Quick Start
Suppose that we have a few terabytes (or petabytes) of geographic data, and we want to be able to query it efficiently. This brief tutorial shows how the S2 library is useful for solving this problem.
Before going through this Quickstart, first makes sure your development environment satisfies our platform requirements and follow the installation instructions in the S2 Install Guide.
To keep things simple, let’s suppose that our input data consists only of points (rather than polylines, polygons, etc), and furthermore let’s suppose that we have only a few million points, so that they all fit in memory. (We will look at the more general case below.)
The easiest way to build an in-memory point index is to use an S2PointIndex
as follows:
// Build an index containing random points anywhere on the Earth.
S2PointIndex<int> index;
for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_num_index_points; i) {
S2Point point = S2Testing::RandomPoint();
index.Add(point, i);
This example uses S2Testing::RandomPoint()
to generate points that are
randomly distributed over the Earth. Note that in the S2 library, points are
represented as unit-length
(the S2Point
rather than as latitude-longitude pairs. You can convert latitude-longitude
pairs to S2Point
values using the
class, like
S2Point point(S2LatLng::FromDegrees(lat_degrees, lng_degrees));
Also notice that each point in the index has some auxiliary data associated
with it (in this case, the integer i
). You can use this feature to map the
points back to other data structures.
Now that we have our index, how do we query it? For example, suppose that we
want to find all the points within 100km of a target point. This can be done
using S2ClosestPointQuery
, which provides methods that find the closest
point(s) to a given target object (such as a point, polyline, or polygon).
You can either find the k closest points to the target, or all points within
a given radius of the target, or both.
In this example, we will find all points within 100km of a point target.
First we construct the S2ClosestPointQuery
S2ClosestPointQuery<int> query(&index);
Notice that we need to convert the radius in kilometers to an S1Angle
. This
is because S2 models the Earth as unit sphere (a sphere with radius 1),
which means that the distance between two points is the same as the angle
between those points (in radians) measured from the sphere’s center. S2
provides helper function for converting distances to angles, such as the
function used above. (Note that because the Earth is
not quite spherical, distances computed in this way can have errors of up to
0.56%. You can use a geodesy library to compute distances more accurately,
but spherical distances are perfectly adequate for many purposes, such as
finding nearby restaurants.)
Finally, we can find the points within the given radius of our target point like this:
S2ClosestPointQuery<int>::PointTarget target(S2Testing::RandomPoint());
auto results = query.FindClosestPoints(&target);
This returns a vector of Result
objects, where each result includes the
following fields:
S2Point point() const; // The indexed point.
Data data() const; // The auxiliary data for this point.
S1ChordAngle distance() const; // The distance to this point.
In our case data()
is the integer value that we passed to index.Add()
Putting this all together, our program for indexing and querying points looks
like this (see examples/point_index.cc
// Build an index containing random points anywhere on the Earth.
S2PointIndex<int> index;
for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_num_index_points; i) {
index.Add(S2Testing::RandomPoint(), i);
// Create a query to search within the given radius of a target point.
S2ClosestPointQuery<int> query(&index);
// Repeatedly choose a random target point, and count how many index points
// are within the given radius of that point.
int64 num_found = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_num_queries; i) {
S2ClosestPointQuery<int>::PointTarget target(S2Testing::RandomPoint());
num_found = query.FindClosestPoints(&target).size();
printf("Found %lld points in %d queries\n", num_found, FLAGS_num_queries);
Indexing for Search
Let’s suppose again that we have a lot of geographic data, and we want to query it efficiently along with other attributes (such as names and descriptions) using an information retrieval system. Such systems index a collection of documents, where each document consists of text and other attributes. Each document is converted into a collection of index terms (e.g., significant words or phrases), which are gathered into an inverted index that maps each term to a list of documents where that term occurs. (For a comprehensive introduction to information retrieval, see Introduction to Information Retrieval by Christopher D. Manning et al., Cambridge University Press, 2008.)
Our goal is not to solve the information retrieval problem in this tutorial,
but rather just to show how to add spatial data to an existing system. S2
defines a special class called S2RegionTermIndexer
that is designed to deal
with the problem of converting spatial data into index terms, which can then
be indexed along with the other document information. (In fact the method
described here can be used with any key-value storage system.)
To keep things simple, let’s assume that each document consists of a single point (with no other information). Each document is assigned a “document id” that can be used to retrieve it later:
std::vector<S2Point> documents;
for (int docid = 0; docid < FLAGS_num_documents; docid) {
As a substitute for the “inverted index” of an information retrieval system, we will use a hash map. The key of the hash map is an index term, and the value is the set of document ids where this term is present:
std::unordered_map<string, std::vector<int>> index;
We can now use S2RegionTermIndexer
to index these documents as follows:
// Create an indexer with appropriate options.
S2RegionTermIndexer::Options options;
S2RegionTermIndexer indexer(options);
// Add the documents to the index.
static const char kPrefix[] = "s2:";
for (int docid = 0; docid < documents.size(); docid) {
S2Point index_region = documents[docid];
for (const auto& term : indexer.GetIndexTerms(index_region, kPrefix)) {
For each document, the indexer returns a set of terms that should be associated with the document for later retrieval. Each term is simply an alphanumeric string. To distinguish these spatial indexing terms from other index terms (such as words), the interface allows a prefix to be added (in this case “s2:”). For example, an index term might look like “s2:34f14a9”.
