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  1. Oct 18, 2023
  2. Aug 24, 2022
    • Markus Koschany's avatar
      Import Upstream version 0.4.8 · ca4de211
      Markus Koschany authored
    • Hugh McMaster's avatar
      Import Debian changes 0.4.8-5 · 1d209fa4
      Hugh McMaster authored and Markus Koschany's avatar Markus Koschany committed
      kanatest (0.4.8-5) unstable; urgency=medium
        * Team upload.
        * debian/changelog: Trim trailing whitespace.
        * debian/control:
            Switch to debhelper-compat v13 and drop debian/compat file.
            Build-Depends: add pkg-config; drop autotools-dev.
            Raise Standards-Version to 4.6.1 from 4.0.0 (no changes needed).
            Declare Rules-Requires-Root: no.
        * debian/copyright: Convert to DEP-5 format and update for 2022.
        * debian/patches:
            Drop 004_enable_deprecated.patch, remove-DISABLE_DEPRECATED-flags.patch
            and with-debug-symbols.patch (all superseded).
            Make upstream's files POSIX-compatible to allow `autoreconf'
            to regenerate the `configure' script.
            Build with deprecated GDK PIXBUF and GTK symbols to avoid a segfault.
            Enable cross-compiling with pkg-config (Closes: #929039).
            Use pkg-config to find GTK  2 and libxml2 (Closes: #949404).
            Pass Debian's build flags to the compiler.
            Refresh 001_PATH_MAX_fix.diff.
        * debian/rules:
            Drop legacy dh options: --without autoreconf, --with autotools_dev.
            Drop dh_auto_configure override.
            Create a top-level m4 directory before running dh_autoreconf.
            Add hardening flags to DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS.
        * debian/watch: Use version 4.
        [ Markus Koschany ]
        * Remove Sam Hocevar from Uploaders because he is longer active.
          (Closes: #1011580)
      kanatest (0.4.8-4) unstable; urgency=medium
        * Team upload.
        * Drop deprecated menu file and xpm icon.
        * Remove README.source.
        * Switch to compat level 10.
        * wrap-and-sort -sa.
        * Declare compliance with Debian Policy 4.0.0.
        * kanatest.desktop: Add keywords and a comment in German.
        * Add remove-DISABLE_DEPRECATED-flags.patch and fix FTBFS.
          (Closes: #868315)
        * Use secure Vcs-address.
        * Remove Evgeni Golov from Uploaders at his request.
        * Add with-debug-symbols.patch and enable the debug symbols.
      kanatest (0.4.8-3) unstable; urgency=low
        * Add patch to drop GTK_DISABLE_DEPRECATED. (Closes: #634350).
            Thanks to Colin Watson for the patch.
        * Update 003_gtk_ftbfs_fix.patch to fix string format error.
        * Move to source format 3.0 (quilt).
            Drop build-dep on quilt.
        * Update to dh style rules.
            Bump debhelper build-dep and compat to 9.
        * Update VCS tags.
        * Bump Standards Version to 3.9.4.
      kanatest (0.4.8-2.1) unstable; urgency=low
        * Non-maintainer upload.
        * debian/control
          - Update to use appropriate Japanese font (Closes: #642941)
      kanatest (0.4.8-2) unstable; urgency=low
        * debian/control:
            Update my email address.
            Update the homepage link.
            Standards-Version: 3.9.1
        * debian/watch:
            Upstream homepage has moved, update watchfile.
        * Add 002_updated_emails_and_links.patch to fix old links and emails.
          LP: #462599
        * Add 003_gtk_ftbfs_fix.patch to fix FTBFS with GTK  >= 2.22.
        * Set 1.0 in debian/source/format.
      kanatest (0.4.8-1) unstable; urgency=low
        * New upstream release.
        * debian/patches/004_ru_po.diff:
            Drop the patch, upstream has updated the translation.
        * debian/copyright:
            Update copyright years.
        * debian/control:
            Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.1, no changes.
      kanatest (0.4.6-2) unstable; urgency=low
        [ Barry deFreese ]
        * Update my e-mail address.
        [ Evgeni Golov ]
        * Upload to unstable again.
        * debian/patches/004_ru_po.diff:
            Update russian translation.
        * debian/patches/{003_de_po,002_kfreebsd_fix}.diff:
            Really drop patches, not only not apply them.
      kanatest (0.4.6-1) experimental; urgency=low
        * New upstream release, upload to experimental.
        * debian/patches/003_de_po.diff:
            Applied upstream, thus droped.
        * debian/patches/002_kfreebsd_fix.diff
            upstream has cleaned up the includes, patch droped.
        * debian/kanatest.6:
            Set section to 1, not 6
            Rename to kanatest.1
        * debian/rules:
            Install binary to /usr/bin, data to /usr/share.
            Set LDFLAGS="-Wl,-z,defs -Wl,--as-needed" to tighten deps.
            dh_installchangelogs only takes one argument, install the README
            correctly with dh_installdocs and not install AUTHORS at all.
            Remove the comment header.
            Only pass --host= to configure when cross-building.
            Clean up the clean target.
        * debian/copyright:
            Use the machine-readable format.
