Shopify for Communities ✌ Our mission is to build the Shopify for Communities, empowering groups to create, connect, and thrive together. Our modular platform quickly provides communities with the features they need, ensuring their success. #shopify #community #communities

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  • Visa organisationssidan för, grafik

    836 följare

    Visa profilen för Claes Mårtén, grafik

    Disrupting the social industry

    🧟♂️ The End of the Influencer Era 🧟♀️ : Embracing the Power of Community The follower is dead. The influencer era as we know it is over, and it's time to address the mental health challenges that have plagued influencers for too long. The algorithms have transformed social media from a vibrant space for creative expression and genuine connections into a relentless chase for visibility and engagement. What once was a platform to monetize passion has become a pressure cooker, where the joy of connecting with friends and followers has been replaced by the anxiety of algorithmic performance. Influencers, have you ever felt the crushing weight of creating content that pleases the algorithm? Have you ever been disheartened by the lack of views on a video you poured your heart into? Have you wondered why, despite a large following, your content seems invisible? One influencer confided, "I'm just a regular person, and people used to connect with me as a friend. Now, my followers ask why I don’t post anymore (even though I do). To play the algorithm game, I sometimes resort to tactics that alienate my true followers. What should I do? Stay authentic and risk my livelihood or conform and lose my genuine audience?" I'm not an influencer, but I've witnessed the toll it takes firsthand through friends and a past partner. The anxiety over likes, views, and engagement is real and damaging. Is it just me that wants to change this terrible situation ⁉ What went wrong? Influencers lost control over their reach. Algorithms prioritize monetization over genuine relationships, pressuring creators to constantly perform. But there’s hope for the future. The influencer era, as we know it, may be ending, but a new dawn is rising—one of community. Imagine spending less time chasing reach and more time creating value for your true followers. Imagine a community where relationships are nurtured, not just numbers. A community of 10,000 engaged members can provide value equivalent to 200,000 passive followers. These 10,000 are the 5% driving 90% of your revenue. Visualize always reaching your core audience with your brand partnerships, without the constant worry about metrics. The future is community-driven. So, how will you build your community to secure your future? Or will you let the next generation of influencers take your place? #socialmedia #influencers

  • Visa organisationssidan för, grafik

    836 följare

    Visa profilen för Claes Mårtén, grafik

    Disrupting the social industry

    🌟  Introducing Hummy: The Ultimate Platform for your Communities 🌟 Imagine a place where all your groups and interests come together seamlessly. Welcome to Hummy, the platform where communities grow, engage, and thrive like never before! What is Hummy⁉ Hummy is a dynamic platform designed to bring all your interactions into one place. With features like messaging, notes, calendars, marketplaces, and more, each group is customizable to meet the unique needs of your community. WHY You’ll Love Hummy: Unified Interests: From planning events to engaging with your favorite hobbies, Hummy centralizes all your activities in one convenient platform. Customized Experiences: Each group can tailor its functionalities, ensuring a perfect fit for their specific needs. Whether it's a university club, a sports team, or a charity organization, Hummy adapts to you. Scalable Technology: Built on a robust and flexible platform, Hummy allows for endless customization and feature integration without altering the core functionality. Similar to how smartphones manage multiple apps without changing their core operations, Hummy's architecture ensures seamless scalability and consistent performance. AI-Powered Customization: Our AI helps you customize your group effortlessly, suggesting features and layouts that best suit your community's needs. Empowerment: Community leaders can manage and grow their groups with ease. Hummy provides tools that help you engage and enhance your community effectively. Seamless Interaction: With Hummy, you can easily switch between different group activities without losing track of important conversations and events. All your messages, notes, calendar events, and marketplace transactions are in one place. What's in it for who⁉ For Communities: Hummy is where your group can grow, share, and engage naturally and efficiently. Manage events, discussions, and activities all in one platform tailored to your needs. For Users: Experience a platform that brings all your interests into one place, making it easy to stay connected and engaged with everything that matters to you. For Community Leaders: Take control of your group's interactions and create a vibrant, engaged community effortlessly. Hummy empowers you with the tools to foster meaningful connections and growth. Hummy is here to transform the way we interact. 👉  Want to know more about the journey of Hummy? Are you a community leader, business leader, investors, nerd in your field, marketeer or just a person that loves to listen to unique ideas? I'm here! 👋

  • Visa organisationssidan för, grafik

    836 följare

    Visa profilen för Claes Mårtén, grafik

    Disrupting the social industry

    🧘♂️🧘♂️ My wise old mentor once shared with me that our world is experiencing a shortage of intimacy, hinting at a Global Intimacy Disorder. 🧘♂️🧘♂️ At hummy, we’re not claiming to solve this entirely, but we are committed to bridging the gap by enhancing social interactions. What drives social connections? The answer lies in providing a "context". Imagine each of your interests—friends and family, school, and events you attend—enveloped in a safe space, equipped with features specifically designed to add value to those communities. Why not offer a tailored experience that fosters social engagement if we understand the community's context? That's the essence of hummy! We're crafting a 🌍🌍 Social Ecosystem for Communities🌍 🌍 , utilizing innovative technology that moves beyond one-size-fits-all solutions. Instead, we focus on bespoke solutions that cater to the actual needs of each community—as it should be. What's remarkable about our approach is that achieving product-market fit is ingrained in our DNA. We engage one community at a time, tailoring our solutions to their specific needs and working closely with community leaders. Curious about the why, when, how, and for whom of hummy? Let's connect and explore how we can bring your community closer together!