Querying for Search
Let’s now examine how to query our inverted index. Again, for simplicity
let’s assume that we want to retrieve all documents that are within a given
radius of a test point. As before, the first step is to convert the query
radius to an S1Angle
S1Angle radius =
Our query region is a disc centered around a target point. On the sphere, a
disc-shaped region such as this one is called a spherical cap
S2Cap query_region(S2Testing::RandomPoint(), radius);
Now we convert the query region to a set of query terms. The query terms are constructed such that if the query region intersects the document region, then the query terms and index terms are guaranteed to have at least one value in common. This means that to find the set of intersecting documents, we simply need to look up the documents associated with each query term and compute their union. (Actual information retrieval systems do something more sophisticated, but that doesn’t concern us here.)
std::set<int> candidates;
for (const auto& term : indexer.GetQueryTerms(query_region, kPrefix)) {
candidates.insert(index[term].begin(), index[term].end());
“candidates” now contains all documents that intersect the query region, along with some documents that nearly intersect it. At this point, an information retrieval system would “score” documents by examining their content more closely. In our case, for example, we might want to filter the candidates by retrieving the original “document” and checking the distance to the target more precisely. We can do this as follows:
std::vector<int> result;
for (int docid : candidates) {
if (!query_region.Contains(documents[docid])) continue;
Now the results
vector contains exactly the set of input documents that
intersect the query region.
Optimization for Points
One final detail: when a spatial index contains only points, like this one, it turns out that fewer query terms are needed than when the index also contains non-point regions (such as polylines or polygons). You can take advantage of this optimization by modifying the code above as follows:
S2RegionTermIndexer::Options options;
S2RegionTermIndexer indexer(options);
This reduces the number of query terms by approximately a factor of two, but can only be used when an index contains only points.
The complete example program looks like this:
// Create a set of "documents" to be indexed. Each document consists of a
// single point.
std::vector<S2Point> documents;
for (int docid = 0; docid < FLAGS_num_documents; docid) {
// We use a hash map as our inverted index. The key is an index term, and
// the value is the set of "document ids" where this index term is present.
std::unordered_map<string, std::vector<int>> index;
// Create an indexer suitable for an index that contains points only.
S2RegionTermIndexer::Options options;
S2RegionTermIndexer indexer(options);
static const char kPrefix[] = "s2:";
// Add the documents to the index.
for (int docid = 0; docid < documents.size(); docid) {
S2Point index_region = documents[docid];
for (const auto& term : indexer.GetIndexTerms(index_region, kPrefix)) {
// Convert the query radius to an angle representation.
S1Angle radius =
// Count the number of documents (points) found in all queries.
int64 num_found = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_num_queries; i) {
// Choose a random center for query.
S2Cap query_region(S2Testing::RandomPoint(), radius);
// Convert the query region to a set of terms, and compute the union of
// the document ids associated with those terms.
std::set<int> candidates;
for (const auto& term : indexer.GetQueryTerms(query_region, kPrefix)) {
candidates.insert(index[term].begin(), index[term].end());
// "candidates" now contains all documents that intersect the query
// region, along with some documents that nearly intersect it. We can
// prune the results by retrieving the original "document" and checking
// the distance more precisely.
std::vector<int> result;
for (int docid : candidates) {
if (!query_region.Contains(documents[docid])) continue;
// Now do something with the results (in this example we just count them).
num_found = result.size();
printf("Found %lld points in %d queries\n", num_found, FLAGS_num_queries);
Other S2Region Types
As its name implies, S2RegionTermIndexer
supports indexing and querying any
type of S2Region
. In addition to points and discs (S2Cap
), other useful
types include:
: a rectangle in latitude-longitude coordinates.S2Polyline
: a polyline.S2Polygon
: a polygon (can have holes and multiple shells).S2CellUnion
: a region approximated as a collection ofS2CellIds
- an arbitrary collection of points, polylines, and polygons.S2ShapeIndexBufferedRegion
- like the above, but expanded by a given radius.S2RegionUnion
- the union of arbitrary other regions.S2RegionIntersection
- the intersection of arbitrary other regions.
For example, you could use S2RegionTermIndexer
to index a set of polylines,
and then query which polylines intersect a given polygon.
Comparing Indexing Classes
This tutorial gave a brief introduction to two useful indexing classes
and S2RegionTermIndexer
). Here is a brief comparison of
their features:
- Represents a collection of points in memory.
- Supports incremental updates.
- Can use
to find the points near a given target:- Target types include points, polylines, polygons, and collections.
- Can also restrict results to a given
- A tool for adding spatial data to an information retrieval system.
- Can add one or more
objects to each document. - Queries return all documents that intersect a given
. - Requires an external system for storing and retrieving index terms.
Another useful indexing class not described here is
, which indexes an
arbitrary collection of points, polylines and polygons (collectively known as
shapes). S2ShapeIndex
is the most generally useful of these classes for
working with geometry in memory. It compares to the classes above as follows:
- Represents a collection of points, polylines, and polygons in memory.
- Supports incremental updates.
- Useful query classes include:
: returns the shape(s) that contain a given point.S2ClosestEdgeQuery
: returns the closest edges to a given point, polyline, polygon, or geometry collection.S2CrossingEdgeQuery
: returns the edge(s) that cross a given edge.S2BooleanOperation
: computes boolean operations such as union, and boolean predicates such as containment.S2ShapeIndexRegion
: allows geometry collections to be approximated.S2ShapeIndexBufferedRegion
: computes approximations that have been expanded by a given radius.