Granode Materials

Granode Materials

Forskning inom nanoteknik

Uppsala, Uppsala län 288 följare

Tiny Particles Solve Huge Battery Problems

Om oss

Granode Materials is a specialty anode and deep-tech company accelerating the global transition towards sustainable growth. Our ambition is to enable a sustainable supply chain for anode materials and meanwhile improve the current benchmark of lithium-ion battery anode performance. Our vertical integration, strategic location and innovative processes are key to getting there.

Forskning inom nanoteknik
2–10 anställda
Uppsala, Uppsala län
Privatägt företag
materials technology, anodes, battery, batteries, nano technology, anode, energy storage och graphene


Anställda på Granode Materials


  • Granode Materials omdelade detta

    Visa profilen för Illia Dobryden, grafik

    Scientist and Raman spectroscopy expert at RISE Research Institutes of Sweden. Novel sustainable solutions for energy storage and energy harvesting area

    "By drinking coffee we can all contribute to sustainable batteries"! 😊 Sustainable batteries are crucial for our future and enabling "greener" electrification for society and cities. Some good ways to improved sustainability are via introduction of biobased binders and biocarbons in battery manufacturing. I am happy to share our new funded project on valorization of coffee grinds to produce hard carbon anodes for sodium-ion batteries (SiB) and explore new routes for lithium-ion batteries (LiB) - "Valorization of coffee waste for battery materials “Waste to Watt?” . Thank you BioInnovation and Vinnova for funding our project and providing us this excellent opportunity to develop hard carbon manufacturing concept using waste biomasses. We have an amazing project team with Selecta AB and Granode Materials to accelerate sustainable transition in battery manufacturing! Stay tuned with us for more project updates and news. You can read more information on the project and bioinnovation platform update here: and here #sustainability #hardcarbon #batteries #innovation #sodiumionbatteries #lithiumionbattery #science #SIB #technology #research #biocarbon

    Valorization of coffee waste for battery materials “Waste to Watt?” – step 1 - BioInnovation

    Valorization of coffee waste for battery materials “Waste to Watt?” – step 1 - BioInnovation

  • Granode Materials omdelade detta

    Visa organisationssidan för Business Sweden, grafik

    64 210 följare

    Congratulations to the Sustainability winners of the Business Sweden CATALYST programme 2024 - FoodFacts, Econans - Energy Transition Unlocked and Granode Materials! The Catalyst programme will help these companies to accelerate their international expansion and sales, thus expanding their footprint on a selected market. We would like to extend a warm thank to the valuable committee members Lars Vestergaard, Daniel Kjellén, Marc Keveles and guest expert Jonas Bergqvist. Once again - big congratulations to the winners and we look forward to supporting them in their global expansion. Would you like to follow in their footsteps? Read more about how Business Sweden can help your SME grow globally: #GrowGlobalSales #StartUp #ScaleUp #Catalyst

  • Visa organisationssidan för Granode Materials, grafik

    288 följare

    Using nanostructures of silicon offers the promise of high storage capacity in lithium-ion batteries. However, contrary to popular belief, excessive use of nanosilicon in anodes presents specific concerns: 1) Low Packing Density: Nanoparticle electrodes may have a low packing density, making it challenging to achieve high bulk energy in batteries. 2) Scalability and Cost: The synthesis of nanosilicon may not be scalable or economical, especially when costly silane gas is used as a feedstock. In a field where cost is a critical metric, this is a significant drawback. 💰 3) Reduced Calendar Life: The calendar life of batteries using silicon nanoparticles can be drastically lower. This is a crucial parameter that is often overlooked during the evaluation of silicon-included batteries. At Granode, we prioritize the calendar life of silicon-containing batteries in our targets. By using cheap and readily available silicon microparticles, we minimize excessive interaction with the electrolyte, thereby reducing the parasitic reactions common with nanostructures. Below is the US Department of Energy’s targeted calendar life for some nanosilicon-containing batteries (they have significant gap yet to bridge).

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  • Granode Materials omdelade detta

    Visa organisationssidan för UIC - Uppsala Innovation Centre, grafik

    4 589 följare

    Batterier består i princip av tre delar; 1️⃣ Anoden som i dagligt tal kallas för minuspolen, 2️⃣ Katoden, eller pluspolen, och 3️⃣ Elektrolyten som sitter däremellan. Något förenklat utvinns ström när elektroner flyttas från den minusladdade anoden genom elektrolyten för att till sist nå katoden. När alla elektroder har gjort samma resa är batteriet urladdat. Företaget Granode Materials intresserar sig för den första tredjedelen, alltså anoden. Den består till största delen av grafit, det vill säga kol. Granode har receptet för mer effektiva och hållbara batterier! 🔋 – Vi ersätter stora delar av den smutsiga grafiten med kisel och får ett batteri som både är renare och mer effektivt, säger Granodes nytillsatte vd, Lars Schedin. Efterfrågan på batterier ökar explosionsartat nu när allt fler bensin- och dieseldrivna fordon ska ersättas med elfordon. Eldriften eliminerar utsläppen från fordonen, men samtidigt är batteriproduktionen förknippad med stora utsläpp av bland annat koldioxid. Uppsalabaserade Granode Materials har dock en mer hållbar och effektiv batterilösning. Granode är med i Swedish Scaleups och för närvarande är kapitalanskaffning det mest prioriterade området 🚀 #innovation #hållbaromställning #batteri #affärsutveckling #startup #scaleup

