Despre noi

The Frequentis Group is an international supplier of communication and information systems for control centres with safety-critical tasks. These ‘Control Centre Solutions’ are developed and distributed by Frequentis in the business segments Air Traffic Management (civil and military air traffic control, aeronautical information management, air defence) and Public Safety & Transport (police, fire and rescue services, emergency medical services, vessel traffic and railways ). With a market share of 30%, the stock-listed company is the world market leader in voice communication systems for air traffic control; it’s also world market leader in the area of Aeronautical Information Management. The company's international success is reflected in an export rate of 95%. The Frequentis success story and the sustainable growth of the Frequentis Group rely on the efforts of some 1,900 dedicated employees.

Site web
Sector de activitate
Servicii IT și consultanță IT
Dimensiunea companiei
1.001 - 5.000 de angajați
Companie privată
Air Traffic Management, Aeronautical Information Management, Defence, Public Safety, Public Transport, Maritime, safety critical systems, cyber security, Unmanned Traffic Management, Remote Virtual Tower, Digital Tower, Voice Communications și Railways


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