Просто одна очень давно задуманная сценка с Шайтаном, его “не питомцем, но пусть будет” - динко Золотинкой - и комментариями Заш.
А также магнит с Золотинкой, расписанный в рамках очередного эксперимента с масляными красками.
(И ещё добавлю референс на всё того же динко, потому что прежде его сюда не выставляло.)
[Just one very long-planned scene with Shaitan, his “not a pet, but let it be” - dinko Goldie - and Zash’s comments.
And also a magnet with Goldie, painted as part of another experiment with oil paints.
(And I’ll also add a reference sheet for this dinko, because it was not posted here before.)]
[Darth Zash: This reminds me of a children’s fairy tale about a blind kitchen maid and an ugly minstrel. Or vice versa. I can’t remember which of them was blind and which was ugly.
Shaitan: They lived happily ever after?
Z: More than likely. All love stories are equally boring.
Z: Should I start being jealous already?
Sh: Oh well, maybe it just thinking about how to devour me.
Z: By the way, I read that their bites are poisonous. There was nothing about licking, but you still better go wash your face.]