I cannot donate or provide you with a platform at this time.

If you are a Palestinian looking for aid or someone looking to donate, I recommend checking out these organizations:

HEAL Palestine Their Donation Page

MECA For Peace Donation Link (The URL changes, be warned! However Rami Kashou (see below) links this website directly in his Instagram so it’s likely to be safe)

Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) Donation Link (On this organization’s Donation page, they specify that they would prefer your money be used with no restrictions/limitations, meaning that it may or may not directly go to Palestinians in Need, but other people in need. They do say that it CAN be specific, but not always. Please read their FAQ to learn more.)

Rami Kashou, a Palestinian designer (originally made famous on Project Runway) is supporting a limited-time collaboration with HEAL Palestine with certain items from his shop. The listings of clothing in this collab appear to be labeled with “100% Proceeds for Humanitarian Aid“

Anyway, edit aside:

Looking for “And We’ll Be Here Tomorrow” DevLog commentary and stuff? Check this community out!

Moving on!

Before You Follow…

I have never, ever once in my life made anything like this before, but I suppose it will be fair to make a list of things that make me uncomfortable.

I’m absolutely uncomfortable with/will not tolerate:

  • TERFS, Transmeds, sysmeds, Radfems, Homophobia, Biphobia, Transphobia, Acephobia, Arophobia, racism, sexism, ableism, basically all of that jazz.
  • Harassing anyone for any reason, ESPECIALLY over fiction.
  • Politics. I despise Politics.
  • Real life tragedies, such as murders, death, acts of terrorism, suicides, war, to name a few. Self harm and self deprecation is also on this list as these things can cause extreme depressive episodes since I can be very empathetic and sympathetic. (Fiction of any of these is fine though.)
  • Real life gore and excessive cartoon gore really squick me out please no.

Antis/Anti Shippers/Fan Police (or whatever you call yourselves now). I’ve seen this song and dance before, it’s just head canon wars disguised as activism. Anti-Antis/Pro-Shippers are okay I suppose, but don’t drag me into the drama.

For reference, I don’t necessarily identify myself with Pro-shippers. I identify as a Fiction Supporter–or Pro-Fiction. Meaning I don’t care what you write, if it’s fiction it’s fine.

I’m too tired for fandom wank. To clarify, these beliefs in particular are especially bothersome for me:

  •        1. The belief that shipping reflects a person’s morals, including ships that are unsavory. This includes any kind of shipping that reflects things that are inappropriate, frowned upon, or even illegal in the real world. Fictional characters in books or cartoons are not real people. They are dolls to play with, and even the darkest of shipping does not reflect a person’s true morals in reality.
  •        2. The misuse of the Japanese word “Fujoshi” and speaking over Japanese people and taking a word that is not yours and redefining it. I don’t even need to say why that’s messed up, do I? It’s not a word for westerners to butcher, so don’t. If Japanese people living in Japan say that Fujoshi is a reclaimed slur for women that now means “Woman who reads M|M” then you cannot redefine it as a person living outside of that country and culture. (If you misuse this word and say “Fujoshis” and “Fujos” please stop, you’re butchering the language, Fujoshi is already a plural word and it does not mean what you think it means.) This is just an example, but please stop taking words to mean something for marginalized people who are saying otherwise. I am a White American, I have no place in this debate and unless you’re a member of that marginalized group of people, you do not have a horse in this race either so stop before you look like an ass.
  •        3. The belief that people who enjoy darker fiction deserve harassment, bullying, and witch hunted. This is especially heinous. Reading, drawing, or writing/consuming dark fiction does not equate to real life morality, and while I may personally be uncomfortable with certain things depicted in fiction, I don’t care. No one deserves harassment. End of discussion.
  •         4. The use of strong words like “Predator (censored P)”, “Abuser”, and “Incest” so incorrectly and often that it has created alarm fatigue and aids actual abusers since the words are losing their weight. Like seriously, people roll their eyes at call-out posts now because of the fanpol calling every shipper a Predator (censored P). Now it’s become a word where people roll their eyes at because of so many false alarms and real abusers who hurt real people are getting away with it. Stop misusing words.

I will add any necessary Anti/FanPol rhetoric that I’m uncomfortable with as I go/remember. Anyway, to continue my DNI:

  • Blogs dedicated to hating a character or ship are gross, ‘kay? No one needs that negativity in their lives.
  • Anti-kins of any kind, just. Don’t? Be an asshole?
  • If you think ADHD is fake please get the hell off of my blog. This also includes rhetoric like “Well EVERYONE is a LITTLE ADHD…” like no get away from me.
  • If you believe that you need to have trauma to be a system, please leave. I am a “trauma” system and I think this is a stupid, bigoted take.
  • I’m super uncomfortable with people posting hate about my favorite characters, please no? This just really upsets me.
  • On that note if you actively harass people or post hate in the tags of characters or ships you don’t like you’re on my shit list
  • Theft of creative works of any kind will also put you on my shit list

Things that make me uncomfortable but aren’t the biggest deal in the world:

  • Minors following this blog, since this is a personal blog and not really actively trying to keep it kid friendly. Younger than 16 is especially sketchy, but I’m not about to check 1100 blogs to see if any of you are minors and really shouldn’t be following this blog.
  • Reblogging from certain users I’ve had issues with in the past
  • Improper tagging, just try and I won’t be up in arms about it

A bit about myself:

  • My name is Rye!
  • I have ADHD, Autism, PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, and who knows what else.
  • I’m the core/host of a system! Info on that Here.
  • I’m Trans! Agender and use They/them (Plural) pronouns. I’m also aroace with a platonic life partner named Celest.
  • I’m an aspiring author!
  • I am an artist, but I find it more to be a hobby above everything else. That said, I really want to make animations and 2D video games!
  • Due to my ADHD/Autism I can be very blunt and abrasive. I apologize for this.
  • I’m a salt mine, once you activate my salt be prepared for some kind of rant. I try to tag my salt though.
  • I’m Too Old For Fandom Drama and bigotry and if you try to fight me I’ll just block you
  • This blog is a sideblog!

