A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

"Play the platformer as a simulation."

"Hello? Welcome to SimPlaE. Your goal is to clear the simulation."


All characters interact with the given terrain and move automatically according to certain conditions.
You cannot directly control the characters.

Observe the characters' behavior patterns.
Place the given blocks in the slots to design new paths.


There are various ways to clear the simulation, but only one is the best solution.
SimPlaE will evaluate your choices and assign a grade.

If necessary, actively use hints. They can help you think outside the box.

Solve puzzles to encounter various difficulties and gimmicks.
New terrains and movements await you.


SimPlaE features various platformer worlds simulated within it.
Each new world has its own rules and a new protagonist for you to observe.

What is the true purpose of the simulation? What ending awaits us at the end of the simulation?
We will be keenly observing your choices. Good luck.


SimPlaE_ENG.zip 121 MB

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