ОписаниеThe Person of the House and the Bad Child.jpg
English: A young girl points an accusatory finger at her father, whose hand to his forehead is suggestive of the introspection and anguish of the alcoholic parent
The Person of the House and the Bad Child
Marcus Stone
Wood engraving by W. T. Green
13.6 cm high x 9.6 cm wide
Dickens's Our Mutual Friend, Chapter Two of the second book, "Still Educational" [This part of the novel originally appeared in periodical form in October 1864.]
This 30 September 1864 illustration depends for its effectiveness upon the startling contrast between the accusatory finger of the doll's dress-maker, Jenny Wren, and hand to the forehead, suggestive of introspection and anguish of the alcoholic parent. [1]
The 30 September 1864 illustration "The Person of the House and the Bad Child" in chapter 2 ("Still Educational") of the second book depends for its effectiveness upon the startling contrast between the accusatory finger of the doll's dress-maker, Jenny Wren, and hand to the forehead, suggestive of introspection and anguish of the alcoholic parent. Stone has brilliantly conveyed the drive and determination of the child and the slovenly retreat from adult responsibility by her forward-leaning posture and the angle of the legs of the miscreant. [2]
Image scan and text by Philip V. Allingham.
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