Rohde & Schwarz Topex

Rohde & Schwarz Topex


Bucharest, 1 6.109 adepți

Quality, precision and innovation in all fields of wireless communications.

Despre noi

Established back in 1990, Rohde & Schwarz Topex S.A. is part of the Rohde & Schwarz group of companies since 2010 and its Center of Competence for the voice switching solutions. Since its foundation, the company’s culture stood for innovation and strong customer relationship. Our main competencies are in the area of voice and data switching solutions, both for Mission Critical and Enterprise Communication applications. Starting with the year 2000, Rohde & Schwarz Topex’s main focus was on IP technologies, where we have identified huge potential for developing next generation features and operational scenario for our customers, in a cost efficient manner and with emphasis on safety. With more than 170 employees, a powerful research & development center in Bucharest and production facilities located nearby, Rohde & Schwarz Topex expanded continuously and our customer portfolio got worldwide coverage. Mastering the VoIP technologies as core business, our aim in the years to come is to become for our customers the top mind choice trusted supplier for designing and delivering state of the art solutions for business areas like air traffic control, maritime communications, safety critical infrastructures and enterprise communication.

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Sector de activitate
Dimensiunea companiei
201-500 de angajați
Bucharest, 1
Companie privată
developing și manufacturing


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