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Autozam wis an automobile marque an a division o Mazda. The marque existit atween 1990 an 2003.

In the late 1980s, Mazda diversified in the Japanese mercat wi the launch o three new marques. The company creatit Autozam, Eunos, an Efini, in addition tae the Mazda an Ford brands already marketed thare. This experiment wis ended in the mid-1990s.

The Autozam marque specialised in smaw cars an kei cars wi mony models bein rebadged Suzukis. This is the Mazda marque that survived the 1990s - mony o the vehicles are still sauld wi the "AZ" prefix.

Lik Eunos, Mazda continues tae run dealerships wi the Mazda Autozam name. Thir specialize in smaw vehicles, tho aw are pairt o the regular Mazda lineup an uise the Mazda name nou.

The follaein vehicles war pairt o the Autozam brand. Those that war rebadged versions are noted in parentheses.