Despre noi

Oamenii construiesc viitorul, iar acesta înseamnă transformare și reinventare continuă, pasiune și libertate. De aceea, la E.ON, punem preț pe trei resurse importante: energia, timpul și creativitatea. Suntem mai mult decât un furnizor de energie. Ne dorim să îmbunătățim viețile oamenilor și să devenim partenerul tău de încredere pentru soluții energetice integrate. Vom reuși să facem asta punând idei valoroase în practică, transformându-le în soluţii eficiente, punând clienții în centrul a tot ceea ce facem și îndeplinind cu succes misiunea pe care ne-am propus-o: să creștem profitabilitatea afacerii tale, optimizând costurile cu energia şi propunând soluții personalizate, adaptate nevoilor specifice domeniului tău de activitate. Mai eco-friendly, mai responsabili și mai aproape de clienți. Pentru că ne dorim să creăm un viitor mai bun. Facem parte din grupul german E.ON SE, unul dintre cei mai mari actori pe piața mondială de energie, cu o prezență în peste 30 de țări și peste 33 milioane de clienți. Companie cu tradiție în domeniul energetic din România, deservim peste 3 milioane de clienți rezidențiali și business și împărtăşim cu mândrie valorile grupului E.ON: autenticitate, simplitate, colaborare și creativitate. Pentru mai multe informaţii privind ofertele şi soluţiile noastre business vizitaţi Pentru a afla mai multe despre echipa E.ON şi oportunităţile de joburi, vizitaţi

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    We're proud to present the centrepiece of our new brand campaign 🎉 – a TV and online spot starring none other than two-time Academy Award winner Christoph Waltz. He doesn‘t shy away from asking the important questions, only to find out that at E.ON, we're already on it: making new energy work.   Learn more on   #ItsOnUs #MakingNewEnergyWork

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    It’s on us to make new energy a digital experience. Jenica and Alexander are bringing new energy to people digitally - and as smoothly as possible.   As a UX designer, Jenica develops user-friendly and accessible energy management tools that promote the widespread use of renewable energy solutions. And as Head of Customer Solutions & Digital IT in Cyber Security, Alexander ensures that our digital infrastructure is always protected in the best possible way.    It's on us to make new energy work. Find out more about Jenica, Alexander and our other Playmakers here: #ItsOnUs #playmaker

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    Green light for the future of mobility in Dortmund!   The future of mobility is in our hands: Last week, our colleagues from E.ON Drive, together with our partner Mercedes-Benz AG, broke ground for the next ultra-fast charging station in Dortmund.   That means: 🔋 Charge up to 6 vehicles simultaneously ⚡ Each station delivers up to 300 kW of power 🚗 Brand-independent charging for all EV models   The charging hub in Dortmund is part of a cooperation between E.ON and Mercedes-Benz for a European charging network. We are committed to making the decision for new energies as easy as possible for everyone, everywhere and at any time! #itsonus #emobility

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  • E.ON a distribuit aceasta

    Vizualizați pagina organizației pentru E.ON Drive Infrastructure, grafic

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    Construction of the first E.ON Drive Infrastructure (EDRI) charging hub at the MAN Truck & Bus SE site in Karlsfeld, Bavaria has begun! In partnership with MAN Trucks & Bus, we are making a strong commitment to the future of #eTransport. At EDRI, we don't just talk – we act. This publicly accessible site will feature four Alpitronic HYC 400 charging stations, ensuring efficient and powerful charging for all #eTrucks and #ebuses, providing a significant step towards sustainable transport solutions. Looking ahead, this site will not only cater to current needs but will also be future-proofed. We have plans to upgrade the station to Mega Watt Charging System (#MCS), ensuring that we remain at the forefront of technological advancements in the e-mobility sector. #EDRI Public charging for everyone, everywhere.

