

Transportation, Logistics, Supply Chain and Storage

Logistics excellence / Moving borders

About us

Milšped Group, the market leader in the field of transport and logistics, has been operating for more than 30 years, employs over 3,700 people and continues to expand its network to 15 countries around the world, from the Balkans, through Western Europe, China and America to Russia. Built on the solid foundation of the success achieved so far and a flawless business record, opening up new markets, the Company continuously invests in improving its logistics solutions that eliminate borders and erase distances. Our motivation, driving force, and the only measure of success, is the satisfaction of our clients. Always striving to be better, faster, and more innovative, we have a strategic direction that is based on the strong values of corporate culture, commitment to the partnership with our clients, use of advanced technologies, and socially responsible business practices. Our services: International and domestic road transport; Sea, air and rail transport; Customs clearance; Warehouse and distribution; Automotive logistic; Courier service.

Transportation, Logistics, Supply Chain and Storage
Company size
1,001-5,000 employees
Novi Beograd
Privately Held


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    Bulevar Aresnija Čarnojevića 59V

    Novi Beograd, 11070, RS

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    Juče je u Privredna komora Srbije | Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia održana konferencija pod nazivom "Kako poslovati sa Kinom?", koja je pružila ključne uvide u savremeni koncept poslovne saradnje između Srbije i Kine. Svojim pokroviteljstvom ovog događaja, #MilšpedGroup je još jednom potvrdio lidersku poziciju u oblasti logistike u regionu, gde je kao jedini logistički provajder sa ovih prostora koji ima svoju kompaniju i u Kini prezentovao logističke mogućnosti i opcije za naše kompanije koje žele da izvoze svoje proizvode na to tržište. Na konferenciji, na kojoj je učestvovao i Nikola Todorovic, zamenik generalnog direktora #MilšpedGroup, predstavljene su analize tržišta i konkurencije, kao i strategije za pronalaženje tržišnih prilika i privlačenje kineskih potrošača, uz detaljan pregled važnih faktora poput logistike, skladištenja i prodaje. --- Yesterday, the Privredna komora Srbije | Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia hosted a conference titled "How to Do Business with China?", which provided key insights into the modern concept of business cooperation between Serbia and China. By sponsoring this event, #MilšpedGroup reaffirmed its leadership position in the logistics sector in the region. As the only logistics provider from these areas with a presence in China, Milšped Group showcased logistics opportunities and options for our companies looking to export their products to that market. The conference, which also featured Nikola Todorovic, Deputy General Director of #MilšpedGroup, showcased market and competition analyses, as well as strategies for identifying market opportunities and attracting Chinese consumers, with a detailed overview of important factors such as logistics, warehousing and sales.

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    Sanja Lukić započela je svoju karijeru u Milšped Group kao Project Coordinator, nakon uspešno završenih osnovnih i master studija na Saobraćajnom fakultetu, na Odseku za logistiku. Njen trud i posvećenost prepoznati su i od strane BIZLife, koji ju je uvrstio među 30 mladih uspešnih ljudi ispod 30 godina. 🚀   “Kao student, imala sam neku zamišljenu pretpostavku da je rad u korporativnom okruženju veoma formalan. Međutim, na samom razgovoru, kojem su prisustvovali moj mentor i tadašnji direktor sektora, atmosfera je bila opuštena i prijatna, što je za mene bilo iznenađenje. Rad sa mentorom i kolektivom Milšped grupacije nastavljen je u istom svetlu. Od mentora Dušana Bešića naučila sam mnogo iz oblasti logistike, o samom procesu vođenja velikih projekata, ali ponajviše to da je svaki izazov mnogo lakši uz dobru atmosferu i kolegijalnost, koja je uvek na prvom mestu.”   Sa znanjem stečenim na Saobraćajnom fakultetu i kroz praktično iskustvo u Milšpedu, Sanja danas aktivno doprinosi stvaranju efikasnijeg i inovativnijeg radnog okruženja. Njena priča je dokaz da su upornost, strpljenje i timski rad ključni za uspeh u logistici. 💯   Čestitamo našoj Sanji i želimo joj još mnogo uspešnih projekata. 🍀   🔗 Pročitajte intervju sa Sanjom na linku --- Sanja Lukić began her career at Milšped Group as a Project Coordinator after successfully completing her bachelor's and master's degrees at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, specializing in logistics. Her hard work and dedication have been recognized by BIZLife, which named her one of the 30 Under 30 young successful people. 🚀 “As a student, I had some imaginary assumption that working in a corporate environment would be very formal. However, during my first interview, attended by my mentor and the then director of the department, I was pleasantly surprised by the relaxed and welcoming atmosphere. The work with the mentor and the collective of the Milšped Group continued in the same light. From my mentor Dušan Bešić, I learned a great deal about logistics, managing large projects, but most importantly, that every challenge is much easier to tackle when there is a good atmosphere and collegiality, which is always a top priority.”   With the knowledge gained from the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering and hands-on experience at Milšped, Sanja is now actively contributing to creating a more efficient and innovative work environment. Her story is a testament to the fact that perseverance, patience, and teamwork are crucial for success in logistics. 💯   Congratulations to our Sanja, and we wish her many more successful projects ahead. 🍀   🔗 Read the interview with Sanja at the link

