Generare de energie din surse regenerabile

Stockholm, Stockholm County 33.639 adepți

Powering the great shift.

Despre noi

OX2 develops, constructs, and manages renewable energy solutions at scale, including onshore wind, offshore wind, solar, and energy storage. We have operations in 12 markets in Europe and in Australia. We are headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden and listed on the Nasdaq Stockholm stock exchange. By accelerating access to renewable energy, we power the great shift towards a sustainable electrification of society – and everything that comes with it. For more information, please visit www.OX2.com Subscribe to our newsletter The Great Shift: www.OX2.com/newsletter

Site web
Sector de activitate
Generare de energie din surse regenerabile
Dimensiunea companiei
201-500 de angajați
Stockholm, Stockholm County
Companie publică
Wind Power - Screening, Wind Power - Construction, Wind Power - Technical & Commercial Management, Wind Power - Investment, Renewable Energy, Solar power, Wind Power - Development, Offshore Wind Power, Energy storage, Hydrogen production și Green hydrogen


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    Morze Bałtyckie łączy kilka naszych rynków i zapewnia ogromne możliwości dla rozwoju #OZE. 💨 🌊 Dlatego świętujemy #BalticSeaDay. 🎉 Dzięki #offshore i naszej Strategii Bioróżnorodności prowadzimy badania i wspieramy w walce z eutrofizacją podłoża, jednocześnie działając na korzyść bioróżnorodności i bezpieczeństwa regionalnego. 🍃 „Jesteśmy liderem pod kątem mocy rozwijanych projektów w technologii offshore na Morzu Bałtyckim, gdzie nasze portfolio wynosi 26 GW. Dzięki mnogości prowadzonych inwestycji w morskie farmy wiatrowe na Bałtyku ofertujemy efekt synergii – np. w kwestii łańcuchów dostaw komponentów, w efekcie czego koszty projektów są niższe” – mówi Katarzyna Suchcicka, prezes OX2 Polska. OX2 włącza się w obchody Baltic Sea Day na stacji badawczej Ar Uniwersytetu w Uppsali na #Gotlandia, #Szwecja. #OX2 #BalticSeaDay #offshore #OZE #farmywiatrowe #PoweringTheGreatShift   

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    Today is #BalticSeaDay. The Baltic Sea connects several of our markets and provide great opportunities for #renewableenergy. It’s also under a lot of pressure. Through #offshorewind and #hydrogen production we can help address issues like eutrophication, biodiversity, and regional security. We’re proud to participate in Baltic Sea Day through an open house at Uppsala University’s Ar research station on #Gotland, #Sweden. Baltic Sea Day is celebrated annually on the last Thursday of August. Find out more here: https://lnkd.in/dtQv755

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    This week, wind turbine installations began at the Riberget #windfarm in Ljusdal municipality, #Sweden, and the final turbine components are currently being transported from the port of Härnösand. Once completed, the 11 turbines will produce 210 GWh per year, providing electricity for an estimated 42 000 homes. The wind farm is owned by Fu-Gen , the European IPP whose operational portfolio of Swedish onshore wind will increase to 860 GWh. Find out more about Riberget wind farm: https://lnkd.in/dnjAvsyU

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    The largest wind farm in #Finland is being built in the smallest municipality. Lestijärvi #windfarm, consisting of 69 turbines that can power 280,000 homes, is currently under construction in Lestijärvi municipality, where the population is less than 700. The first turbine parts started arriving during summer and are now being erected. Stay tuned for more updates from Finland’s largest #onshore wind farm as construction progresses. The Lestijärvi project: https://lnkd.in/dsWfY74f

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    "Wind turbines and solar panels have overtaken fossil fuels to generate 30% of the European Union’s electricity in the first half of the year, a report has found" (The Guardian). This and other news from our industry can be found in our #newsletter The Great Shift, where we curate articles and research on renewable energy, energy storage and the great shift toward a sustainable future. Latest edition: https://lnkd.in/d9-CCphg Subscribe: https://lnkd.in/dQXwYkku

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    Do grona ekspertów OX2 dołączyła Anna Bulewicz, która jako Head of TCM w Polsce będzie ściśle współpracować z Dyrektorem Zarządzającym TCM Grupy OX2 Lars Bryngelsson oraz zarządzać procesami i pracownikami w Zespole Technical and Commercial Management Poland 📣 📌 Do zadań Anny będzie należało zarządzanie codzienną działalnością TCM Polska i ścisła współpraca z przedstawicielami zespołów. 📌 Anna będzie pełniła funkcję doradczą w zakresie komercyjnego i technicznego zarządzania farmami wiatrowymi i fotowoltaicznymi. 📌 Będzie również odpowiedzialna za utrzymywanie relacji z partnerami i interesariuszami zewnętrznymi. Anno, witamy w OX2! 🎉 #OX2 #OX2Polska #OZE #PoDobrejStronieMocy

