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This page is about crunode. For other uses, see node.


A crunode is a double point $P$ of the locus of an equation describing a curve which intersects itself in such a way that there are $2$ distinct tangents at $P$.


Folium of Descartes

Consider the folium of Descartes, given by the equation expressed in Cartesian coordinates as:

$x^3 + y^3 - 3 a x y = 0$


This has a crunode at $\tuple {0, 0}$.

Also known as

A crunode is also known as a node.

However, the term node has a number of different meanings, and hence its use in this context on $\mathsf{Pr} \infty \mathsf{fWiki}$ is deprecated.

Also see

  • Results about crunodes can be found here.