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    🚀 Sanja Lukić je zaposlena u Milsped Group na poziciji Project coordinator. Nakon završenih osnovnih i master studija na Saobraćajnom fakultetu, na Odseku za logistiku, njen karijerni put započinje upravo u Milšped grupaciji. 🚀 Trudi se da pozitivno utiče na svoje okruženje u bilo kom svetlu, ali i da radi na sebi, jer svaka promena i boljitak, zapravo, polaze od pojedinca. U tom svetlu vidi i svoju ulogu u Milšped grupaciji – doprinos da poslovno okruženje bude bolje i efikasnije. 🚀 Pročitajte ceo intervju sa njom - 👏 Projekat podržali 👏 JTI Grand kafa Delhaize Serbia Generali Ananas E-commerce PepsiCo Milsped MPC Properties Delta Holding Delta DMD Delta Real Estate Balkan Bet

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    Sa zadovoljstvom najavljujemo učešće #MilšpedGroup na 16. globalnoj konferenciji špeditera u organizaciji JCtrans. 🌐   Konferencija predstavlja ključni događaj u oblasti logistike i lanca snabdevanja, sa posebnim fokusom na najnovije trendove i tehnologije. Učesnici će imati priliku da kroz radionice i panele sa liderima iz branše, kao i sastancima 1 na 1, unaprede svoje poslovanje, podstaknu inovativno razmišljanje i osnaže industrijsku saradnju.   Pozivamo vas da nas posetite: 📅 25-27. septembra 📍 U Guangdžouu, Kina Štand: Booth 94/ Block E   #MilšpedGroup #JCTrans #LogisticsExcellence #MovingBorders --- We are happy to announce the participation of #MilšpedGroup in the 16th Global Freight Forwarders Conference organized by JCtrans. 🌐   This conference is a key event in the field of logistics and supply chain management, with a special focus on the latest trends and technologies. Participants will have the opportunity to enhance their business, foster innovative thinking and strengthen industry collaboration through workshops, panel discussions with industry leaders and one-on-one meetings.   We invite you to visit us: 📅 September 25 – 27 📍 Guangzhou, China Booth: 94/Block E

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    See you in Guangzhou! Join JCtrans Event 2024, the 16th Global Freight Forwarders Conference. We are honored to introduce Milsped, a distinguished company from China will attend the 16th JCtrans Global Freight Forwarders Conference. ✨ Event Statistics: ✅ 2000 Attendees ✅ 700 Companies ✅ Representing 85 Countries & Regions ✅ Over 40,000 1-on-1 Meetings Let's meet in Guangzhou this September to witness the spectacular moments of the 16th Global Freight Forwarders Conference. 📅 Date: September 25th-27th, 2024  📍 Location: Guangzhou, China 👉 Click to register: #jctrans #jctransevent #freightforwarders #conference #logistics #logisticsnetwork #the16thGlobalFreightForwardersConference