    Granode har receptet för mer effektiva och hållbara batterier - Swedish Scaleups 🚀

    Granode har receptet för mer effektiva och hållbara batterier - Swedish Scaleups 🚀

  • Granode Materials omdelade detta

    Visa organisationssidan för Swedish Scaleups, grafik

    817 följare

    Granode har receptet för effektivare och mer hållbara batterier 🔋🌍 Efterfrågan på batterier ökar explosionsartat nu när allt fler bensin- och dieseldrivna bilar, bussar och lastbilar skall ersättas med elfordon. Eldriften eliminerar utsläppen från fordonen, men samtidigt är batteriproduktionen förknippad med stora utsläpp av bland annat koldioxid. Dessutom kontroller Kina i princip alla råvaror för batteritillverkningen, vilket EU ser som ett orosmoment. Uppsalabaserade Granode Materials har dock en mer hållbar och effektiv batterilösning som dessutom innebär att produktion kommer att kunna ske i Norden. – Vi ersätter stora delar av den smutsiga grafiten med kisel och får ett batteri som både är renare och mer effektivt, säger Granodes nytillsatte vd, Lars Schedin. Läs mer i artikeln:

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Granode Materials, grafik

    288 följare

    Lithium-ion batteries (LiBs), were first commercially developed for portable devices and electronics, are now considered a major prerequisite reliance for sustainable energy transition. As the LiB usage multiplies, the specific requirements for higher energy density on the operating devices such as electric vehicles and unmanned aviation also increases. The issues regarding energy density, raw materials resources and expenses are indeed critical limits for implementation of the LiBs within sustainable transformation goals such as grid and micro-grid applications. A critical challenge, especially over the passing decade, is to make batteries that make significant achievement in increased energy density using raw materials that contribute to eliminating carbon emissions. Silicon based anode a currently well studied topic can ultimately provide a holistic improvement for LiBs, given that it can rely on (1) cheap and abundant raw materials, and also (2) maintain the lifetime and safety of the batteries.

  • Visa organisationssidan för Granode Materials, grafik

    288 följare

    Production and procurement of anode-grade natural and synthetic graphite within EU are currently very limited and with significant CO2 emissions.   Most of the natural anode-grade graphite used in EU in 2023 was imported, raising supply risks. Furthermore, there are several difficulties in meeting the ever-increasing demand for anode grade graphite with recycling. ♻  Insight: Currently using the best of available technologies, every 1kg of second-life graphite, will result in 9.8 kg emitted CO2. A value comparable to the original production of natural graphite..... (should it be done???) 🧠  In fact, alternative technologies are the best viable option for LiB anode production.  Silicon-based composites are, getting closer to the readiness levels required by LiB performance. However, only a solution combining scalability, price and supply constraints can overcome the hurdles of commercialization.  Granode is proudest to present solutions by fabricating silicon-rich anodes and purified graphite (not in LiB value chain) that outperform conventional anode blends. 💪 These all come with a secure supply chain and reasonable price. 💰

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Granode Materials, grafik

    288 följare

    Granode Insight: The production of graphite anodes, a crucial component of electric vehicle batteries in terms of volume, predominantly relies on two primary feedstock pathways: 1) Mined and Thermally Processed Natural Graphite: This involves the extraction and thermal processing of natural graphite. 2) Synthetic Graphite: Produced by graphitizing petroleum coke and other fossil fuels. Unique Challenges: Notably, not all the graphite mined and procured is suitable for Li-ion battery (LiB) production. Battery-grade graphite requires distinct levels of purity, crystallography, and post-processing, a requirement that is increasingly challenging to meet as the Li-ion battery industry expands. The production of graphite for an estimated 9.5 million electric vehicles sold in 2022 is projected to result in approximately 11.17 billion kilograms of CO2 equivalent emissions. This is comparable to the emissions of 2.5 million gasoline-burning passenger vehicles over a year. There are only a limited number of producers prepared to address the supply gap for battery-grade graphite. Furthermore, only a handful of companies plan to adopt low-carbon processes for graphite production. Granode's Solution: Granode's current technologies offer a dual-pronged solution for global battery production: 1) Advanced Composite Solution: Granode's plug-and-play nano-silicon and graphite composite solution significantly enhances the capacitive performance of Li-ion batteries, surpassing traditional graphite anodes. 2) Sustainable Processing Techniques: Granode's innovative processing techniques can replace the carbon-intensive methods used in conventional graphite production, such as thermal purification and spheronization. This makes it feasible to employ lower-quality graphite in a critical application like anode composites. Granode's advancements in battery anode materials and eco-friendly production techniques hold great promise for addressing the challenges posed by the rapid expansion of the electric vehicle industry. By boosting performance and reducing environmental impact, Granode is at the forefront of transforming the battery production landscape.

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