Upload screenshots for fonts-monapo
Japanese TrueType font, Monapo
You are about to upload a screenshot for the fonts-monapo package. Thanks for your contribution.
Your upload…
- should contain a typical scene when working with it
- should show the actual application and not just your whole desktop (unless the screenshot is meant for a window manager)
- needs to be in PNG or JPEG format
- can be multiple images at once
- needs to be approved by the moderators first before it is publicly visible
- will be reduced if it is wider or higher than 2000 pixels. So don't try to capture too much detail in a screenshot. It may become unreadable. Shrink the application's window if possible.
- will be made public and can freely be used by anyone
- can be taken by screenshot tools like shutter, ksnapshot (KDE), gimp, xwd or scrot. See the Debian wiki for more information on how to make screenshots under Debian.
- should show the application in english if feasible. If you don't use english by default please start your application from a shell using after setting "export LANG=C".
- can be pasted here from your clipboard (Ctrl-V)