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Internaitional damsbrod
Internaitional damsbrod
Stairtin poseetion on a 10×10 damsbrod
Years activeat least 5000
Genre(s)Buird gemme
Abstract strategy gemme
Age range7 [1]
Setup time<1 meenit
Playin time30 meenits – 2 oors
Random chanceNone
Skill(s) requiredStrategy, tactics

Dams is a group o strategy buird gemmes for twa players that involve diagonal muives o uniform gemme pieces an mandatory capturs bi jimpin ower opponent pieces.


[eedit | eedit soorce]
  1. "TIP: anyone over the age of 7 or so can play". Mohr, Merilyn Simonds (1997). The New Games Treasury. Houghton Mifflin Company. p. 46. ISBN 1-57630-058-7.