        * debian/control:
            Add ${misc:Depends} to Depends.
        * debian/patches/001_PATH_MAX_fix.diff:
            Hurd does not have PATH_MAX, fix FTBFS by defining it.
      kanatest (0.4.4-2) unstable; urgency=low
        [ Barry deFreese ]
        * Bump Standars Version to 3.7.3 (No changes needed)
        [ Ansgar Burchardt ]
        * debian/menu:
            Change section to Applications/Education instead of Games
        * debian/kanatest.desktop:
            Change categories to Education, Languages instead of Game
        * debian/control:
            Change section to text instead of games
        [ Evgeni Golov ]
        * debian/rules:
            let config.stamp depend on $(QUILT_STAMPFN) instead of patch
            so configure isn't run twice
            wrap the configure options for better reading
            don't set CFLAGS, let dpkg handle them
        * debian/patches/003_de_po.diff:
            Add German translation, thanks Mathias Brodala <[email protected]>!
            Closes: #500064
        * debian/control:
            Bump Standars-Version to 3.8.0
            Add myself to Uploaders
        * debian/README.source:
            Add README.source with information about quilt-usage, as
            recommended by Policy
      kanatest (0.4.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
        [ Eddy Petrișor ]
        * Gtk should be written as GTK in the desktop file
        * added a Romanian translation of the comment in the desktop file
        [ Cyril Brulebois ]
        * Adjusted XS-Vcs-Svn and XS-Vcs-Browser fields in the control file.
        [ Barry deFreese ]
        * New upstream release (Closes: #451414)
        * Add watch file (Closes: #451416)
        * Add Homepage field in control
        * Make distclean not ignore errors
        * Remove XS- from VCS fields in control
        * Fix up clean target
        * Revert 000_config_sub_guess.diff - Improved upstream build system
        * 002_kfreebsd_fix.diff (Closes: #416873)
            Conditionally include limits.h on linux - Fixes FTBFS on kfreebsd
            Thanks to Cyril Brulebois for the patch
        * Add myself to uploaders
        * Remove deprecated Encoding field from desktop and fix categories
        * Include quilt.make and fix rules to patch/unpatch
        [ Mike O'Connor ]
        * make sure docs/*.pmo are built (Closes: #441711)
        * add missing build-depends on gettext
        [ Paul Wise ]
        * Move non-free ttf-mikachan from Recommends to Suggests
        * Add a descriptive longtitle to the menu file
        * Support noopt and nostrip properly
      kanatest (0.4.2-2) unstable; urgency=low
        * debian/control:
            Build-depend against libxml2-dev.
      kanatest (0.4.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
        [ Gonéri Le Bouder ]
        * add French comment in desktop file
        * remove the Applications category from the desktop file since
          it's not an official category

        * call dh_desktop to run update-desktop-database
        [ Sam Hocevar ]
        * New upstream release (Closes: #416493).
        * debian/control:
            Added Vcs fields.
            Recommend ttf-kochi-mincho | ttf-mikachan | ttf-kochi-gothic because
            the software now uses the system fonts to display kanas.
        * debian/compat:
            Set level to 5.
        * debian/kanatest.6:
            Upstream's manpage disappeared. Readded mine.
      kanatest (0.3.6-3) unstable; urgency=low
        * Moved packaging to the Debian Games Team.
        * Use quilt for patch management.
        * debian/control:
            Set policy to 3.7.2.
            Build-depend on quilt.
        * debian/copyright:
            Fixed the FSF address.
        * debian/kanatest.6:
            Removed this file, upstream's manpage is all right.
        * debian/patches/000_config_sub_guess.diff:
            New patch from old diff.gz -- update config.sub and config.guess files.
        * debian/patches/020_data_path.diff:
            New patch from old diff.gz -- disable data path overriding.
        * debian/patches/030_de_po.diff:
            New patch by Jens Seidel: fix the de.po file's charset (Closes: #314023).
        * debian/patches/030_manpage.diff:
            New patch -- substitute ${prefix} (Closes: #282528) and fix the
            project's webpage.
      kanatest (0.3.6-2) unstable; urgency=low
        * debian/copyright:
            Converted this file to UTF-8.
        * debian/control:
            Set policy to
        * debian/menu debian/kanatest.desktop:
            Added a GNOME menu entry and pixmap thanks to Dan Korostelev.
            Added a pixmap for the Debian menu entry thanks to Dan Korostelev.
            (Closes: #257433).
      kanatest (0.3.6-1) unstable; urgency=low
        * New upstream release (Closes: #245780).
      kanatest (0.3.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
        * New upstream release.
      kanatest (0.3.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
        * New upstream release.
        * debian/control:
            Set policy to
      kanatest (0.3.1-2) unstable; urgency=low
        * Fixed a bug on fresh installs that prevented kanatest to load its
          graphic files (Closes: #198835).
      kanatest (0.3.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
        * Initial Release (Closes: #197466).
        * Wrote a manpage for kanatest(6).
        * Disabled the data path overriding in src/prefs.c.
    • Markus Koschany's avatar
      Initial commit · 23fc85fc
      Markus Koschany authored