Institute for Medical Research

Institute for Medical Research

Research Services

Transforming lives through medical discovery

About us

The Institute for Medical Research is a leading organization in the field of biomedicine, dedicated to conducting fundamental and applied research to advance knowledge and improve health outcomes. With over 45 researchers from a variety of scientific backgrounds, the Institute has a strong track record of publication and international collaboration. Founded 75 years ago by the Serbian Academy of Science, the Institute has a long history of excellence in medical research. With a bibliography of over 2,000 original papers and ten published scientific books, the Institute is a respected source of knowledge in the field. As a governmental research institute, the Institute for Medical Research is committed to sharing its knowledge and expertise through publication, education, and international cooperation. Our goal is to improve healthcare and advance medical knowledge for the benefit of all.

Research Services
Company size
51-200 employees
Government Agency
Biomedicine, medical research, biomedical science, clinical research, Genetics, Immunology, Biochemistry, Physiology, Pharmacology, Medical Diagnostics, Medical Therapies, Molecular Biology, Biomedical Engineering, Medical Technology, Medical informatics, Biomedical ethics, Health policy, Global health, Health economics, Medical education, and Public health


Employees at Institute for Medical Research


  • 👩🏻🏫 Prisećamo se uspešno održanih predavanja u okviru Naučnih seminara i pripremamo nova - već u septembru.    Osim saradnika sa #IMI, srećni smo da najavimo da ćemo u okviru novog ciklusa predavanja imati gostujućeg predavača sa IMGGE Institut za molekularnu genetiku i genetičko inženjerstvo.    Naučni seminari se organizuju kao hibridni događaji koje možete pratiti uživo i online.    🧠 Ako ste propustili neko od prethodnih predavanja, posetite naš YouTube kanal i ostanite u toku sa najaktuelnijim temama iz medicine.   ---- 👩🏻🏫 Reflecting on the success of our previous Scientific Seminars, we’re gearing up for more—starting this September. In addition to our colleagues at #IMR, we’re happy to welcome a guest speaker from the IMGGE Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering as part of our new lecture series. Scientific Seminars are hybrid events, allowing you to participate in person or online. 🧠 If you missed previous sessions, visit our YouTube channel and stay updated on the latest medical developments.

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    Profesionalne konekcije nisu bile u prvom planu na kongresu Evropske asocijacije za istraživanje raka #EACR2024 za dr Dejana Kosanovic, PhD, već je to bio jedan emotivni, porodični trenutak. 👩🔬👩🔬 Dejana, koja je viša naučna saradnica na #IMI, se posle 20 godina susrela sa svojom rođakom dr Martina Radić sa Univerziteta u Bernu jer je „slučajnost” umešala prste. Njihove bake su sestre, a one su, ne znajući, pravile gotovo identične karijerne izbore i obe se posvetile istraživanju raka. Pročitajte više 👇   ---- While professional connections were certainly valuable at the European Association for Cancer Research Congress #EACR2024, for Dr. Dejana Kosanovic, PhD, it was a deeply personal and emotional moment that stood out. 👩🔬👩🔬 Dejana, a Senior Research Associate at #IMR, reunited with her cousin, Dr. Martina Radić from the University of Bern, after 20 years—all thanks to a twist of fate. Their grandmothers were sisters, and, without knowing it, they followed nearly identical career paths, both dedicating their lives to cancer research. Read more 👇

    “Our grandmothers would be so proud": unexpected family reunion at the EACR 2024 Congress - The Cancer Researcher

    “Our grandmothers would be so proud": unexpected family reunion at the EACR 2024 Congress - The Cancer Researcher

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    📣 A public call to gather letters of interest for renting office and laboratory space at BIO4 Campus is open! #BIO4 Campus is a new multidisciplinary project serving as a convergence point for #science and #technology with industry, primarily in #biomedicine, #biotechnology, #bioengineering, application of artificial intelligence in medicine and agriculture, environmental protection, and biodiversity conservation. 🏫🤝🏭 Learn more about this project ⬇️   ---- 📣 Objavljen javni poziv za prve prijave za iznajmljivanje prostora u BIO4 Kampusu! #BIO4 Kampus je novi multidisciplinarni projekat koji intenzivno povezuje #nauka i #tehnologija sa privredom, pre svega u oblasti #biomedicina, #biotehnologija, #bioinženjering, primene veštačke inteligencije u medicini i poljoprivredi, žaštiti životne sredine i očuvanju biodiverziteta. 🏫🤝🏭 Saznajte više o ovom projektu ⬇️

