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Powmont (Inglis: Polmont; Scots Gaelic: Poll-Mhonaidh (Pool o the Hill)) is a clachan that lees fower mile (6.5 km) tae the aest o Fawkirk, Scotland. It lees close tae the M9 motorwey connectin Edinburgh an Glesca. Powmont railwey station is locate on the main Edinburgh tae Glesca railwey line.

The population o Powmont is aboot 5,422.

Powmont Parish Kirk

The Cooncilor for Powmont is Maucom Nicol o Auld Powmont, he's hauden the teetle syne 2000. Mony fowk associates Powmont wi the Young Offenders Institution (HMYOI) altho it is actually in the neebourin clachan Reddinmuirheid. The clachan haes a gowf coorse an ither sportin faceelities.

Coordinates: 55°59′27″N 3°42′23″W / 55.9908°N 3.7064°W / 55.9908; -3.7064