That’s all for now! Thanks for reading!Médecins Sans Frontières

NGL guys, I think my mental health has been in the shitter ever since the elections.

I think I need to stop pretending it isn’t.



doing commission feels like this everytime

Commission Info || Ko-Fi


BTW i see these posts all the time like “ohhh i dont know what to comment on fics..” and every response is “keysmashes! or hearts!! anything works :3” and thats GREAT!! thats helpful!!

but: consider. if u genuinely like analyzing writing.. do u know ur just allowed to go through and quote your favorite parts and ramble abt what they mean to u and the author will LOSE IT WITH HYPE?

genuinely. i felt SO WEIRD the first time i did it.. but like. holy shit authors love it. its crack for authors. the first time i did it, it was on a fic that hadnt updated in half a year, give or take, and the author made 3 updates that month BECAUSE OF MY COMMENT.

LIKE. as an author every comment is INCREDIBLE!!! but also, dont feel like your comment has to be short or otherwise ur invasive or smth!! authors ADORE long comments more than ANYTHING.







IDK how humanity will ever recover from the damage created by COVID conspiracy theories. Like, of course we are seeing a huge spike in serious respiratory illnesses, we just experienced a period of time where it was common to travel long distances and be in confined spaces with multiple people while sharing food and drink. And COVID is still kicking about, not to mention it is flu season and N5N1 just claimed its first victim. Your local health authorities and medical professionals are not fucking lying to you. Wash your hands, wear a mask, avoid crowded places and stay home if you’re sick. Many hospitals are already feeling overwhelmed. Try not to end up there.

“It looks like they’re trying to lock us up again! 🤪” Like it’s good for the economy? Like there is some conspiratorial governmental benefit to not letting you go to fucking Pilates? People are trying not to fucking die.

and don’t forget the noroviruses are around again, so wash your hands with soap (because that kind of virus is immune to hand sanitiser)

and don’t forget to GET VACCINATED!

apparently norovirus is spiking a lot this year (like, more so than the last several years), and having had it this weekend: it sucks! it’s extremely contagious! it turns your digestive tract into a smoothie! wash your fucking hands!

I work in the office 2 days a week. (Last year, it was 1. The company is requiring people to be in the office more.) I wear a mask. Always.

My coworker who is supposed to be in on Mon & Weds is not going in today - he’s got a cold or flu.

I worked with him on Monday. Normally, we work in our separate cubicles and are barely within 10 feet of each other. Monday, we talked over Union contract issues, extensively.

I do not have cold/flu symptoms. Probably because I wear a mask. Always.

Masks may protect him from whatever I’ve got more than the reverse - but they still help. And it lets people know I don’t want to get within whispering distance.

If you’re going to go out in public - and I get it, confinement is hard - WEAR A MASK. Wash your hands often. Keep some distance between you and other people when you can. None of that is as effective as “stay in your home and don’t be near other people at all” but it helps. There is no reason to skip all protections because you’re skipping some of them.


Signs and their months on an alignment chart









Thesis: the rise of fanwank and anti culture correlates directly with diminished understanding of what “romantic”, in a literary sense, actually means.

It doesn’t mean “this is ideal or healthy or even realistic”. It means “this is beautiful, this is tragic, this is grotesque, this stirs emotion”, even if it’s not, as @starryroom puts it, something you would be comfortable seeing play out in front of you at Taco Bell. It’s about grandiosity and mythology and heroism writ large. It’s about playing with the id, as beautiful and terrible as it can be. 


i feel like Guillermo del Toro ghostwrote that

“I didn’t say I liked it. I said it fascinated me. There is a great difference.”

- Oscar Wilde 

Acknowledge as truth both of the following statements, and you will understand.

Gomez and Morticia Addams are Couple Goals.

Trying to live like them would be exhausting, and seeing people in public act like the Addamses (without it being an obvious dress-up/cosplay/performance situation) would likely make you some level of uncomfortable quite quickly.


The three-ring binder is the apex of book technology, by the way. All the advantages of a codex, plus you can add, remove, and reorder pages at will - pages which you can furthermore protect from damage in transparent sleeves, and store commentaries, notes, and other paratextual addenda behind them without obscuring the primary content. Truly the queen of codices. Reblog if you love the three-ring binder.



Video of me trying to write the number 3 in professor layton game for 1 minute

this fucking video has two punchlines it’s incredible






“Genesis”, Oil on canvas by Matthew Cornell


Sometimes I forget how alien the world used to be. How our earth used to be entirely diffrent in so many wonderful ways. How we can never see it, but as humans we can understand and know, we can know, we can know.


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