    public call

    public call

  • Huge thanks to Dr. Sanja Momčilović from the Department of Neuroendocrinology at #IMR for delivering an impressive lecture featuring the data of her doctoral research on "Mechanisms of interactions between mesenchymal stem cells and macrophages in the regulation of stress erythropoiesis." 💬“For the first time, it has been shown that NO and the purinergic signaling system play crucial roles in the communication between macrophages and mesenchymal stem cells under conditions of elevated glucocorticoid and erythropoietin concentrations. Understanding the functions of these signaling molecules in these interactions is crucial not only for elucidating the mechanisms that govern the accelerated proliferation and differentiation of immature erythroid cells during stress erythropoiesis but also for the potential development of new and more effective anemia treatments. This is particularly important given the risks of adverse effects from erythropoietin therapy, especially in oncology patients, and the increasing problem of resistance to existing erythropoiesis-stimulating agents.” The talk was part of our Seminar Series at the Institute for Medical Research, which is open to the community of experts in biomedicine and biotechnology as part of our ongoing efforts to collectively advance high-quality scientific research. ---- Hvala dr Sanja Momčilović iz Grupe za neuroendokrinologiju sa #IMI na sjajnom predavanju „Mehanizmi interakcije mezenhimalnih matičnih ćelija i makrofaga u regulaciji stres eritrocitopoeze” i prezentaciji ključnih rezultata svoje doktorske disertacije. 💬„Prvi put je pokazana uloga NO i purinergičknog signalnog sistema u komunikaciji makrofaga sa mezenhimalnim matičnim ćelijama u uslovima povišenih koncentracija glukokortikoida i eritropoetina. Razumevanje uloge ovih signalnih molekula u navedenim interakcijama značajno je, ne samo za rasvetljavanje mehanizama koji regulišu ubrzanu proliferaciju i diferencijaciju nezrelih ćelija eritroidne loze tokom procesa stres eritrocitopoeze, već može doprineti razvoju novih i potencijalno efikasnijih modaliteta lečenja anemije, imajući u vidu rizik od neželjenih dejstava terapije eritropoetinom, naročito kod onkoloških pacijenata, kao i sve učestaliji problem rezistencije na postojeće agense za stimulisanje eritrocitopoeze.” Ovo predavanje je deo serije naučnih seminara na Institutu za medicinska istraživanja koja okupljaju akademsku i naučnu zajednicu iz oblasti biomedicine i biotehnologije sa ciljem da kroz razmenu ideja i intenzivnu saradnju razvijamo izuzetnost u nauci.

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  • Usled nepredviđenih okolnosti, obaveštavamo vas da ćemo na sutrašnjem seminaru imati priliku da čujemo predavanje dr Sanja Momčilović na temu „Mehanizmi interakcije mezenhimalnih matičnih ćelija i makrofaga u regulaciji stres eritrocitopoeze“.    Svi ostali tehnički podaci ostaju isti. Izvinjavamo se zbog ove izmene i nadamo se da ćete nam se sutra pridružiti na novom predavanju u okviru #IMI serije naučnih seminara. 📅 12/07/2024 🕛 10:00 📍 Institut za medicinska istraživanja i online Microsoft Office Teams platform ✔️ Registracija nije potrebna

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  • Сваког 10. јула обележава се национални Дан науке у част рођења Николе Тесле, како би се указало на вредност и снагу науке. 🇷🇸🔬 Неки од најталентованијих истраживача из области биомедицине и биотехнологије раде на Институту за медицинска истраживања како би пронашли решења за највеће здравствене изазове данашњице, а њихова посвећеност циљу је непоколебљива. Од научно-истраживачких пројеката и радова са великим научним утицајем, до сарадње са домаћим и међународним институцијама из области биомедицине, као и са компанијама које дизајнирају технологију која ради за људе и у корист друштва - ИМИ креира будућност иза науке. 🌟 #institutzamedicinskaistrazivanja #IMI #Dannauke #biomedicina #biotehnologija   ---- On 10 July, we celebrate National Science Day in honor of Nikola Tesla's birth to highlight the value and power of science. 🇷🇸🔬 Some of the most talented researchers in biomedicine and biotechnology work at the Institute for Medical Research, striving to find solutions to today's greatest health challenges. Their dedication to this goal is unwavering. From research projects and high-impact scientific papers to collaborations with domestic and international biomedical institutions and companies - IMR is shaping the future through science. #instituteformedicalresearch #IMR #science #biomedicine #biotechnology

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  • 📣Mark your calendars! Dr. Maja Milosevic, a Research Associate from the Department of Neuroendocrinology at #IMR, will share unparalleled insights on how purinergic signaling can reshape the landscape of #stress and #cancer in our Seminar Series. Join us to explore the latest study results, translational significance, and future research pathways of the Department of Neuroendocrinology. 📅 July 12 🕛 10:00 AM 📍 Institute for Medical Research or online via Microsoft Office Teams platform ✔️ No registration required

  • Researchers from #IMR, Dr. Vesna Ilic, Dr. Drenka Trivanovic, and Dr. Ivana Drvenica together with a team of researchers from @The Institute of Physics and medical professionals from the Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases at the University Clinical Centre of Serbia have found a new biophysical parameter that could play a key role in clinical diagnosis of diabetes. Valuable insights into the altered mechanical behavior of erythrocytes in individuals with DM could lead to faster, more accurate diagnostic procedures, even for prediabetes. The discovery is a main outcome of the #HEMMAGINERO project, supported by the Fond za nauku Republike Srbije - Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia Serbia under the PROMIS program, and highlights a years-long collaboration among researchers. Read here⤵️

    Elongation index derivative as a potential hemorheological parameter in a diffraction analysis of diabetes mellitus patients’ erythrocytes - Optical and Quantum Electronics

    Elongation index derivative as a potential hemorheological parameter in a diffraction analysis of diabetes mellitus patients’ erythrocytes - Optical and Quantum Electronics

  • Nothing is more important than making a real-life impact with #science and #education. #IMR researchers Dr. Vesna Vučić and Dr. Danijela Ristić-Medić delivered high-value lectures as part of a three-day educational workshop for parents and caregivers of children with developmental disabilities, held at the Rectorate of the University of Belgrade in June. Alongside researchers from Croatia and Macedonia, they covered a full spectrum of topics on improving social inclusion, health, nutrition, stress management, and overall quality of life for these families to help them thrive, not just survive. This workshop was part of the #ErasmusPlus #SynergyEd project, which aims to deliver tailored support for parents using new educational materials and an online platform for continuous e-learning. #Erasmus #ErasmusProjects #erasmusprojects #disability #disabilityeducation

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