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Joseph Merrick

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Joseph Merrick

Joseph Carey Merrick (n. 5 august 1862, Leicester — d. 11 aprilie 1890) a fost un englez supranumit „omul elefant” datorită aspectului său fizic cauzat de un defect congenital. Boala i-a câștigat simpatia conaționalilor săi.

Boala Omului Elefant se numește Sindromul Proteu, cunoscut și sub numele de sindromul Wiedemann (după medicul pediatru german Hans-Rudolf Wiedemann). Este o tulburare rară, complexă, cu implicare multi-sistemică și cu o mare variabilitate clinică.[1]

  • Durbach, Nadja (), „Monstrosity, Masculinity, and Medicine: Reexamining 'the Elephant Man'”, The Spectacle of Deformity: Freak Shows and Modern British Culture, Berkeley: University of California Press, ISBN 0-520-25768-5 
  • Graham, P. W.; Oehschlaeger, F. H. (), Articulating the Elephant Man: Joseph Merrick and His Interpreters, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, ISBN 0-8018-4357-X 
  • Howell, Michael; Ford, Peter () [1980], The True History of the Elephant Man (ed. 3rd), London: Penguin Books, ISBN 0-14-016515-0 
  • Korf, Bruce R.; Rubenstein, Allan E. (), Neurofibromatosis: A Handbook for Patients, Families, and Health Care Professionals, New York: Thieme, ISBN 1-58890-301-X 
  • "The Autobiography of Joseph Carey Merrick" – freak shop pamphlet printed c. 1884 to accompany the exhibition of the Elephant Man; published in The True History of the Elephant Man, pp. 173–175
  • Montagu, Ashley (), The Elephant Man: A Study in Human Dignity, New York: E. P. Dutton, ISBN 0-87690-037-6 
  • Sitton, Jeanette; Stroshane, Mae Siu-Wai (), Measured by the Soul: The Life of Joseph Carey Merrick, London: The Friends of Joseph Carey Merrick, ISBN 978-1-300-45725-1 
  • Treves, Frederick (), The Elephant Man and Other Reminiscences, London: Cassell and Co., OCLC 1546705  Legătură externa în |title= (ajutor)

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