

Medicinsk utrustning

Stockholm, Stockholm 983 följare

Bringing AI to intensive care

Om oss

We are dedicated to developing and implementing clinically validated ML-based clinical decision support software that save lives and reduce costs in healthcare, primarily targeting intensive and critical care.

Medicinsk utrustning
11–50 anställda
Stockholm, Stockholm
Privatägt företag
artificial intelligence, diagnostics och personalized medicine


Anställda på AlgoDx


  • Visa organisationssidan för AlgoDx, grafik

    983 följare

    We are incredibly proud to be a partner to Philips in the intensive care space. This is huge!

    Visa organisationssidan för AlgoDx, grafik

    983 följare

    🌟 Exciting News: AlgoDx partners with Philips to Revolutionize Sepsis Management in Intensive Care 🌟 We are thrilled to announce our groundbreaking partnership with industry leader Philips! This strategic alliance marks a significant milestone in our mission to improve sepsis management in intensive care units in Europe. Sepsis is a critical challenge in healthcare, affecting millions of lives each year. By combining our innovative technologies with Philips' advanced clinical solutions, NAVOY has first been launched at St Görans Hospital in Stockholm, with the aim to enhance early sepsis detection, streamline workflows, and ultimately save more lives. This collaboration underscores our commitment to leveraging cutting-edge technology and expertise to address some of the most pressing issues in healthcare. Together with Philips, we are poised to transform the landscape of sepsis care, bringing about more efficient, effective, and patient-centered solutions. Join us as we embark on this exciting journey to make a tangible difference in the world of critical care. 🔗 Read the full press release here:

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  • Visa organisationssidan för AlgoDx, grafik

    983 följare

    🌟 Exciting News: AlgoDx partners with Philips to Revolutionize Sepsis Management in Intensive Care 🌟 We are thrilled to announce our groundbreaking partnership with industry leader Philips! This strategic alliance marks a significant milestone in our mission to improve sepsis management in intensive care units in Europe. Sepsis is a critical challenge in healthcare, affecting millions of lives each year. By combining our innovative technologies with Philips' advanced clinical solutions, NAVOY has first been launched at St Görans Hospital in Stockholm, with the aim to enhance early sepsis detection, streamline workflows, and ultimately save more lives. This collaboration underscores our commitment to leveraging cutting-edge technology and expertise to address some of the most pressing issues in healthcare. Together with Philips, we are poised to transform the landscape of sepsis care, bringing about more efficient, effective, and patient-centered solutions. Join us as we embark on this exciting journey to make a tangible difference in the world of critical care. 🔗 Read the full press release here:

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  • Visa organisationssidan för AlgoDx, grafik

    983 följare

    AlgoDx showcases NAVOY® with industry leaders in Europe! Today, the AlgoDx team split up to met with both Philips UK hospital customers and GE HealthCare Nordic & Baltic customers in Birmingham and Helsinki respectively. These productive meetings with industry leaders solidify our commitment to empowering European healthcare providers to deliver better care using NAVOY®, our AI-based sepsis management software for ICUs.

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  • Visa organisationssidan för AlgoDx, grafik

    983 följare

    Thrilled to witness our innovative technology for sepsis management empowering medical professionals, fostering better patient outcomes, and enhancing health systems. 🌐💙

    Visa organisationssidan för Dagens Medicin Sverige, grafik

    35 244 följare

    På Capio S:t Görans sjukhus i Stockholm utvärderas nu ett nytt AI-stöd i bedömningen av patienters risk för sepsis. ”Kostnaderna för patienten, och ekonomiskt för sjukvården och samhället, är jättestora. Om vi kan tidigarelägga upptäckten och behandlingen med tre timmar i genomsnitt kan vi rädda ett liv per dag i Sverige, bara inom intensivvården”, säger Inger Persson, universitetslektor och medgrundare till företaget som tagit fram algoritmen. CAPIO S:T GÖRANS SJUKHUS AB AlgoDx Annelie Hallgren

    AI ska varna i tid för sepsis på intensiven

    AI ska varna i tid för sepsis på intensiven

  • Visa organisationssidan för AlgoDx, grafik

    983 följare

    Excited to announce that, for the second year running, AlgoDx has been honored as one of Sweden's top 33 impactful tech startups by NyTeknik & Affärsvärlden. Thankful for the recognition and proud of our team's commitment to innovative and impactful solutions for healthcare. Cheers to another year of pushing boundaries and making a positive impact! 🚀

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  • AlgoDx omdelade detta

    Visa organisationssidan för Uppsala University Innovation, grafik

    10 057 följare

    Big congratulations to Inger Persson, the 2023 recipient of the Hjärnäpplet Innovation Prize and Associate Professor at the Department of Statistics, Uppsala University!   Inger is honored with this award for her pioneering work in early sepsis detection. Her cutting-edge software, the AI algorithm 'NAVOY Sepsis', empowers healthcare professionals to identify the risk of blood poisoning early, potentially saving a life every single day. This groundbreaking innovation is at the core of AlgoDx, a company she co-founded.   Read more here: [] #Hjärnäpplet #InnovationPrize

  • AlgoDx omdelade detta

    Visa organisationssidan för Softhouse, grafik

    6 719 följare

    Tack till alla som deltog på vårt frukostevent på Softhouse kontor i Stockholm igår! Ett speciellt tack till våra två talare Kerstin Johnsson och Andreas Macura som delade med sig av sina insikter om “AI/ML-assisterad sjukvård”. Deras olika infallsvinklar gav flera olika insikter kring vad vi har för utmaningar och möjligheter med AI inom sjukvården. Vi lärde oss också en hel del om hur rätt teknik kan förbättra patientvården och brygga gapet mellan teknikens framsteg och verklig patientomsorg. Stort tack till vår partner AlgoDx för ett fint samarbete och en fantastisk möjlighet. Tillsammans fick vi chansen att lyfta ett viktigt ämne i kombination med spännande teknik. #AI #ML #sjukvård #event #tech #IT #stockholm #wecodethefuture

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AlgoDx 1 runda totalt

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653 176,00 US$

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