In the orchestral justice system, dead composers are
represented by two separate yet equally important groups.

The musicians, who play the notes, and the audience, who hear the notes.

These are the stories of the lone person stuck between.

The Conductor

This...did not go well.

Unfortunately the "game" side of things didn't get anywhere but, if pressed, I will concede that the music generation side of things did get somewhere even if it didn't get to where I would have liked. :)

So, in light of that, following these credits are some brief instructions on how you can experiment with the system I developed to generate chord progressions & play "music" built on top of them...



Step 1: On the start screen click on the "Show Sequencer Test" button (if you press on the "Show Intro" button you'll need to reload the page to do anything else--I still like the intro though :) ):

Step 2: Press the "Prepare" button. This is the most important step!

The "Prepare" button loads the music player, instrument samples & music theory JavaScript library. If these don't load no chord progressions will be generated & no music will be played. (A situation not to be confused with that song from 1971.)

You should hear three musical notes from three different instruments as an indication things have loaded successfully. (They might all play simultaneously.)

Step 3: You can alter the various settings provided (the tooltips may be helpful), to taste, and then press the "Generate" button which will generate a chord progression & then play it with the selected instrument. (The piano is currently the best instrument choice...for reasons.)

Step 4: The tooltips can also be viewed in the screenshots in the side bar of this page.

Step 5: Here are some settings that can serve as starting points for your experiments:

Thanks for reading this far & trying out the system.

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