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  • Visa organisationssidan för, grafik

    836 följare

    Visa profilen för Claes Mårtén, grafik

    Disrupting the social industry

    ⭐ Reflektioner från en Entreprenörs Resa ⭐ Tittar jag tillbaka på de senaste sex månaderna ser jag en av de mest krävande perioderna i mitt liv. Som entreprenör har jag stött på otaliga utmaningar, men inget har testat mig som denna period har. Mitt eviga mantra har varit att omfamna utmaningar med en obotlig optimism – ett synsätt som burit mig genom min uppväxt och mitt professionella liv. Dessa månader har dock kastat mig in i en storm av personliga och professionella prövningar; ett uppbrott på det personliga planet, omstruktureringar inom företaget, ökad press från investerare, och en djup självrannsakan. Trots att jag utåt sett stått stadig, har mörkret lagt sig över mig under vissa kvällarna och morgnarna. Ändå, det är under dessa stunder som jag funnit kraften att fortsätta kämpa. Jag har gråtit mer under dessa månader än vad jag gjort på länge, med tårar färgade av både sorg, glädje, tacksamhet och hoppfullhet. Jag har levt efter devisen att det som inte dödar, stärker. Jag har omfamnat varje känsla, låtit den ta plats och lära mig. Pressen och ensamheten som vi entreprenörer ofta står inför är välkänd, men det är också något som ger oss kraft! Allt slit och tårar som allt ovan inneburit kommer snart att visa sig i vad som ligger framför våra fötter. Jag tillsammans med mina underbara kollegor har jobbar hårt för att göra en pivot av bolaget! En pivot som inte bara har ännu mer potential än den gamla inriktningen vi hade utan som också avsevärt ökar våra chanser att lyckas. Vi står inför att skapa en ny nisch inom sociala plattformar. Ett nytt sätt för att bli en del av människors digitala vardag med fokus på att öka sociala interaktioner mellan människor!  Vi längtar så efter att få dela med oss av det vi bygger! Mitt inlägg idag är en påminnelse om att resan, trots sina utmaningar, är värd varenda steg. Det är också ett tack till var och en av er som varit med mig på denna resan. Mina underbara kollegor, styrelsen och alla de som finns i vår närhet! Motgångarna i våra liv formar oss inte bara, de har en djupare mening med att avslöja vår sanna styrka. Likaså är det med vår pivot! 🚀

  • Visa organisationssidan för, grafik

    836 följare

  • Visa organisationssidan för, grafik

    836 följare

    Hade inte kunnat beskriva min egen produkt bättre än dessa två fantastiska kvinnor. In och lyssna på ett bra avsnitt - som bonus får du höra lite mer om hummy efter cirka 20 minuter. Något för dig som inte vill tillåta Facebooks nya datakrav eller betala 150 kr i månaden för en ganska old school lösning.

    ‎Lika & Olika - med Lisa Borg & Emelie Bergstedt: 285. Att fylla ett liv & Hummy är appen vi saknade on Apple Podcasts

    ‎Lika & Olika - med Lisa Borg & Emelie Bergstedt: 285. Att fylla ett liv & Hummy är appen vi saknade on Apple Podcasts

  • Visa organisationssidan för, grafik

    836 följare

    Visa profilen för Claes Mårtén, grafik

    Disrupting the social industry

    🌟 Reflecting on a intense couple of months 🌟 I wanted to take a moment to share and reflect on the intense and transformative experiences of the past months that marked a series of incredible external engagements, insightful interactions, and relentless dedication to our vision. 🎙️ Podcast Participation: Had the privilege to join the phenomenal Cecilia Victoria Kärrberg on the Digital-Snack podcast, discussing our forward-moving vision. 🗣️ Panel Discussions & Engagements: Engaged in a thoughtful panel discussion at the well-curated IM EXPO - Influencer Marketing Event in Malmö by the ProAd team. Karin Westlund Magnus Noord - Exchanged dialogues with Claes de Faire at Stockholm Mediaweek, projecting our journey and vision to reshape the social media landscape. Lena Regeheim and Rolf van den Brink - thank you for inviting me. 📰 Newspaper Interview: I had a conversation with Linnea Kihlström, the chief editor at Dagensmedia newspaper, where we discussed our journey and vision. 🤝 Strategic Collaborations: Initiated collaborations with top-tier management agencies to jointly innovate and reshape the industry. 👑 Royal Interaction: Received the honor to meet and spend two days with the royal family of Liechtenstein in Vienna. 🌐 Entrepreneurial Insights: Around 30 enriching meetings with fellow entrepreneurs, valuing their honest opinions and constructive feedback. Averaging a total of 18 meetings every week since the first week of July. 🤝 Invaluable Connections: Interacted with important stakeholders within renowned organizations and met with eminent scientists, psychologists, and experts in human behavior. Engaged with some of the most influential investors across Sweden and Europe. 🛠️ Relentless Dedication: The journey has been fueled by unprecedented hard work, sacrificing vacations, personal time, and unfortunately, enduring the loss of a relationship. 🙏 Unwavering Motivation: Personal: The unstoppable motivation to demonstrate that what seemed impossible, especially for a working-class kid from the north of Sweden, is indeed possible. - To challenge the most powerful companies on the planet. Team: It has not been easy the last couple of months, we have endured challenges not many people would be able to endure. Together we are now emerging stronger than ever before. While this journey has been incredibly demanding, the lessons learned, the connections made, and the continuous support from my colleagues have been paramount. We have a long long way ahead of us, countless hours and hard work needed to deliver our vision into the product. The Open Beta is giving us the valuable data that we need in order to achieve our goals! Let's keep pushing the boundaries and redefining the possible.

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