Lucas' Theorem
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Let $p$ be a prime number.
Let $n, k \in \Z_{\ge 0}$.
- $\dbinom n k \equiv \dbinom {\floor {n / p} } {\floor {k / p} } \dbinom {n \bmod p} {k \bmod p} \pmod p$
- $\dbinom n k$ denotes a binomial coefficient
- $n \bmod p$ denotes the modulo operation
- $\floor \cdot$ denotes the floor function.
Let the representations of $n$ and $k$ to the base $p$ be given by:
- $n = a_r p^r \cdots a_1 p a_0$
- $k = b_r p^r \cdots b_1 p b_0$
- $\ds \dbinom n k \equiv \prod_{j \mathop = 0}^r \dbinom {a_j} {b_j} \pmod p$
First we show that:
- $\dbinom n k \equiv \dbinom {\floor {n / p} } {\floor {k / p} } \dbinom {n \bmod p} {k \bmod p} \pmod p$
Consider $\dbinom n k$ as the fraction:
- $\dfrac {n \paren {n - 1} \paren {n - 2} \cdots \paren {n - k 1} } {k \paren {k - 1} \paren {k - 2} \cdots 1}$
This can be expressed as:
- $(1): \quad \dbinom n k = \paren {\dfrac n k} \paren {\dfrac {n - 1} {k - 1} } \paren {\dfrac {n - 2} {k - 2} } \cdots \paren {\dfrac {n - k 1} 1}$
Let $k = s p t$ from the Division Theorem.
- $t = k \bmod p$
The denominators of the first $t$ factors in $(1)$ do not have $p$ as a divisor.
Now let $n = u p v$, again from the Division Theorem.
- $v = n \bmod p$
Now, when dealing with non-multiples of $p$, we can work modulo $p$ in both the numerator and denominator, from Common Factor Cancelling in Congruence.
So we consider the first $t$ factors of $(1)$ modulo $p$.
These are:
- $\paren {\dfrac {u p v} {s p t} } \paren {\dfrac {u p v - 1} {s p t - 1} } \cdots \paren {\dfrac {u p v - t 1} {s p 1} } \equiv \paren {\dfrac v t} \paren {\dfrac {v - 1} {t - 1} } \cdots \paren {\dfrac {v - t 1} 1} \pmod p$
So, these first $t$ terms of $(1)$ taken together are congruent modulo $p$ to the corresponding terms of:
- $\dbinom {n \bmod p} {k \bmod p}$
These differ by multiples of $p$.
So we are left with $k - k \bmod p$ factors.
These fall into $\floor {k / p}$ groups, each of which has $p$ consecutive values.
Each of these groups contains exactly one multiple of $p$.
The other $p - 1$ factors in a given group are congruent (modulo $p$) to $\paren {p - 1}!$ so they cancel out in numerator and denominator.
We now need to investigate the $\left \lfloor {k / p} \right \rfloor$ multiples of $p$ in the numerator and denominator.
We divide each of them by $p$ and we are left with the binomial coefficient:
- $\dbinom {\floor {\paren {n - k \bmod p} / p} } {\floor {k / p} }$
Now, if $k \bmod p \le n \bmod p$, this equals:
- $\dbinom {\floor {n / p} } {\floor {k / p} }$
Otherwise, if $k \bmod p > n \bmod p$, the other factor:
- $\dbinom {n \bmod p} {k \bmod p}$
is zero.
So the formula holds in general.
Source of Name
This entry was named for François Édouard Anatole Lucas.
- 1878: Édouard Lucas: Théorie des Fonctions Numériques Simplement Périodiques (Amer. J. Math. Vol. 1, no. 3: pp. 197 – 240)
- 1997: Donald E. Knuth: The Art of Computer Programming: Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms (3rd ed.) ... (previous) ... (next): $\S 1.2.6$: Binomial Coefficients: Exercise $10 \ \text{(e)}$