Publicação de Mota-Engil

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Na passada quarta-feira, dia 19 de junho, a MEXT: Mota-Engil Next participou no painel "Cities and businesses delivering on the EU's sustainability and growth agenda" no European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) Council. Uma excelente oportunidade onde foi possível demonstrar a integração dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável no Plano Estratégico do Grupo. Juntos, podemos construir um futuro mais promissor para todos!

Ver página da empresa de MEXT: Mota-Engil Next, gráfico

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We are excited to share MEXT: Mota-Engil Next participation in the panel discussion "Cities and businesses delivering on the EU's sustainability and growth agenda"! Where we debated the topic of the moment: "green and digital transition" and how to achieve it. Rui Roncha, Creative Director at Mext, took part in the panel discussion, sharing some ideas such as:  - The integration of the Sustainable Development Goals into the Mota-Engil Group's Strategic Plan;  - The positive impact of the M-ODU: Matadouro Outro Destino Urbano project in rehabilitating the old slaughterhouse into a new and promising LEED-certified ecosystem;  - Ways to promote the adoption of clean and sustainable technologies through financial incentives;  - The importance of building intelligent and ecological infrastructures. It was also possible to discuss how companies and cities can work towards decarbonization and adopt clean technologies, as well as how the European Commission and national governments can support this transition. An incredible event that reinforced Mota-Engil's commitment to promoting a more sustainable world, a premise that underpins all our actions. Join us in building a #greenertomorrow! European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) Filipe Araújo Amaryllis Verhoeven ANNA ATHANASOPOULOU Natalia Gkiaouri Leander Leitner Morten Rasmussen Marco Iacuitto Ruslan Zhechkov Igor Kalinic Lucia Masarova Pedro Santos Guerreiro Ana Carneiro Nadezhda Bobcheva Vassilis Papaefstathiou ivona močenić Samanta Barić Raul Bordalo Junqueiro Giovanni Caruso Niklas S. Mischkowski Luís Tiago Ferreira Bart Vuijk Lean Doody @Giacomo Magnani Hans Teuben Erika Halasz Giacomo Santangelo Luigi Lo Piparo Nikos Maroulis Lena Tsipouri #mext #whatsmext #motaengilnext #motaengil #greenerworld #greentransition #digitaltransition #cleantransition #innovation #mayorsbusinessoforum #localgreendeals #intelligentcitieschallenge

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Mabibi Cristiano

Supervisor Topografo | Gestor do Projeto | Civil Engineer | BIM Modeler | Surveyor

3 sem

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