MySQL Monitor Module


The Monitor Module is responsible for a series of checks against the backends. It currently supports 4 types of checks:

  • connect : it connects to all the backends, and success/failure is logged in table mysql_server_connect_log;
  • ping : it pings to all the backends, and success/failure is logged in table mysql_server_ping_log . In the case of mysql-monitor_ping_max_failures missing a heartbeat, it sends a signal to MySQL_Hostgroups_Manager to kill all connections;
  • replication lag : it checks Seconds_Behind_Master to all backends configured with max_replication_lag greater than 0, and the check is logged in table mysql_server_replication_lag_log. If Seconds_Behind_Master\ > max_replication_lag the server is shunned until Seconds_Behind_Master < max_replication_lag ;
  • read only : it checks read_only for all hosts in the hostgroups in table mysql_replication_hostgroups, and the check is logged in table mysql_server_read_only_log . If read_only=1 the host is copied/moved to the reader_hostgroup, while if read_only=0 the host is copied/moved to the writer_hostgroup .


These tables contain the monitor log data and are managed by the monitor module.

Admin> SHOW CREATE TABLE monitor.mysql_server_connect_log\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
       table: mysql_server_connect_log
Create Table: CREATE TABLE mysql_server_connect_log (
    hostname VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    port INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 3306,
    time_start_us INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    connect_success_time_us INT DEFAULT 0,
    connect_error VARCHAR,
    PRIMARY KEY (hostname, port, time_start_us))
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Admin> SHOW CREATE TABLE monitor.mysql_server_ping_log\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
       table: mysql_server_ping_log
Create Table: CREATE TABLE mysql_server_ping_log (
     hostname VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    port INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 3306,
    time_start_us INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    ping_success_time_us INT DEFAULT 0,
    ping_error VARCHAR,
    PRIMARY KEY (hostname, port, time_start_us))
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Admin> SHOW CREATE TABLE monitor.mysql_server_replication_lag_log\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
       table: mysql_server_replication_lag_log
Create Table: CREATE TABLE mysql_server_replication_lag_log (
     hostname VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    port INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 3306,
    time_start_us INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    success_time_us INT DEFAULT 0,
    repl_lag INT DEFAULT 0,
    error VARCHAR,
    PRIMARY KEY (hostname, port, time_start_us))
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Admin> SHOW CREATE TABLE monitor.mysql_server_read_only_log\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
       table: mysql_server_read_only_log
Create Table: CREATE TABLE mysql_server_read_only_log (
     hostname VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    port INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 3306,
    time_start_us INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    success_time_us INT DEFAULT 0,
    read_only INT DEFAULT 1,
    error VARCHAR,
    PRIMARY KEY (hostname, port, time_start_us))
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

See variable mysql-monitor_history


General variables:

  • mysql-monitor_username – Specifies the username that the Monitor module will use to connect to the backend. The user needs only USAGE privileges to connect, ping and check read_only. The user needs also REPLICATION CLIENT privilege if it needs to monitor replication lag.
  • mysql-monitor_password – Password for user mysql-monitor_username
  • mysql-monitor_enabled – It enables or disables MySQL Monitor. Since MySQL Monitor can interfere with changes applied directly on the Admin interface, this variable allows to temporary disable it.

Connect variables:

  • mysql-monitor_connect_interval – How frequently a connect check is performed, in milliseconds.
  • mysql-monitor_connect_timeout – Connection timeout in milliseconds. The current implementation rounds up this value to an integer number of seconds less or equal to the original interval, with 1 second as minimum. This lazy rounding is done because SSL connections are blocking calls.

Ping variables:

  • mysql-monitor_ping_interval – How frequently a ping check is performed, in milliseconds.

  • mysql-monitor_ping_timeout – Ping timeout in milliseconds.

  • mysql-monitor_ping_max_failures – If a host misses mysql-monitor_ping_max_failures pings in a row, MySQL_Monitor informs MySQL_Hostgroup_Manager that the node is unreachable and that it should immediately kill all connections. It is important to note that in case a connection to the backend is not available, MySQL_Monitor will first try to connect in order to ping, therefore the time to detect that a node is down could be one of these two:

    • mysql-monitor_ping_max_failures * mysql-monitor_connect_timeout
    • mysql-monitor_ping_max_failures * mysql-monitor_ping_timeout

Read only variables:

  • mysql-monitor_read_only_interval – How frequently a read only check is performed, in milliseconds.

  • mysql-monitor_read_only_timeout – Read only check timeout in milliseconds.

  • mysql-monitor_writer_is_also_reader – When a node changes its read_only value from 1 to 0, this variable determines if the node should be present in both hostgroups or not:

    • false : node will be moved into writer_hostgroup and removed from reader_hostgroup
    • true : node will be copied into writer_hostgroup and stay also in reader_hostgroup

Replication lag variables:

  • mysql-monitor_replication_lag_interval – How frequently a replication lag check is performed, in milliseconds.
  • mysql-monitor_replication_lag_timeout – Replication lag check timeout in milliseconds.

Other variables:

  • mysql-monitor_history – To prevent log tables from growing without limits, Monitor Module will automatically purge records older than mysql-monitor_history milliseconds. Since ping checks relies on the history table to determine if a node is missing heartbeats, the value of mysql-monitor_history is automatically adjusted to the following if it’s less than that:

    • (mysql-monitor_ping_max_failures 1 ) * mysql-monitor_ping_timeout

Main Threads

The Monitor Module has several internal threads. There are currently 5 main threads:

  • Monitor: master thread, responsible for starting and coordinating all the others
  • monitor_connect_thread: main thread and scheduler for the connect checks
  • monitor_ping_thread: main thread and scheduler for the ping checks
  • monitor_read_only_thread: main thread and scheduler for the read only checks
  • monitor_replication_lag_thread: main thread and scheduler for the replication lag checks Up to version v1.2.0 the above threads, excluding Monitor, were also responsible to perform the checks

Thread Pool

The implementation in v1.2.0 has a limitation with SSL implementation: with SSL, connect() is a blocking call, causing the threads to stall while performing the connect phase. Version v1.2.1 tries to overcome this limitation with a new implementation. Now:

  • Monitor initializes a Thread Pool of workers and creates a queue;
  • monitor_connect_thread, monitor_ping_thread, monitor_read_only_thread and monitor_replication_lag_thread are producers that generate tasks and send them to the workers using the queue;
  • the workers process the tasks and perform the required actions;
  • if Monitor detects that the queue is growing too fast, it creates new temporary worker threads

Connection purging

Monitor implements its own connection pool. Connections that are alive for more than 3 * mysql_thread___monitor_ping_interval milliseconds are automatically purged.


To prevent backends from terminating connections, Monitor module automatically configures wait_timeout = mysql_thread___monitor_ping_interval * 10