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    It’s on us to bring new energy to where it’s needed. For the energy transition to succeed, everyone has to overcome their personal limits. Like Alexander, whose job as an internal consultant is to support the implementation of projects across all units. Today in sales, tomorrow he will be supporting the planning of new charging stations - bringing new energy to ever new projects. ⚡ It's on us to make new energy work. Find out more about Alexander and our other Playmakers here: #ItsOnUs #playmaker

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  • Vizualizați pagina organizației pentru E.ON, grafic

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    Highly innovative technology companies like Naked Energy play a pivotal role in expediting the transition to sustainable energy. We look forward to the journey ahead.

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    We are proud and excited to announce the first close of our Series B capital raise, with £17m of new equity, led by E.ON Energy Infrastructure Solutions. What has started as Naked Energy being a finalist at the Free Electrons program; kicked-off the collaboration with E.ON Group Innovation, led to a successful test project in Silicon Valley, a strategic partnership and the ongoing development of a pipeline of projects across multiple territories. Working with the entire E.ON Group is a privilege and achievement the company is incredibly honoured by. As we scale internationally, Naked Energy looks forward to strengthening this relationship further. We also greatly appreciate the follow on investment and close support of Barclays. It’s an incredibly exciting time for Naked Energy. Heat decarbonisation is the most important issue of the energy transition, and we appreciate the opportunity to tackle it with our mission aligned partners who also believe in ‘Changing Energy for Good’. Click on link in comments for the press release. #heatishalf #solarheat #seriesb #energytransition #Virtu #jobs #hiring

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  • Vizualizați pagina organizației pentru E.ON, grafic

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    E.ON and MAN Truck & Bus SE are jointly taking a decisive step forward in the expansion of the charging infrastructure for commercial vehicles in Germany and Europe. As part of their new cooperation, E.ON and the commercial vehicle manufacturer will set up around 170 locations with around 400 stations for public charging of electric trucks across Europe. E.ON and MAN are investing in the new charging stations, which will be built along the existing MAN service network and will also be able to charge commercial vehicles from other manufacturers. Around 125 sites are planned in Germany alone. This will create the largest nationwide public charging network for heavy commercial vehicles in the country to date. Additional sites are being built in Austria, the UK, Denmark, Italy, Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary. More here: #decarbonisation #eMobility #eTruck

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    It’s on us to make new energy serve our customers. New energy works best when it is made easy for people. That's why Monika, Nils and their team in Customer Service stand for communication that focuses on our customers. Everything to ensure that new energy reaches even more people. 🙏   It's on us to make new energy work. Find out more about Monika, Nils and our other Playmakers here: #ItsOnUs #playmaker

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    Vizualizați pagina organizației pentru E.ON Deutschland, grafic

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    Ein E.ON-Meilenstein: Eine halbe Million Ladepunkte in Europa! 🚗🔌 Auf dem Weg ein flächendeckendes Ladenetz in Europa zu erzielen, haben wir nun einen weiteren Meilenstein erreicht: 500.000 Ladepunkte in unserem europäischen Roaming-Ladenetz für E-Autos. E.ON Drive Kund:innen und Kunden können in 14 Ländern Europas laden. Das Ladenetz erstreckt sich von Norwegen bis nach Italien und von UK nach Polen. Weitere Länder sind in Planung. Mit der E.ON Drive Comfort App ist der Ladevorgang komfortabel und einfach, alle der 500.000 Ladepunkte lassen sich damit auffinden und bedienen. In der App sind die Preise einsehbar, es kann von allen Ladestationen aus bezahlt werden und durch Filteroptionen können spezifische Ladepunkte, wie zum Beispiel Schnellladestationen gefunden werden. Good to know: An E.ON Ladestellen tankt ihr zu 100% Ökostrom! 🌿

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    it's on us to find new energy in new people. The smarter we make our grids, the faster they reach people. But innovative technology needs visionaries and makers. To find those is exactly Chung's job. As Senior Tech Recruiter for E.ON Grid Solutions, he ensures that our smart grids become even smarter every day. 💡   It's on us to make new energy work. Find out more about Chung and our other Playmakers here: #ItsOnUs #playmaker

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