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    OX2 sells 99 MW wind farm in Romania for 2.5 billion SEK   OX2 has closed an agreement to sell a 99.2 MW onshore wind project in Romania to Nala Renewables, a joint venture between IFM Investors and Trafigura. The agreement includes construction of the wind farm and the contract value is 2.48 billion SEK*. The project is located in the Eastern part of Romania and will consist of 16 Vestas turbines, V162-6.2 MW™. The project has secured grid access through a connection contract signed with Transelectrica in March 2023. OX2 will be responsible for the construction of the wind farm. Construction will start in the third quarter of 2024 while commissioning is planned for the first half of 2026.   The deal includes a 12-year PPA (power purchase agreement) with a multinational corporate offtaker. The agreement covers a significant part of the electricity output generated by the wind farm.   - The completion of our first sale in Romania strengthens our position in a growing market. By managing the entire life cycle of the project, from development and establishment a 12-year PPA to construction and asset management, we create tangible and long-term value, contributing significantly to the energy transition, says Lăcrămioara Diaconu-Pințea, Country Manager OX2 Romania.   The project complies with the Performance Standards on Environmental and Social Sustainability of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group. The annual energy production of the wind farm is about 312 GWh, covering the annual electricity consumption of 51,000 households as well as saving approximately 150,000 tonnes of CO2- equivalent emissions per year.   Once commissioned, OX2 will be responsible for the technical and commercial management of the project, optimizing production and supervising its operations.   - We are delighted to announce the signing of our first sale in Romania, a market with a solid outlook for renewables. We have seen strong interest from investors in our project, which includes a PPA with a solid partner. I would like to thank all involved parties who helped make this a success and especially Nala Renewables, who are partnering with us on this project. We look forward to realizing this project and to continue to develop our portfolio in the Romanian market, says Paul Stormoen, CEO of OX2.   - We are very pleased to sign our first wind project with OX2 with whom we have built a long-term partnership over the last months. This is a flagship transaction for Nala and also demonstrates our ability to secure contracted assets and capitalize on the increasing demand for renewable energy PPA’s from multinational organizations, says Remy Verot, COO of Nala Renewables.   OX2 has an ongoing sales process of another wind project of similar size located in the same region, a transaction which is expected to be closed in the latter part of 2024.   The OX2 Romania portfolio consists of five onshore wind projects with 620 MW in total.

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    OX2 sells 25 MW solar project in Spain OX2 has sold a 25 MW solar project in Spain to Greening Group, a Spanish Company active in renewable energy systems. The sale will be recorded in the third quarter 2024. The sale includes project rights for five solar farms located in Cáceres in the Extremadura region with total estimated capacity of 25 MW. The solar farms will be constructed by Greening Group. The transaction will have a limited financial impact on OX2’s accounts. This is OX2’s second sale to Greening Group in the Spanish market. In late 2023 the parties agreed on the sale of project rights for solar farms of 45 MW in the Andalucia region. #poweringthegreatshift #OX2 #solarfarms

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    OX2 has signed an agreement to sell the battery energy storage system project Uusnivala to L&G Clean Power Fund. The transaction was completed by NTR plc, a leading renewable energy specialist, on behalf of the Fund. The battery energy storage project Uusnivala will have a total capacity of 50MW / 110 MWh and provide the Finnish grid system with ancillary services to help regulate frequency and ensure grid stability. Additionally, it will also participate in wholesale markets by providing energy arbitrage. The facility will be located near a connection point in an area with high wind power penetration, which will significantly contribute to Fingrid's grid stability. The project is ready to build, and construction will be managed by the buyer.  -This is our first battery energy storage project in Finland and we are happy to sell it to L&G NTR Clean Power Fund. The project will make a valuable contribution to stabilize the grid as the demands shift following a rapid electrification and transition to a fossil free-energy system, says Paul Stormoen, CEO, OX2. -With longstanding experience and expertise in developing and operating BESS projects in Ireland, expansion into the Finnish market is a great addition for NTR. We are constantly looking to diversify the clean energy technologies we use, so Uusnivala is a very attractive addition for us and the Fund. With the addition of this project, the Fund now manages 480MW of onshore and offshore wind, solar and battery energy storage across Spain, France, Sweden, Finland and the UK. This asset offers further geographical and technology diversification to the Fund and is testament to our dedication to drive the European transition to clean energy, says Anthony Doherty, Chief Investment Officer, NTR. #OX2 #poweringthegreatshift #batteryenergystorage

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