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    Sa velikim zadovoljstvom vam predstavljamo našeg kolegu, Aleksu Ristovića, koji je izabran kao jedan od 30 mladih uspešnih ljudi na listi BIZLife "30 ispod 30"! Aleksa je deo Milšped tima preko tri godine i trenutno radi na poziciji finansijskog kontrolora – menadžera. Njegova karijera u Milšped Group počela je odmah nakon završenih studija, a ono što ga je posebno motivisalo da postane deo našeg tima je vizija o poslu i impozantnost logističkog centra, koji ga je podsetio na mali aerodrom! Od početka je bio deo sjajnog tima, uz podršku mentora i kolega, što ga je inspirisalo da da svoj maksimum i kontinuirano unapređuje procese. Njegova strast prema inovacijama i želja za stalnim učenjem doveli su ga do pozicije koju danas s ponosom zauzima. "Ključni trenutak u mojoj karijeri bio je kada sam, sa samo 27 godina, dobio priliku da preuzmem menadžersku poziciju. Iako je prva reakcija bila strah, znao sam da ću dati sve od sebe i pokazati se u najboljem svetlu," kaže Aleksa. Čestitamo Aleksi na ovom izvanrednom priznanju i želimo mu još mnogo uspeha u budućnosti! Na linku ispod možete pročitati intervju sa Aleksom 👇 --- With great pleasure, we present our colleague Aleksa Ristović, who was selected as one of the 30 young successful people on the BIZLife list “30 under 30”! Aleksa has been a member of the Milšped team for over three years and he’s currently working as the financial controller–manager. His career at Milšped Group started right after completing his bachelor studies, and what particularly motivated him to become a part of our team was the vision of the job and the impressive logistics center, which reminded him of a small airport. He was a part of the great team from the beginning, with the support of mentors and colleagues, which inspired him to give his best and continuously improve processes. His passion for innovation and desire for continuous learning have led him to the position he proudly holds today. “A key moment in my career was when, at just 27 years old, I had the opportunity to take on a managerial position. Even though my first reaction was fear, I knew I would give my best and put myself in the best light,” Aleksa says. We congratulate Aleksa on this outstanding achievement and we wish him continued success in the future! Read more 👇

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    ➡ Aleksa Ristović je zaposlen u Milsped na poziciji finansijskog kontrolora – menadžera. Neposredno nakon završetka osnovnih studija, dobio je poziv od Milšped grupacije da dođe na razgovor za posao, koji je bez oklevanja prihvatio. ➡ Utisak koji su na njega ostavili njegov sadašnji direktor i tadašnji zamenik, uticali su na njegovu odluku da prihvati ponudu i započne svoju logističku karijeru. ➡ Pročitajte intervju s Aleksom, jednim od 30 mladih uspešnih ljudi na našoj listi "30 ispod 30" - 👏 Projekat podržali 👏 JTI Grand kafa Delhaize Serbia Generali Ananas E-commerce PepsiCo Milsped MPC Properties Delta Holding Delta DMD Delta Real Estate Balkan Bet

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    🎉 Slavimo početak Paraolimpijskih igara! 🎉   Danas sa ponosom obeležavamo početak 17. letnjih Paraolimpijskih igara. Mi u #MilšpedGroup sa uzbuđenjem navijamo za naše sportiste, čija posvećenost i sportski duh pomeraju sve granice! 💪🏅   Kao ponosni partner Paraolimpijskog tima Srbije, želimo puno uspeha našim paraolimpijcima na ovom svetskom takmičenju! 🌍   Zajedno do pobede! 💪🏆   #ParaolimpijskeIgre #Pariz2024 #PodrškaSportistima #MilšpedGroup #LogisticsExcellence #MovingBorders #ZajednoDoPobede

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    Uz male fudbalere u ostvarenju velikih snova ⚽ Ove nedelje smo imali priliku da podržimo drugi po redu humanitarni fudbalski turnir na terenima FK Budućnost Dobanovci. Kao kompanija koja je posvećena negovanju sportskog duha, sa ponosom smo učestvovali kao jedan od sponzora turnira, koji je imao za cilj prikupljanje sredstava za male buduće fudbalere. Zahvaljujemo se svima koji su učestvovali, a mališanima želimo puno uspeha! 💪 --- Supporting Young Footballers in Achieving Big Dreams ⚽ This week, we had the opportunity to support the second humanitarian football tournament held at FK Budućnost Dobanovci. As a company dedicated to promoting the spirit of sports, we proudly participated as one of the sponsors of the tournament, which aimed to raise funds for young future footballers. We thank everyone who participated, and we wish the little ones much success! 💪

