Servicii IT și consultanță IT


Despre noi

CORROBORO is a privately owned IT services and solutions provider for clients around the world. We offer IT Consulting and Software Development services with functional expertise in the following domains as of now: Medical, Fintech, Management, Retail. Our mission focus is to deliver excellent and competitive business solutions, tailored to our business partner's needs keeping in mind our will to challenge the status quo and to create a culture where quality, trust and a healthy environment thrive in the contemporary work scenery. Our team is a blend of seniorities with vast knowledge and expertise in Digital Transformation, Software Development, Testing, Mobile Technologies and DevOps. We vouch on our success. We are a young, hungry to learn, passionate and devoted with a strong entrepreneurial mind-set always ready to go the extra mile in order to anticipate and exceed any expectations.

Sector de activitate
Servicii IT și consultanță IT
Dimensiunea companiei
2-10 angajați
Companie privată



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    In the fast-paced world of technology, it's easy to get caught up in the race for innovation. But at CORROBORO, we believe that true innovation begins with listening. 🗣️ Our key value, "Listening to customer needs," drives everything we do. By truly understanding our customers' challenges and aspirations, we can tailor solutions that not only meet but exceed their expectations. 🌟 Whether it's through direct feedback, detailed surveys, or one-on-one conversations, we're committed to being attentive and responsive. This approach not only strengthens our relationships but also fuels our drive to deliver exceptional value and service. 🤝 Thank you to all our customers for trusting us with your insights and needs. Together, we can achieve amazing things! 🚀 #CustomerFirst #InnovationThroughListening #ITCompany #CustomerSuccess #TechSolutions #corroboro 

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    Self confidence - the belief that you can accomplish any task, no matter the odds, adversity or difficultly. Some of you might say: "I am shy", "I cant have that". But we believe it’s a skill that can be taught. How can we achieve this: 1. Practice 2. Practice 3. Practice Knowing the in and outs of your field of expertise is a receipt of building self confidence. Some say that there’s the 10.000 hour rule. Replacing the SELF-TAPE, that constant chat that we have with ourselves, is another method. That change from CAN’T to CAN is the breakthrough. We know for a fact that thoughts influence actions. Get away from people that will tear you down. There are enough people voicing you down. If you don’t believe in yourself, few others will. At CORROBORO we pave our path with and we believe our SELF-TAPE is going to be a hit! What other spices do you think boosts one's self confidence? #selfconfidence #corroboro

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    Self confidence - the belief that you can accomplish any task, no matter the odds, adversity or difficultly. Some of you might say: "I am shy", "I cant have that". But we believe it’s a skill that can be taught. How can we achieve this: 1. Practice 2. Practice 3. Practice Knowing the in and outs of your field of expertise is a receipt of building self confidence. Some say that there’s the 10.000 hour rule. Replacing the SELF-TAPE, that constant chat that we have with ourselves, is another method. That change from CAN’T to CAN is the breakthrough. We know for a fact that thoughts influence actions. Get away from people that will tear you down. There are enough people voicing you down. If you don’t believe in yourself, few others will. At CORROBORO we pave our path with and we believe our SELF-TAPE is going to be a hit! What other spices do you think boosts one's self confidence? #selfconfidence #corroboro

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    IT skills by 2030 - embracing the revolution In a world where the only constant thing is change, where AI grasps more and more information and can be an aid for most IT employees, FLEXIBILITY and COLLABORATION seem to be the silver lining. Jobs in IT have a tendency to be more fluid. A tech person is more than what the business card says. He’s going to be able to wear many different hats. Bellow are some of the skills he might or should have in the new unfolding world of tomorrow. Digital literacy - According to The World Economic Forum more than half of the jobs in 2030 will require understanding of digital technology. Cyber security - With the digitalisation growing, more and more security is required. Also here a human touch is needed; distinguishing between good and bad can only be done to some extent by the AI. Willingness to ‘partner’ with AI - Although it is quite controversial it seems to be the standard going further. Ability to constantly learn - This is more of an IT trait which true now and will have an even bigger impact in the forthcoming years. Data mining - ‘Data is the new oil’ - Clive Humby. The fourth industrial revolution is still young and we are yet to see its true powers. Cloud computing - Cloud in general is something sexy at the moment. Offers speed, security, easy recovery in case of failure, budget savings and more.   Augmented reality - This can dramatically change the way we learn, navigate, shop or experience life in general. Although not something new, more and more big brands switch towards investing from conventional gadgets to AR devices. CORROBORO has flexibility and collaboration as its core values. The future smiles with us. What skill or trait do you think is gonna pay a big role in the foreseeable future? Tell us more in the comments bellow! #corroboro #flexibility #collaboration 

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    Why do wealthy people usually buy more expensive things? Let’s try to answer that with with some leading questions. How much does an umbrella cost? One might say it is between 5€ to 15€ or it might be as expensive as somebody would ever pay for its function. What is the function of an umbrella? Keep you dry while it’s raining. There is a brand out there called Pasotti which sells Umbrellas, Canes and Shoehorns. They start from 200€ and go as high as you would imagine. Now, obviously the question which comes next is why on Earth would somebody buy such an item when the function is the same? Status, ego or same reason expensive purses exist? We think that frequently with an increase of price quality also rises. People that are buying quality, expect something different. Also, when people acquire big-budget goods, they take good care about them, usually expending their lifetime. This is an example of buying things based on function versus buying "the future", status and everything else that comes bundled. Hence, selling big-budget items it’s not necessary about working harder, or changing what you sell. The only shift in perspective is WHOM and HOW you sell it. I am curious about your opinion. Tell us more in the comments bellow! #corroboro #programming #perfection #future #quality

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