Definition:Euclid's Definitions - Book VII
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Euclid's Definitions: Book $\text{VII}$
These definitions appear at the start of Book $\text{VII}$ of Euclid's The Elements.
- An unit is that of which each of the things that exist is called one.
- A number is a multitude composed of units.
- A number is a part of a number, the less of the greater, when it measures the greater;
- but parts when it does not measure it.
- The greater number is a multiple of the less when it is measured by the less.
- An even number is that which is divisible into two equal parts.
- An odd number is that which is not divisible into two equal parts, or that which differs by an unit from an even number.
- An even-times even number is that which is measured by an even number according to an even number.
- An even-times odd number is that which is measured by an even number according to an odd number.
- An odd-times odd number is that which is measured by an odd number according to an odd number.
- A prime number is that which is measured by an unit alone.
- Numbers prime to one another are those which are measured by an unit alone as a common measure.
- A composite number is that which is measured by some number.
- Numbers composite to one another are those which are measured by some number as a common measure.
- A number is said to multiply a number when that which is multiplied is added to itself as many times as there are units in the other, and thus some number is produced.
- And, when two numbers having multiplied one another make some number, the number so produced is called plane, and its sides are the numbers which have multiplied one another.
- And, when three numbers having multiplied one another make some number, the number so produced is solid, and its sides are the numbers which have multiplied one another.
- A square number is equal multiplied by equal, or a number which is contained by two equal numbers.
- And a cube is equal multiplied by equal and again by equal, or a number which is contained by three equal numbers.
- Numbers are proportional when the first is the same multiple, or the same part, or the same parts, of the second that the third is of the fourth.
- Similar plane and solid numbers are those which have their sides proportional.
- A perfect number is that which is equal to its own parts.
- 1926: Sir Thomas L. Heath: Euclid: The Thirteen Books of The Elements: Volume 2 (2nd ed.) ... (previous) ... (next): Book $\text{VII}$. Definitions