

Producția de alimente și băuturi

Slobozia, Ialomita 2.474 adepți

EXPUR is one of the largest oil processing companies in Romania.

Despre noi

Expur is one of the largest Romanian oil seed processing companies. Expur processes sunflower seeds and rapeseeds producing crude oil, refined oil, and protein meals. The oils are sold on the domestic and export markets and the protein meals are sold largely to Romanian retail customers and manufacturers of animal feed. Since 1997 and its acquisition by the Alimenta Group from the Romanian government, Expur has embarked on an expansion program with the target aim of increasing production capacities, upgrading technology, whilst adhering to environmental norms, as well as expanding processing activity and boosting storage facilities. In view of extending the production chain, whilst increasing product value. Expur has built a brand new 100,000 ton biodiesel facility which is supplied by internally produced oil and whose production is sold mainly on the local market.

Site web
Sector de activitate
Producția de alimente și băuturi
Dimensiunea companiei
201-500 de angajați
Slobozia, Ialomita
Companie publică
processes sunflower seeds and rapeseeds producing crude oil, refined oil, producing protein meals și diodiesel


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