Chapter Ten Released!

Hello again! Hope your winter has gone well ❄️

With the public release of this new chapter we’re setting up the Crown's daily routine as a monarch, while romance and courtly intrigue continue to build:

  • Diverging paths depending on your love interest, including scenes from your main LIs point of view! R and A accompany the Crown, but what are D and X up to in the meantime?
  • While the Crown becomes used to ruling, each LI experiences a shocking revelation in their main route, one that will cascade into future chapters
  • The Crown continues to grow and learn, being tutored in various subjects to increase their knowledge
  • Tutoring is not merely in theory: the Crown enjoys physical training, as well. Choose your favorite weapon and shape future fight scenes!
  • The Imperial Court is finally taking shape. Choose certain positions, receive political proposals, even form an alliance, if you have the points...

A few additional changes made to the game overall:

  • The codex page for the Crescent Blades has been added, including character art! It should be unlocked for all saves that are past Chapter 1
  • Changed various lore related names, mainly the ones referring to the Major Spirits, in order to better reference the Zoroastrian inspirations that Arsur's religion is based on
  • Darkened the background color further to be friendlier on the eyes. Some day, I'll add a proper dark mode, but that day is not today haha
  • Edited the Arsurian Calendar to match with the new background color, and also corrected the start and end dates of the months!
  • IMPORTANT!!!: It's highly recommended to replay the entirety of CH9 before getting to CH10. CH9 has some changes relating to LI relationship stats, so if you don't go back to play through those, you risk relationship flavor text messing up in CH10 (high relationship described as a low relationship, etc).

Thank you for all your patience and support, I hope you enjoy the new chapter with the nearing end of this winter 💖


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D got me tearing! My heart aches, I love it

The new chapter is wonderful! This was my first time replaying in a while and I was wondering if our affinity is always sun's blessing? I remember getting a different one for inner magic before

It's not related to your inner/outer magic type! But yes, it's possible to get one other affinity based on the choices you made relating to the elements/during the coronation ceremony in CH7 ✨

Whoops! I guess I usually make my inner magic characters get the other one  by accident, thank you for explaining

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I love D's route so very, very much. Thank you! 

Screaming right now!!! So excited!!!

Umm.. I believe the term is: Woohoo!

can't wait

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I'm so happy right now!! I can't wait to play it ╰( ^-^)╮

Thanks for your hard work and awesome writing <3

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i've been waiting for this day!! finally have the time to sit down and read. so excited!

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Yay so excited!!

sooooooo awesome