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i used your installer creator for my last game but today some one reported that the installler installs nothing if the folder is changed by the user not using the pregiven destination....maybe you can look into this...and why cant the app create an uninstaller when the free clickteam installer creator can all this...i prefer the look of your installer creator tbh but this currently leaves me a bit with a downside to it for 20 bugs :O

the game with the installler :

( 2)

MacOS support coming?

Probably not, macOS way to install packages works different than Windows, I don’t know exactly what it should generate and how it would run on macOS.

But if it was technically feasible, the tool can be compiled for macOS without problem.

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Is there any way to implement a licensing system that connects to an external database?

I like the program and I want to buy it, but I would like to know if it has any function like that 

Sorry, I’m afraid that functionality is not available in this version.

Any chance of it arriving in a future update?

There is a low chance, this tool is designed to be completely offline with no online features to avoid malicious installers creation.

Does the Install Path property allow for support of Environmental Variables? for example using %AppData% or $env:APPDATA instead of relying on a static value?

Not at this moment but I take note for a future version.

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The kind of software you make is amazing dude.

Imagine if you took all of this then made it into one game engine. It would be one of the best engine ever, no lie.

Good work on the ui too

Thank you very much! Glad you like it!

It would be nice, unfortunately I don’t have the resources to make it possible…

I have not purchased it because I have no need for it yet, however it looks very cool and I like the UI design. I may use it for distributing any godot games I make.

Thanks! Glad you like it! :D