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First fit

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First fit is uisuallie the first body tae enter a hoose on the forenuin o the New Year or the ack o veesitin a body in this wey[1]. First fitter can be anither wey tae refer tae the body.

Anither meanin is the first body or ither ainimal that ye meet on a jurney, inspecially a waddin or kirstenin pairty on the wey tae the kirk[1].

Hogmanay an New Year

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First-fittin can be duin as a roon, gaun aroon a few hooses[1]. This is generally seen as bringin guid (or ill) chance [1]. Traditionally, fowk taen tent that 'sonsie fowk' first-fit thaim[2]. Daurk fowk wi chirls an a bun (or ither fuid, like breid or kebbock, or a het drink) wis seen as bringin guid chance[2].


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  1. a b c d CSD 2nd edition.
  2. a b "FIRST FIT". Centre for the Scots Leid. Retrieved 1 Januar 2021.