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    On the long list of our employees worldwide, six years ago we welcomed our first team member of Chinese origin: Tiki Zeng, who joined us as a sea freight manager. As our pioneering employee from China, Tiki became an integral part of the Milšped team in Shenzhen, contributing significantly to our success in the Chinese market. "Milšped China has experienced rapid growth over the past six years, and I have also achieved a great deal during this time. Our mutual benefits are clear, and I look forward to a long-term relationship," Tiki Zeng shared. We are especially grateful to Tiki for placing her trust Milšped during the early stages of our journey in Asia. #MilspedGroup #MilspedChina #MilspedPeople #LogisticsExcellence #MovingBorders

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    Milšped u Rumuniji - usluge u skladu sa globalnim standardima 🇷🇴🌐 Zarko M. generalni direktor Milšped Rumunija, govorio je za najnovije izdanje časopisa Intermodal&Logistics Magazine o razvoju intermodalnog transporta, značaju Balkana na svetskoj logističkoj i transportnoj mapi, kao i o budućim koracima na dinamičnom rumunskom tržištu. #MilšpedRumunija #IntermodalniTransport #LogisticsExcellence #MovingBorders

    Milsped Group, a leading #transport and #logistics company from Serbia, with a global footprint, entered the Romanian transport market less than a year ago, “Connecting the Balkans into a logistic unit and developing #intermodal transport will be one of our main goals in the Romanian market. Clients will be offered a service that expands not only through the Balkans but across Europe, Asia and America,” says Zarko Matin, CEO of Milšped Romania, in an interview for the latest issue of Intermodal&Logistics Magazine. Read the article below to learn why Romania is an important market for Milsped, about future expansion plans, about developing intermodal transport connections in the region, and more! #business #strategy

    Planurile de dezvoltare ale Milšped pentru piaţa din România

    Planurile de dezvoltare ale Milšped pentru piaţa din România

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    U petoj epizodi serijala #MilšpedRečStruke poslušajte razgovor između Slobodana Zečevića, profesora Saobraćajnog fakulteta i Ivana Milosavljevića, direktora avio transporta u #MilšpedGroup. Ne propustite priliku da od Ivan Milosavljevic saznate više o najnovijim trendovima na tržištu, ulozi avio transporta u e-commerce poslovanju i na koji način omogućavamo bezbedan i brz transport robe svim klijentima. #Aviotransport #eCommerce #Transport

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    📢 Sa uzbuđenjem najavljujemo naše prisustvo na ovom važnom logističkom događaju u Evropi TRANSLOG Connect Congress! 🌍 Ovo je sjajna prilika da uspostavimo nove kvalitetne, dugoročne poslovne odnose i zajedno sprovedemo inovativna rešenja koja će voditi budućnost logistike napred! 📌Posetite nas 19-20. novembra u Budimpešti, u Marriott Hotelu #MilšpedGroup #LogisticsExcellence #MovingBorders #Translog

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    📢 We are happy to announce our returning partner the Serbian-based Milsped Group has selected TRANSLOG this year again! The regional leader in the field of transportation and logistics has over three decades of successful business years, with over 3,700 employees and an extensive network of members in 15 countries, on three continents. The company continuously invests in improving its logistics solutions that eliminate borders and erase distances. Always striving to be better, faster, and more innovative, they have a strategic direction that is based on the strong values of corporate culture, commitment to the partnership with their clients, use of advanced technologies, and socially responsible business practices. Don't miss to meet with their representatives, explore their high-quality services and discuss your particular needs with their experts on 19-20 November, in Budapest at the Marriott Hotel 👉 #transportation #roadtransport #seafreight #airfreight #customsclearance #warehousing #distribution #automotivelogistics #courierservice #logistics #supplychain #translogconnect

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